What are your recurring nightmares?

Apr 30, 2012
Aside from the usual horrible ones where something happens to your wife/kids I mean.

I have one where I’m sitting at a poker table and keep misreading my hole cards. Sometimes because I’m drunk, sometimes I swear I’m sober. I’ll look down and confirm a good hand, bet it, and when I look down again it’s rags.

Also have one where I’m going down in a plane crash. That one has developed into a meta-nightmare, where I’m in it and thinking wow I’ve had a nightmare about this but it’s actually coming true.
I have, one way or another, conquered some type of flight or jetpack tech or leaping ability that allows me to get hundreds of thousands of feet in the air in a seemingly controlled fashion until I look down and realize I'm not a plane nor flying animal nor otherwise in control and start plunging toward the earth. Never splat or wake up, the next dream just sort of starts sometime while I'm accelerating back down to earth at approx 9.8 meters per second squared.
This, at OP’s mom’s house.

take a number waiting GIF
I have, one way or another, conquered some type of flight or jetpack tech or leaping ability that allows me to get hundreds of thousands of feet in the air in a seemingly controlled fashion until I look down and realize I'm not a plane nor flying animal nor otherwise in control and start plunging toward the earth. Never splat or wake up, the next dream just sort of starts sometime while I'm accelerating back down to earth at approx 9.8 meters per second squared.
I have a similar one

Maybe more frequents one where I see passenger jets in the air that crash. Many of them crash, slowly, struggling to stay up but eventually turn down into a fiery disaster. I have that one enough to know how to wake myself up and get out of it. I’m not on the jets, just seeing them fall out of the sky.
I have a similar one

Maybe more frequents one where I see passenger jets in the air that crash. Many of them crash, slowly, struggling to stay up but eventually turn down into a fiery disaster. I have that one enough to know how to wake myself up and get out of it. I’m not on the jets, just seeing them fall out of the sky.
Have you seen the plane crash scene in Station 11? Don’t.
Aside from the usual horrible ones where something happens to your wife/kids I mean.

I have one where I’m sitting at a poker table and keep misreading my hole cards. Sometimes because I’m drunk, sometimes I swear I’m sober. I’ll look down and confirm a good hand, bet it, and when I look down again it’s rags.

Also have one where I’m going down in a plane crash. That one has developed into a meta-nightmare, where I’m in it and thinking wow I’ve had a nightmare about this but it’s actually coming true.
That I’m getting ready for things like a baseball game, or football game, or work, but I can’t find anything I need. By the time I get there it’s halftime or lunch.
I haven’t. But even those videos of a plane going down at an air show or something like that really stick with me.
I have, one way or another, conquered some type of flight or jetpack tech or leaping ability that allows me to get hundreds of thousands of feet in the air in a seemingly controlled fashion until I look down and realize I'm not a plane nor flying animal nor otherwise in control and start plunging toward the earth. Never splat or wake up, the next dream just sort of starts sometime while I'm accelerating back down to earth at approx 9.8 meters per second squared.
I have something similar where I'm flying through the air then realize it that's when I wake up
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Also sometimes still get drunk in my dreams before I realize I'm relapsing like I forgot I quit and those ones wake me up in a panic occasionally.
I used to be a blackout drunk in my earlier years. I do sometimes have one even now where I’m making a drunk fool of myself in front of my family and others I love. That actually may be my worst one now that you mention it.
This sounds like how I actually lived college IRL. Amirite guys?
I lived on the edge a little, but never got that bad. I was actually 3 credits short at the end of Sr. year. I took a correspondence course (a cheesy Math elective) just to get to 130 credits or whatever it was.

Maybe it has something to do with that. I just wake up and go “huh? I’ve had my bachelors for over 30 years”.
I’m a teacher. I frequently have nightmares where I have absolutely no control over a classroom. No management strategy works and the room becomes more and more chaotic.

I also used to direct plays/musicals and I’d have nightmares that I had to take over a production midway through and it would be a complete mess. I hate teacher nightmares. I wouldn’t wake up terrified, but instead frustrated to the point of tears.

Oh, and when I was about 5-6, I would have a nightly dream where I was being brought in front of the devil. Red figure with horns, bifurcated tail, red pitchfork, the whole thing. Reading Childhood’s End really messed me up.
My nightmare is being stopped by Newton Nathan and being asked to perform a field sobriety test.

Of course I pass the test and proceed to be handcuffed and carted off to the pokey.
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A couple times a year I’ll have a dream where a take a curve on a mountain road too fast and launch off the side of the mountain. I just have enough time one to say that I’m sorry to my family.
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I have a dream where I have to get somewhere by plane. Where I am going and why I am going is never understood other than it’s always very urgent.

I can never seem to navigate the airport to find my gate. Like if I am looking for gate 10 I will easily find gates 9 and 11, but never the one I need. The dream tends to be lengthy, I will wander for what seems like hours at a time, always worried my plane will leave without me.

Like OP said above, every once in a while I will think “this is just like those awful dreams I have” while still in the dream. I am never smart enough to snap out of it.
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Kind of a nightmare, but my own really.

Anytime there is a problem I'm facing (new tool being deployed as the most recent example), I have weird problem solving dreams. I just can never solve the problem. The closer I get, the more strange the problem becomes.
Not so much a nightmare but I get sleep paralysis. I'm awake and can look around the room and I can't move. It's the most horrifying experience ever and I'm convinced that some day that is how my death is going to be. I think I'm dying every time.
As a child, I had one about a giant garden spider attacking and eating me. Woke up to find out I"d rolled out of bed onto the floor and what's looking at me? A garden spider.

To this day, I"m terrified of spiders--all kinds. CSB
I had a nightmare about an attacking owl as a child. Surprisingly, it's the only dream I still remember to this day and subsequently owls kinda freak me out.

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Not so much a nightmare but I get sleep paralysis. I'm awake and can look around the room and I can't move. It's the most horrifying experience ever and I'm convinced that some day that is how my death is going to be. I think I'm dying every time.

Sleep paralysis has happened to me many times. I used to sleep on my back.

Try sleeping on your left or right side. I sleep on my left side and my sleep paralysis is gone.

As a child, I had one about a giant garden spider attacking and eating me. Woke up to find out I"d rolled out of bed onto the floor and what's looking at me? A garden spider.

To this day, I"m terrified of spiders--all kinds. CSB

Spiders are mostly harmless to humans. They eat bugs and mosquitos.

Spiders rock!

As a child, I had one about a giant garden spider attacking and eating me. Woke up to find out I"d rolled out of bed onto the floor and what's looking at me? A garden spider.

To this day, I"m terrified of spiders--all kinds. CSB
When I was a child I often had a dream i was in some old timey saloon bar fight and i would swing across the bar on a wagon wheel chandelier on a rope only to be bit in the arm by my classmate.