What Gannett (and Lee, and Gatehouse and other newspaper chains) is doing to kill local news is even WORSE than you think


HR King
Gold Member
Eye-opening, sad and bad for democracy:

At the end of 2018 — the last full pre-merger year — the two companies had a total of 27,600 employees, according to a Gannett spokesperson. The merger closed in mid-November 2019, by which time it had about 25,000 and was diving headlong into a hunt for “inefficiencies.”

By December 31, 2019, the combined company was down to 21,255. By the end of 2020, that had dropped to 18,141. A year later: 13,800. And its most recent SEC filing reports that, as of the end of 2022, Gannett had just 11,200 employees remaining.

In other words, Gannett has eliminated 59% of its jobs in four years. It’s as if, instead of merging America’s two largest newspaper chains, one of them was simply wiped off the face of the earth.

And what does destroying your news reporting apparatus gain you?

Massive, massive subscriber anger and abandonment.

Here is the change in paid subscribers at select Gannett papers (including Register) from 2018-2022:


Every Gannett paper here saw a circulation decline of at least 52%. The average drop across these papers is an incredible 67%. [See update below.] They’ve lost two-thirds of their paying readers in four years’ time.

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