This is the first week the coaches have been able to get out on the road to watch AAU since the beginning of the shut down and the next few weeks will be pretty active on the AAU front. Abby Emmert Stamp is in Indianapolis for the USJN Premier Showcase and Raina Harmon is in Louisville for TFN's Run 4 Roses Classic. Jan Jensen traveled somewhere but I'm not sure where yet (maybe the Mill City Invitational in Minneapolis?) and I believe Lisa Bluder is in Des Moines for the Battle of the Best tourney. All Iowa Attack is hosting that one so someone on this forum might be able to confirm if she's there.
I'll try to get together a list of teams/prospects that coaches are/might be watching over the course of the week.
Here’s what I’ve got so far. I’ll add to this post as the week goes on.
Battle of the Best (Lisa Bluder, Jan Jensen, Abby Emmert Stamp)
All Iowa Attack 11th EYBL (Bluder, Jensen, Stamp confirmed at games): Hannah Stuelke (2022 F - commit), Jada Gyamfi (2022 F -commit), Taylor McCabe (2022 G - commit), Sahara Williams (2023 F - offer), Halli Poock (2023 PG - no offer)
All Iowa Attack 10th EYBL (Bluder confirmed at game): Callie Levin (2024 G -offer), Journey Houston (2025 G/F - no offer)
Colorado Premier (Bluder confirmed at game): Maggie Mendelson (2023 6’5” C w/ offer - #21 in her class, probably a long shot since she is an elite volleyball prospect and apparently is looking into playing both in college), Marya Hudgins (2022 G - no offer)
Cy Select Wolves 2022: Audi Crooks (2023 C - offer)
Pure Prep Adidas 16U (Bluder and Jensen at game): Jenica Raine (2026 G - offer)
Elite Basketball (Nebraska) 9th (Bluder & Stamp confirmed at games. I think Jensen was too.): Britt Prince (2024 PG - offer)
Mill City Invitational (Jan Jensen)
Minnesota Fury 2024 UAA: Olivia Olson (2024 PG - offer)
Wisconsin Flight Elite U16 UAA: Julianna Ouimette (2023 G - no offer)
Run 4 The Roses Classic (Raina Harmon)
2022 Wolverinas (Illinois): Katy Eidle (2023 G - offer), Emily Fisher (2023 G - offer)
2022 Bradley Beal Elite: Saniah Tyler (2022 PG - offer)
The Cut - Louisville (Raina Harmon)
Sports City U (Ohio): Amiyah Reynolds (2023 F - offer)