Just meant that it wasn't solely Chinese coming here. Lots were already on their way. Some routed through other countries to avoid the travel ban. Lots of holes in the policy, too many exceptions without quarantine. A lot of people who came in at that time self-quarantined for a week thinking that was good enough. Unfortunately.Do not understand your comment because what does it matter if those coming back into the US were US citizens or not? If you traveled the globe like some of us you would understand how much human movement there actually is. This virus was here long before the media driven panic and shutdown. That’s why these ’models’ were based on unsound data in the first place. But it made for great narrative for media and lots of attention and face time while crippling many others.
Here’s some text from the article from the hot spot of China....
Those travelers from China included more than 228,000 Americans returning home and hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals arriving for business, academics, tourism or to visit family.