What Do You Think We'll See This Weekend against 'clones?


HR Heisman
Jan 27, 2013
Serious, smart-ass, clever, thoughtful, outrageous, dumb, wild. Whatever you've got.
An outstanding defensive effort. Great special teams. I’m not sure how the offense will do, I’ll leave that to the experts.
I predict that Brian curls up in a fetal position along the sidelines after Spencer's 3rd interception and yet the Hawks still prevail 13-10 on 3 drives totalling 22 yards. That's all I got.
I get the negativity blanket hanging over the offense, but how about an even mildly positive outlook?

It's an understatement to say I'm not feeling good about the O after that performance. And, I won't say that it can't get any worse because that's not true.
However, even though it's essentially blind optimism, I'm going to believe that the old cliche about team's improvement between week 1 and 2 is going to hold for this group. It may still not be pretty, but it will be less ugly than what we saw Saturday.
I have been looking for noticeable changes in the offense for years, so highly doubt anything changes next Saturday. Including the starting QB.
For KF it'll be same old "offense." Ya know what they say: Even if it's broke, don't fix it.

Me? Well, I'm not a football coach. I don't even play one on TV, but I do have some goofy notions so . . .

First play of the game--four choices:
(1) Hook and lateral, Petras to LaPorta to Bruce
(2) flea-flicker
(3) Full-house backfield, fake counter, bomb to Wick
(4) Punt -- get our best unit on the field for as long as possible and see how many safeties they can rack up this week

And then go from there. Enjoy.
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Things are never as bleak or as great as they seem - especially with Iowa football. I expect we’ll see a MUCH better effort by the offense this week and pull out a close, hard-fought W. Something like 16-13.
Things are never as bleak or as great as they seem - especially with Iowa football. I expect we’ll see a MUCH better effort by the offense this week and pull out a close, hard-fought W. Something like 16-13.
So defense 2 pick 6's... and a safety? I like it!!