WBB opens season with first practice

Kastanek has been playing very well this year and her stats from last night looks fine. However being a two-year bench player she likely does not have enough experience and poise in pressure situations. Jennings did bail Iowa out with huge plays last year and this year as well, but I guess compared to last year's Logic or Dixon she is still relatively green. Lack of senior leadership does appear to be a problem. Can't afford a class with no major contributors. Peschel played fine against weaker competitions, but she just seems slow, probably due to past injuries. Her minutes are dropping. Coach Bluder likes her rebounding, but I agree, I don't see why not give Stewart a try. I don't know if Mohns would have helped last night if she hadn't been injured. Certainly didn't against Iowa State. Buttenham still makes mistakes, and her scoring is down from last year -- perhaps this year she has to create her own shots? Last year she's the instant offense off the bench.
Kali's HS ACL injury may have limited to a certain degree her future potential and the physical wear and tear of playing a long arduous schedule could be possibly limiting her effectiveness and therefore her minutes. To her credit, her TO's are relatively low and her FT% is high. Also her efforts on defense may not be as obvious. Nevertheless she is a valuable role model and leader for the team.
It is impossible to determine just how much impact Carly could have had this year. Lisa talked confidently about her from last summer. I was looking forward to seeing how much she would improve from last year. Her injury was both unfortunate and disappointing. I really thought she was about to 'break out' at any time. Hopefully she can return 100% next year without 'skipping a beat' in her development.
Iowa has an abundance of forwards in their roster and I believe they will step up to fill Carly's minutes. Hannah was one that was mentioned by Lisa as a possible replacement. I am excited about her potential and would not be surprised if she still makes an impact off the bench for the team yet this year.
I think of Christina as more of a G/F in the mold of Ally. She just is not quite at that level yet (she just turned 19 at the beginning of the school year) and may have to wait until Ally graduates to really shine but I have little doubt she eventually will.
I agree with Cyberhawk. Today's game was an example of a young, inexperienced team going up against a team with several years of final four experience. With the senior leadership we had last year playing on the road, the game was much closer - a game the Hawks almost won. Not the same this year, but we did have an opportunity to see the future with Megan and Tania, and I was very happy to see Whitney break out of her slump. If she can have that confidence every game things would be really different. Once again we fell apart in fourth quarter scoring, so the coaching staff needs to figure out. GOOD news is that we never let them get the score above 20 pts. and we OUTREBOUNDED them! That in itself is a victory! These last two games can only help the team grow.
I was at that game last year. Iowa jumped to an 8-0 lead and led for much of the game. Iowa out scored Maryland from the floor but lost the game from the FT line. The officials whistled Iowa for a number of blocking fouls that were borderline in my opinion and probably would have been charges in CHA. Also in my opinion, there were some no calls (over-the-back, hand-checking etc) that could have been fouls on Maryland. I believe the outcome would have been different had the game been played in IC.
On the other hand, Maryland is clearly better than Iowa this year. That really is not true of the other three teams (GW, ISU and Michigan) Iowa lost to. In those three games Iowa had a number of leads and led for a majority of minutes. Iowa out scored GW in each of the first three quarters and had opportunities to win in regulation and overtime. Iowa out scored both ISU and Michigan in the second and third quarters, led at halftime and had large leads in the third quarter only to lose in the final minute. By contrast, Maryland lead from start to finish, out scored Iowa in all four quarters and basically steadily stretched their lead throughout the game.
Iowa's only chance to play Maryland again is in the B1G tournament. Iowa will no doubt improve by then. The question is can they improve enough to get them a potential rematch. I don't know but I hope so.
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I love this year's team, but I went into the season knowing that there would be growing pains. Last year's senior class was the most productive class in Iowa history, and the seniors averaged 90 minutes of the 200 minutes available in a game. That said, I have been eager to see the combination of Coley and Gustafson on the floor together. They remind me of the pairing of Morgan Johnson and Doolittle- complimentary in so many ways. Will we see more of that combination? Can we afford it, or do they primarily have to alternate on the floor? Currently they combine for 40 minutes/game, but against Maryland, they combined for 47 minutes with Gustafson getting 30 minutes. I can imagine them combining for 50-55 minutes, but it leaves us with no true center on the bench for relief.
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I love this year's team, but I went into the season knowing that there would be growing pains. Last year's senior class was the most productive class in Iowa history, and the seniors averaged 90 minutes of the 200 minutes available in a game. That said, I have been eager to see the combination of Coley and Gustafson on the floor together. They remind me of the pairing of Morgan Johnson and Doolittle- complimentary in so many ways. Will we see more of that combination? Can we afford it, or do they primarily have to alternate on the floor? Currently they combine for 40 minutes/game, but against Maryland, they combined for 47 minutes with Gustafson getting 30 minutes. I can imagine them combining for 50-55 minutes, but it leaves us with no true center on the bench for relief.
Excellent point conn53victor. I noticed that also. I believe it is the first time they had been on the court together at the same time. It appears that Chase played the 4 about eight minutes. This marks an interesting change in Lisa's substitution strategy. There is Nicole on the bench but it could mean that Lisa has more confidence in them and/or that Hanna is ready to contribute more minutes if necessary.
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Chase and Meagan are two of Iowa's best players. I was hoping they would use them together to get them on the court. Chase looked a little lost at the 4 but should get more comfortable with time. It makes sense. Not sure if it was just a function of Maryland's size or something they will do more often.
Unfortunately , it was the third game of the week and the team didn't have the energy left to stay with Maryland. Rutgers Monday, Michigan Thursday (and getting fogged in there), then a quick turn-around against MD
In the postgame on the radio, Bluder said that they have worked on Coley and Gustafson together, saying that the only way to get your two highest percentage shooters more minutes is to play them together. At least once, I saw Chase (hi-post) trying to feed Megan (low-post). Cool.
I don't think Nicole Smith is an option off the bench, or at least she has only played in blow outs. Claire Till will help some, but is inconsistent. I think they really miss Carly Mohns, and it would help to have her in the rotation when they play Chase and Megan together. I was hoping Hannah Stewart would get more minutes with Carly out.
Hawkeyes scored 6 points in the 4th quarter but still pulled out a win at Wisconsin, 57 to 54. Obviously the scoring was way down, and the 4th-quarter freeze was still apparent. Gustafson did not have a good name. Perhaps she's a bit over excited for returning to her home state. Kastanek also had a bad shooting night, made only 1 of 6 three-pointer attempts. It seems she rushed her shots quite a bit, like the last game against Maryland. One can only hope Iowa will bring another 16-point lead into the fourth quarter in their next game at Michigan State. That appears to be the margin of lead that Iowa needs at the start of the last quarter in order to survive the usual late game collapse;) Devin Marble's little sister plays back up point guard for Wisconsin. Several years ago Marcus Paige's big sister played for them.

On another note, the Badgers' announcers on BTN+ were quite good, not like the obnoxious Nebraska announcers.
Christina Buttenham had a nice game. I can see her getting more minutes.
They scored 1 point in the last 4:22. Six fouls in the first three minutes of the 4th. Quick threes, turnovers. Lex has to stop with the threes. She was hitting a good percentage, but now she fires them up without even looking at the basket. Her best play before this season was her drive to the hoop. She hardly does that anymore.
The team seems to build a lead and then everyone says, "Free time!" and starts taking threes instead of working the ball around. They get lazy on defense and give up layups and fouls. This is around 5 games where they have done this. You would think they would learn. As the game gets close they suddenly realize they could blow it and start to panic. Which leads to turnovers and missed shots.
They could be sitting at 16-1 instead of 13-4 if they fixed their 4th quarter woes.
Not much to add to oak's post. I don't know what has happened to Lex lately. She was playing great early, but not only is she rushing her shots and missing, she's a turnover machine lately.
I was hoping Stewart would be ready to contribute as a Freshman at the 4. She just must not be ready. Peschel is struggling. And...losing Mohns for this year is a bummer as she was really coming on! Maybe Coley can play the 4 more as the season goes on.

The Hawks need to learn how to be effective when playing on a big lead. I know they want to run...but with a big lead...they need to learn to play a little slower and score in the half court game. Work some clock, make good passes and finish. with fire like Disterhoft does every night!

Still a fun team to watch. Future is bright as they are a young team with some good guards coming next year.

Go Hawks!!!
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In the GTL last summer, Mohns looked like a quicker, faster Peschel. Sadly, we were due for the injury bug to pay another visit. :(
Let's hope the women can follow the men's lead and go into MSU and come away with a big win tomorrow. It will be tough, but with a strong 4th quarter, they can get it done. I am hoping for a big game out of KP...she could use one. Go Hawks!
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What happened to the Megan / Chase combo? MSU always rebounds well. This was the game it made sense. Instead MSU gets 17 offensive rebounds.
And Kali needs to come off the bench anyway.
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What happened to the Megan / Chase combo? MSU always rebounds well. This was the game it made sense. Instead MSU gets 17 offensive rebounds.
And Kali needs to come off the bench anyway.
Team continues to go to sleep in 4Q, don't know if it's conditioning, mental or what.
Actually the downward spiral started at the end of the 2nd Q and continued into the 3rd and 4th Qs. Turnovers and rebounding are problems, but points off of turnovers and points in the paint did them in today as well.
MSU is big, plays hard, and their roster is built to take advantage of how the womens game is usually called. That we were whistled for 5 more fouls is hilarious. We can beat them, but we seldom match up well with them.
Looks like playing 5 games in 12 days may be affecting the team, after all. Tired legs could be part of the reason for the 4th quarter collapses. Since this is the last of the 5 games, they started the collapse in the 3rd quarter.
They collapsed against GW and ISU earlier in the year. Tired legs has nothing to do with it. Poor coaching and below average athletes is the reason. This team is slow and lacks fight. No senior production doesn't help either.
I would say the collapse late in games may have to do more with inexperience than poor coaching and below average athletes. Of the three seniors, only one gets regular minutes. Our starting point guard isn't Sam Logic and is only a sophomore, our backup PG is only a freshman, we have sophomore and freshman post players and our leading scorer is a junior.
Five games with three on the road in 12 days is tough for any team, and this team has had some great moments being up by double digits in the second half, but hasn't figured out how to finish yet, and keeping the turnovers down. With a lot of the turnovers, I feel they happen as a result of laziness and poor communication. If Tania is getting caught from behind, and the ball ends up being stolen, why weren't other players communicating that an opposing player is closing in from behind? And a lack of awareness. I don't know if that is a result of this being a young team or not.
My hope is that they continue to grow throughout the B10 season and learn to work through those slumps and end up with victory at the end of the game. Seems they can do it against weaker teams (Wisconsin, but only by three and only scoring six in the 4th), but haven't learned to hang on to those leads against slightly stronger teams, or teams they should beat. Regardless, unless they lose every remaining game on their schedule, I don't doubt they make the tourney and continue their record for consecutive tournaments.
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I would say the collapse late in games may have to do more with inexperience than poor coaching and below average athletes. Of the three seniors, only one gets regular minutes. Our starting point guard isn't Sam Logic and is only a sophomore, our backup PG is only a freshman, we have sophomore and freshman post players and our leading scorer is a junior.
Five games with three on the road in 12 days is tough for any team, and this team has had some great moments being up by double digits in the second half, but hasn't figured out how to finish yet, and keeping the turnovers down. With a lot of the turnovers, I feel they happen as a result of laziness and poor communication. If Tania is getting caught from behind, and the ball ends up being stolen, why weren't other players communicating that an opposing player is closing in from behind? And a lack of awareness. I don't know if that is a result of this being a young team or not.
My hope is that they continue to grow throughout the B10 season and learn to work through those slumps and end up with victory at the end of the game. Seems they can do it against weaker teams (Wisconsin, but only by three and only scoring six in the 4th), but haven't learned to hang on to those leads against slightly stronger teams, or teams they should beat. Regardless, unless they lose every remaining game on their schedule, I don't doubt they make the tourney and continue their record for consecutive tournaments.
No doubt. That and the fact that four of the five were on the road against more experienced teams. (Three of those were in the opponents home court) Except for GW, Iowa had sizable double-digit leads. All four Iowa led for a majority of the games. All but MSU, Iowa had a chance late (in the closing seconds). Iowa still had a lead entering the fourth quarter against them and was beginning to adjust to the increased defensive intensity of MSU. Iowa just does not yet have the age and physical maturity yet to deal with the level of defensive intensity that is permitted in the B1G. But they will with time.
As for the rest of this season, they are gaining valuable experience with each and every game. The B1G schedule has been brutal thus far but Iowa will finish the regular season with five home games in their last seven. With a young team, the scheduled has not been ideal. Still, I believe they will be a better team down the stretch for it. The things that have been hurting them are all things that will improve as they gain more experience.
Certainly I was hoping they could win these games, but I was not expecting it. One could say that the way they lost is disappointing, but I say that because of their youth, it is encouraging. I still have faith in this team.
They scored 1 point in the last 4:22. Six fouls in the first three minutes of the 4th. Quick threes, turnovers. Lex has to stop with the threes. She was hitting a good percentage, but now she fires them up without even looking at the basket. Her best play before this season was her drive to the hoop. She hardly does that anymore.
The team seems to build a lead and then everyone says, "Free time!" and starts taking threes instead of working the ball around. They get lazy on defense and give up layups and fouls. This is around 5 games where they have done this. You would think they would learn. As the game gets close they suddenly realize they could blow it and start to panic. Which leads to turnovers and missed shots.
They could be sitting at 16-1 instead of 13-4 if they fixed their 4th quarter woes.
Great analysis, oakhawk. I have another question about our post defense, specifically Chase's. I applaud the improvement in her offensive game, but she has done something for two years now on defense that drives me crazy. She allows the opposing center to freely establish position in the paint first, and only then tries to play defense. By then it is too late. Maybe it worked in high school when she could just block everyone's shot, but in college it doesn't. I presume the coaches have worked with her. Or is there something about our defensive philosophy I am not seeing? Gustafson doesn't defend that way.
Bluder subdued ---- even after some really bad calls.
Ya know things ain't good.
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Iowa loses 90-73 playing seven players except for 2 minutes for Stewart
Disterhoft- 21 pts
Davis- 14 pts 7 assists
Buttenham- 14 pts
Coley- 8 rbd
PU came out with about as much intensity as I've ever seen from a BB team, men or women. It was as though the coaches were out on the floor with cattle prods to zap the first slacker. That, or they take this Iowa rival thing *really* seriously. Good on us to fight back and make it an almost even game mid-way through the 3rd, though we had some just flat terrible passes. Buttenham getting 27 minutes and playing well was the silver lining in this cloud
Is Kali Peschel injured, and if so what is the problem and how long will she be out?
I think this team is still trying to find the right combination and intensity. They lost three seniors who had started most of their career plus a 4th player that was already in med school and by all accounts a great leader and almost another coach. Lisa has a couple of outstanding recruiting classes so hopefully this is just a short blip for the 2015-16 season.

The men's team could have a very similar situation next year with losing 4 senior starters. We believe we have good reserves playing now and good RS and recruiting class coming, but until they are all on the court and being asked to do what seniors are doing, this is a big unknown. Loving this year, but being cautious about expectations going to 16-17 because of this need to mesh all the pieces in a different manner.
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I think this team is still trying to find the right combination and intensity. They lost three seniors who had started most of their career plus a 4th player that was already in med school and by all accounts a great leader and almost another coach. Lisa has a couple of outstanding recruiting classes so hopefully this is just a short blip for the 2015-16 season.

Time to stop using this as an excuse.
We played well this season, until the fourth quarter of the Michigan game. Whether it's a confidence issue, or whether it's something else, I do believe the problem is 75% mental. We did return two starters, the B1G 6th 'man' of the year, and a couple other players who played quite a bit, and we're 2/3 into the season. Not to mention we have a few top 100 recruits on the floor. Time to stop talking about who we lost. This team has the talent to win and proved it earlier in the year.

On one hand the Kali/Nicole suspension came at a terrible time. If there are non-physical issues plaguing this team, to have two seniors do something to warrant suspension does not help. On the other hand, it helped force Bluder's hand and made her switch up the lineup. That kind of shakeup was needed.

We need Kali and Lex to contribute if the season can be salvaged. Hopefully it just took this wake up call to do it! If we can find ourselves again, I believe OSU at home is the only game we can't win on the schedule. Go get em!
Nicole Smith also violated team rules?

Iowa again only scored 10 points in the fourth quarter. However, it felt like they fought harder than the Michigan and Wisconsin games and they did not panic as much. Maybe it's because they were not losing a lead this time.
REGAINING MOJO (no, not Morgan Johnson)

My definition of Mojo would be that confidence/swagger feeling that things are going to go your way, combined with talent and the will to win.

The Hawks seemed to have some carry-over of this “Mojo” at the beginning of the year from the incredible leadership of the previous seniors. The Hawks were confident they were going to have another great year.

They got some good wins but already a few signs were showing up that the carry-over was fading. It took a miracle 3pt shot to avoid a loss to Western Illinois, and several other games were closer than they should have been. But they won.

The first real hit was the loss to Iowa State. They had the game in hand and a double-digit lead going into the fourth quarter. This on a court where they hadn’t won in ten years. Then it all fell apart and they lost.

It was a big psychological hit. But they came back with some wins and started the Big Ten 2-0. So all seemed to be righting itself. Even with those wins though, the 4th quarter problems persisted. Losing much of a big lead at Nebraska, letting teams back into games. The psychological doubts continued to build, and what carry-over from last season that they had, evaporated. They began to hesitate, become mechanical, and doubt themselves. Because they played that way, their fears began to come true.

They now have to realize they don’t have last year’s Mojo to call on anymore. That is gone. It they want to turn it around they need to build their own. Establish a new point right now. Get back to believing in their talent (they have talent). Forget the bad games, focus on the future. Get a winning streak going. The schedule has been brutal with a lot of road games but will be in their favor down the stretch. The suspension of seniors didn’t help; new leaders need to step forward. Look to Ally. She hates to lose. Get that attitude. Trust in themselves. Fight their way through it. They can if they believe.
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Watched last night's game vs. Michigan. Overall Iowa played a good game. Both Coley and Gustafson had double doubles, and Tania Davis shot lights out. She also held Flaherty to 7 second half points (though she scored 31 for the game). Buttenham grabbed some big rebounds. I think Iowa should continue to play Coley and Gustafson together. Jennings did not play a good offensive game, but did shoot 8 for 8 at the free throw line in fourth quarter to seal the game. Perhaps Tania can be our 3-point specialist from now on.

A few things: Gustafson gets double and triple teams too easily. She needs to be decisive on her moves. She's best suited around the basket. Disterhoft looks quite slow, which was especially obvious on several occasions when she led a fast break. Coley's baseline jumper is deadly. Buttenham plays hard, but she needs to have better court vision. There's one occasion on a fast break with Buttenham a the point, Disterhoft was wide open for several seconds. Instead of passing to her, she held on to the ball for too long and ended up turning it over.
From the box score, looked like Peschel started but only played 3 minutes. Still in the doghouse, it would seem. Hope she can regain her 6th player form from last season. No minutes for Till again, wonder if her season is basically over.
From the box score, looked like Peschel started but only played 3 minutes. Still in the doghouse, it would seem. Hope she can regain her 6th player form from last season. No minutes for Till again, wonder if her season is basically over.
Peschel started, yet she only got three minutes. Strange. Perhaps she's being asked to play a certain way and can't / won't and then is back on the bench? Maybe an argument with coach about her role got her in trouble in the first place? Maybe it's what got her into her terrible funk in the first place? Pure speculation.

Glad to see them playing better, but a long way to go. It'll be a challenge to get to 9-9 (at least). Lex made a 3-pointer! :) Hope that gets her going again. Hope she and Peschel (and now Whit) all are able to pick it up.

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