What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

Busing wasn't about putting black kids and white kids on the same bus. That had been happening for years. It was about integrating schools by busing kids to schools away from their neighborhoods. There was racism involved with some of the opposition, but others were just opposed to their young children being shipped across town to attend school when in the past their school was within walking distance.

Joe has made some racist sounding statements like the ones you mentioned above, I chalk it up to his age which doesn't make it right. I think the fact that most of the black members of congress support him says they trust him to enact policies that are not racist.

Busing wasn't about putting black kids and white kids on the same bus. That had been happening for years. It was about integrating schools by busing kids to schools away from their neighborhoods. There was racism involved with some of the opposition, but others were just opposed to their young children being shipped across town to attend school when in the past their school was within walking distance.

Joe has made some racist sounding statements like the ones you mentioned above, I chalk it up to his age which doesn't make it right. I think the fact that most of the black members of congress support him says they trust him to enact policies that are not racist.
Sorry, but Joe opposed busing his white kids with black kids because...and I quote "Unless we do something about this, MY childern are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." This is not debatable.

Now, if this had been something Trump would have said you (and other Biden apologist) would have gone ballistic....and for good reason. But instead you all just give him a pass by saying "well, look at the times". This is a crock. There were REAL reformers who were actually working on ALL civil rights, whether it affected their family or not. He ONLY worked on racial equality when it benifited him with more votes. Cripes, he and Jesse Helms would pals.

Again, his true colors have been shown many times, but Dems just turn the other way. None of this is hard to verify for anyone who doesn't have blinders on. And as I have said already.....we have two Sh!tty choices.....but Joe is a complete vegetable.
Sorry, but Joe opposed busing his white kids with black kids because...and I quote "Unless we do something about this, MY childern are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." This is not debatable.

Now, if this had been something Trump would have said you (and other Biden apologist) would have gone ballistic....and for good reason. But instead you all just give him a pass by saying "well, look at the times". This is a crock. There were REAL reformers who were actually working on ALL civil rights, whether it affected their family or not. He ONLY worked on racial equality when it benifited him with more votes. Cripes, he and Jesse Helms would pals.

Again, his true colors have been shown many times, but Dems just turn the other way. None of this is hard to verify for anyone who doesn't have blinders on. And as I have said already.....we have two Sh!tty choices.....but Joe is a complete vegetable.
I think you need to understand the context. Joe said a similar quote in a 1977 hearing, however he was advocating at the time for achieving racial integration through affordable housing rather than busing, The New York Times found in an analysis “of thousands of documents” from that period. It also led him to join with segregationist senators such as Jesse Helms to oppose U.S. Department of Education funding for busing.

Biden sought an "orderly integration of society," not just integration in schools, the records show. He feared busing would anger white people whose children would be sent to “inferior” schools in urban neighborhoods and from black people, whose children would come to resent conditions in the “ghetto,” the Times reported.

Maybe it was racist, but can you explain to me why the majority of black leaders support Biden or Obama chose him as his VP if they believe he is racist? (By the way I never once mentioned the other candidate in this discussion. If you want me to elaborate on Trump's "racist" behavior I can, but I was trying to stay on topic.)
Liberals need to keep their eye on the ball. Trump is the least of your problems, dems are eating dems if you haven’t noticed. I believe righting the ship is the first priority then start attacking. Biden as captain isn’t going to get you there.
They’re idiots. They can’t wait to prove it.
I'm crying I'm laughing so hard at this response. How is it possible you morons bury your heads so far into the sand? It is quite ****ing remarkable
I'm crying I'm laughing so hard at this response. How is it possible you morons bury your heads so far into the sand? It is quite ****ing remarkable
Wow. The leftist intelligentsia comes out swinging and crushes me with a fact filled broadside. I’m going home. Ignorance on your part is truly bliss. While I’m gone read Georges Sorel to understand how the socialist movement uses his ideas of myth and violence when traditional avenues have failed. Worked to perfection in the 500+ riots in 2020. If Trump wins, they’ll do it again and try to blow up the country. Americans are sick of the left’s antics. It’s why Trump can and probably will win this election.
I think you need to understand the context. Joe said a similar quote in a 1977 hearing, however he was advocating at the time for achieving racial integration through affordable housing rather than busing, The New York Times found in an analysis “of thousands of documents” from that period. It also led him to join with segregationist senators such as Jesse Helms to oppose U.S. Department of Education funding for busing.

Biden sought an "orderly integration of society," not just integration in schools, the records show. He feared busing would anger white people whose children would be sent to “inferior” schools in urban neighborhoods and from black people, whose children would come to resent conditions in the “ghetto,” the Times reported.

Maybe it was racist, but can you explain to me why the majority of black leaders support Biden or Obama chose him as his VP if they believe he is racist? (By the way I never once mentioned the other candidate in this discussion. If you want me to elaborate on Trump's "racist" behavior I can, but I was trying to stay on topic.)
This is exactly what I mean. Anytime someone calls out something truthful, but damaging about a candidate that they like, that person is met with the same responses from that persons supporters. Phrases like "you need to understand the context" and "understand the time back then" are (most of the time) cop-outs.

The quote that I referenced absolutly was in lock step with his quote about not wanting HIS kids in the jungle. There is no debate. Again, there are other examples I could point to on Biden. Now, party and power over truth is the simple reason for the examples you stated for why Obama chose him and why black Dems support him. BOTH parties are guilty of this.

He stated he wanted the STATES to make that decision and not the FEDERAL government. If he truly would have wanted to work on an "orderly integration of society", which in and of itself is a racist statement, he would have said we need to change the federal push to make that happen so that it was in an orderly way. Instead, he wanted to make sure HIS state was not going to be affected.

And, there was no reason for you to bring up Trump in this conversation. First, I never said he was clean on this (see my prior post on what I think about him), and second, doing so on your part would only reinforce the claimes that all that happens to divert attention from "your guy's" issues is to counter with Whataboutism.

Support him as much as you want....I simply will continue to be pissed about the horrific two choices we have to pick from.
Oh shut the **** up, goober. The majority of the country disagrees with overturning it. Sickening comparison between slavery and abortion.
For supposedly being the party of the educated, your side has real reading comprehension issues. I wasn't comparing baby murder to slavery, I was destroying the argument that precedent was a good reason to keep baby murder legal.
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Wow. The leftist intelligentsia comes out swinging and crushes me with a fact filled broadside. I’m going home. Ignorance on your part is truly bliss. While I’m gone read Georges Sorel to understand how the socialist movement uses his ideas of myth and violence when traditional avenues have failed. Worked to perfection in the 500+ riots in 2020. If Trump wins, they’ll do it again and try to blow up the country. Americans are sick of the left’s antics. It’s why Trump can and probably will win this election.

Nice return fire broadside of alternative fakts.
Support him as much as you want....I simply will continue to be pissed about the horrific two choices we have to pick from.
Being pissed is fine, but right now there are only two choices for President that have a chance to win. We may get a replacement for Biden or not. I'm voting for the Democratic ticket no matter what because it is the only option to keep the con man that only cares about himself out of the White House.

You can stand on your principles and opt not to vote, but it won't change anything. I'll live in reality and vote.
Being pissed is fine, but right now there are only two choices for President that have a chance to win. We may get a replacement for Biden or not. I'm voting for the Democratic ticket no matter what because it is the only option to keep the con man that only cares about himself out of the White House.

You can stand on your principles and opt not to vote, but it won't change anything. I'll live in reality and vote.
I also live in reality. And, as pissed as I am I most likely will stay home. But, if I do decide to vote I will most likely will find myself voting for policy over dementia. And, as my wife said to me, our family did way better under Trump's policies then Biden's. But, this should NEVER have come to this.

Now, I would argue that Biden NOT getting out of the race shows just how much he cares about ONLY HIMSELF. And, of course I (like many others on both sides) now think Jill and Hunter and his staff need to be held accountable for what is going on with him. Just terrible.
We have lawsuits going forward in court that were pulled allegedly because of threats to the person pursuing the lawsuit. We have new document drops of Epstein tapes that suggest Trump was involved was involved with forced sex acts of children. And we have interviews where Trump is asked about Epstein and his demeanor suddenly changes to defensiveness and the great desire to change the subject.

Legally we all know Trump is protected. But what are the actual odds that he was involved in child rape?
Most likely true.

And won’t matter regardless.

Let’s go America! 🙄
I also live in reality. And, as pissed as I am I most likely will stay home. But, if I do decide to vote I will most likely will find myself voting for policy over dementia. And, as my wife said to me, our family did way better under Trump's policies then Biden's. But, this should NEVER have come to this.

Now, I would argue that Biden NOT getting out of the race shows just how much he cares about ONLY HIMSELF. And, of course I (like many others on both sides) now think Jill and Hunter and his staff need to be held accountable for what is going on with him. Just terrible.
Dude you were always going to vote for Trump anyway.
I also live in reality. And, as pissed as I am I most likely will stay home. But, if I do decide to vote I will most likely will find myself voting for policy over dementia. And, as my wife said to me, our family did way better under Trump's policies then Biden's. But, this should NEVER have come to this.

Now, I would argue that Biden NOT getting out of the race shows just how much he cares about ONLY HIMSELF. And, of course I (like many others on both sides) now think Jill and Hunter and his staff need to be held accountable for what is going on with him. Just terrible.
How did your family do better under Trump? If you are talking about inflation that was coming after Covid regardless of which party led the country. Every country in the world is experiencing inflation right now with the US making the best recovery.

Are you in favor of abortion and IVF bans?
Flick, what if I told you your life, even if Trump gets elected, will be essentially the same four years from now? Would I be crazy?
You have zero way of knowing that - it is merely what you hope.

I rarely believe what comes out of Trump’s mouth, but I do think he’s planning on a campaign of “retribution” if reelected as he said and shit is going to get really dicey.
How did your family do better under Trump? If you are talking about inflation that was coming after Covid regardless of which party led the country. Every country in the world is experiencing inflation right now with the US making the best recovery.

Are you in favor of abortion and IVF bans?
Watching the president come into work at 10:30 everyday during the height of COVID, tell everyone that bleach in our veins might cure it, then jetting off to play golf 3 days a week is the kind of leadership that we need to get back to, apparently.
Would it matter to you? Seriously, use logic. The fact that he sexually assaults women isn’t a dealbreaker for you. Would it be when it’s proven he raped girls? I assume you’re too deep into the cult. Again, are you telling us the serial sexual assaults are just no big deal to you? That’s your guy??
He’s fine with old hag 18 year olds being raped by Trump. He DRAWS THE LINE at kids though 😂
I also live in reality. And, as pissed as I am I most likely will stay home. But, if I do decide to vote I will most likely will find myself voting for policy over dementia. And, as my wife said to me, our family did way better under Trump's policies then Biden's. But, this should NEVER have come to this.

Now, I would argue that Biden NOT getting out of the race shows just how much he cares about ONLY HIMSELF. And, of course I (like many others on both sides) now think Jill and Hunter and his staff need to be held accountable for what is going on with him. Just terrible.
I'm always curious when people make statements like this. Specifically, which policies of Trump and of Biden are you referring to? When answering this, take into consideration the overall state of both the country and the world when each took office.
Watching the president come into work at 10:30 everyday during the height of COVID, tell everyone that bleach in our veins might cure it, then jetting off to play golf 3 days a week is the kind of leadership that we need to get back to, apparently.
You're just gonna keep pushing that lie huh? I mean even CNN debunked it but you and Joe can hold dicks and circle jerk that lie until you both climax
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Really? Pretty sure the South still hasn’t. At least a great number of them.
Your ignorance is shocking. Rural Iowa is the most racist place I’ve ever been and I’ve lived in 3 major US cities in 3 southern states over the last two decades. Rural Iowa is the only place I’ve ever seen a black person called by the N word to their face.

The south moved on generations ago and ignorant, inexperienced fools from the northeast and Midwest, which both have ridiculous levels of racism, love to convince themselves that Klan is running wild and burning crosses all over the south.
Which part are you saying is a lie? Certainly, not the entire post.
He's pushing a narrative that Trump suggested to the American people to try injecting bleach into their arms. A lie often repeated by Joe with zero push back.

The way they tell it, it's like DT held a press conference and said " our health experts have tried using bleach to cure covid, with amazing results, everyone should go buy syringes from walgreens, and put 10CC into your arm."

When everyone who heard what he said knows that's not even close. It's like saying the WH staff uses Tide Pods to clean his laundry to get out his fat boy McDonald's stains and it works great, and somehow that meant to eat tide pods.
Usually you claim if big media is reporting something then it’s most likely false. Now you’re contradicting that position.

You’re not OiT, you’re our newest GIAOT superhero, The Waffler.
I tend to think the marching orders are to get rid of Joe, they can hold onto damning info on Trump until they need it, especially if it compromises Bill Clinton or other notorious entities.
Usually you claim if big media is reporting something then it’s most likely false. Now you’re contradicting that position.

You’re not OiT, you’re our newest GIAOT superhero, The Waffler.
ok, since the big media is not currently making up all kinds of fantastical lies, and fantasies, like they usually do.... it's most likely false. until we see lies and fantasies. they seem to be fixated on telling lies about biden.

how's that?
He's pushing a narrative that Trump suggested to the American people to try injecting bleach into their arms. A lie often repeated by Joe with zero push back.

The way they tell it, it's like DT held a press conference and said " our health experts have tried using bleach to cure covid, with amazing results, everyone should go buy syringes from walgreens, and put 10CC into your arm."

When everyone who heard what he said knows that's not even close. It's like saying the WH staff uses Tide Pods to clean his laundry to get out his fat boy McDonald's stains and it works great, and somehow that meant to eat tide pods.
Trump would eat Tide pods. He's that stupid. There is a reason Fred Trump sent Donald off to military school when he was in danger of flunking out of high school. Donald is a dummy. He's what he despises, a rich kid who keeps getting by in life because of his old man's money.
He's pushing a narrative that Trump suggested to the American people to try injecting bleach into their arms. A lie often repeated by Joe with zero push back.

The way they tell it, it's like DT held a press conference and said " our health experts have tried using bleach to cure covid, with amazing results, everyone should go buy syringes from walgreens, and put 10CC into your arm."

When everyone who heard what he said knows that's not even close. It's like saying the WH staff uses Tide Pods to clean his laundry to get out his fat boy McDonald's stains and it works great, and somehow that meant to eat tide pods.
At least you're not trying to refute he came to work late and left early to go to one of his clubs to golf (and gouge the taxpayers with exorbitant prices for the rooms for the SS officers).

Watching the president come into work at 10:30 everyday during the height of COVID, tell everyone that bleach in our veins might cure it, then jetting off to play golf 3 days a week is the kind of leadership that we need to get back to, apparently.
He's pushing a narrative that Trump suggested to the American people to try injecting bleach into their arms. A lie often repeated by Joe with zero push back.

The way they tell it, it's like DT held a press conference and said " our health experts have tried using bleach to cure covid, with amazing results, everyone should go buy syringes from walgreens, and put 10CC into your arm."

When everyone who heard what he said knows that's not even close. It's like saying the WH staff uses Tide Pods to clean his laundry to get out his fat boy McDonald's stains and it works great, and somehow that meant to eat tide pods.
You’re right. Trump said disinfectant. Totally makes it better. JFC.
He's pushing a narrative that Trump suggested to the American people to try injecting bleach into their arms. A lie often repeated by Joe with zero push back.

The way they tell it, it's like DT held a press conference and said " our health experts have tried using bleach to cure covid, with amazing results, everyone should go buy syringes from walgreens, and put 10CC into your arm."

When everyone who heard what he said knows that's not even close. It's like saying the WH staff uses Tide Pods to clean his laundry to get out his fat boy McDonald's stains and it works great, and somehow that meant to eat tide pods.
Wait…you’re lying.
Wait…you’re lying.
No, I'm not. Yes Trump mentioned disinfectants in relation to covid, yes he said it's something to look into as far as using it, he never suggested anyone should try it. He said scientists should look into it. He promoted out of the box thinking for a novel virus. It was a dumb thing to ponder publicly, but not as dumb as the people who believe he suggested anyone injest or injecting bleach or continue to spread that lie.
Anyone know who the girls were in the picture with Trump on Epstein’s plane? They seemed like they were under 18.
I was VERY young at the time of his term, and you may be right about what you are saying, but Presidents will be remembered mostly for their success or failures in guiding their country through the worst of times while they are in office.
I don't know anything about his personal life - but I've always wondered how Carter's presidency gets remembered if the rescue attempt of the Iranian hostages had been a success.

For sure I'd wager he gets re-elected, and then what happens to Reagan after that?

I've always loved what if scenarios.