What is your national heritage? Where did your ancestors come from?

Those borders changed hands so much. If the French side is from the eastern French region of Alsace Loraine and your other side is Luxembourg I would call that side 100% German as that side is most likely descended from Germanic tribes.

Would be hard to differentiate genetically since Central Europe is such a crossroads. Plus, there’s been a lot of migration within Germany and the historic German speaking lands, that it would be difficult to accurately pinpoint a “German” marker. I’ve always thought that “German” was more of a culture with a shared language than an genetically predisposed ethnicity unless you go way back to the ancient tribes a thousand years back or more.
Gypsies were people who left India and settled near Romania etc. aka the "Roma" people. My peeps came from Europe and hung out in the Kashmir area. These days you can still find light skin Indians there who have blue and green eyes. Even towns in India are named after these people.

For example Sikandar in Hindi means Alexander. Sikandarabad literally means town of Alexander. i.e. dude was there at sometime. Ironically, ole Alex, either due to fatigue, issues with his loverboy or both, was tired when he hit India/area of Pakistan. Neither had his cavalry faced troubles like crossing the Hindu Kush mountains (brutal) and then Indian kings on mounted armored elephants. He was wounded in India and went back towards Greece and died in transit.
Maternal Grandparents: Cuba (Prior to being born and raised there - their ancestors came from Spain & Portugal. My grandmother's father was from Chinese heritage. His father is from Canton who lived in Spain and then whose family moved to Cuba)

Paternal Grandparents: Cuba (uncertain of farther ancestral ties prior to being born and raised in Cuba. My aunt - father's sister - did a 23&Me kit and it showed Mediterranean and Iberian Peninsula on my grandfathers side).

Father - Cuba (came to Miami in Operation Pedro Pan in 1962)
Mother - Born in the US after my grandparents came here before Castro

I did my 23andMe test and I am pretty much all over the place. I am a little bit of everything.
His grandmother was Dutch.

@TarponSpringsNole Have you checked out the Know Your Roots episode with Greek Americans? It was Tina Fey, David Sedaris, and George Stephanapolous. You’re a small minority in America, but they all had boss ancestors. George had one of the anti-Nazi Greek Resistance leaders in his direct ancestors.
@TarponSpringsNole Have you checked out the Know Your Roots episode with Greek Americans? It was Tina Fey, David Sedaris, and George Stephanapolous. You’re a small minority in America, but they all had boss ancestors. George had one of the anti-Nazi Greek Resistance leaders in his direct ancestors.

No. Sure haven’t. Haven’t heard of this show.
Wasn't most of western Turkey Greek prior to Ottoman times?

Yes. Most Greeks have some Turkish blood in them. Just like the reason African-Americans usually have some Caucasian, it was often due to force during enslavement.

No. Sure haven’t. Haven’t heard of this show.

PBS. Check it out if you have Amazon Prime.
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Mostly German-Greek, my paternal grandmother's family came over from a small community in Pelopennese. Everybody else is pretty much German.
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Seems like the whole region is a Mediterranean melting pot. Would be interesting to compare the genetics with someone from Beirut, Cyprus or Sicily etc.
One of my Grandfather's was from Canada but we don't know where they came from before then.

The rest of us were just a bunch of poor people and have no clue where we came from past North Carolina. lol

One of these days I'd love to have the time to invest in properly tracking it back through one of those genealogy sites. But right now that's no option.
It costs like $60 or $70 on i did mine for $99 unaware that they routinely run huge discounts.
Father....Canadian (Blackfoot)
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Dutch, 100% Sioux County born and bred.

I left the reservation and married a German/Irish/Norwegian/Swede
Currently a bonafide European Mutt from

England, Wales & Northwestern Europe 47%
European Jewish 21%
Italy 20%
Ireland & Scotland 4%
France 3%
Norway 3%
Sardinia 1%
Greece & the Balkans 1%

They update the results every so often as they get more user data, so it was quite the surprise a yr ago when they said I had some African, Indian and Iraqi blood lol!

Older minority % results-
Caucasus 4%
Europe East 3%
Iberian Peninsula 3%
Asia South 1%
Africa North <1%
Scandinavia <1%
Pretty much. Yes.

Interesting about Kalymnos:
The Italians had their turn as well which is why some friends of mine from there have 40%+ Italian DNA.

Do you celebrate Greek Easter? Our family separated from the Greek Church but we still eat Greek traditional foods on the traditional Easter.
Edit: I'm not religious at all, I do like Easter.
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maternal grandfather - Bohemian.... or as he would like to say "I am 100% Bohunk."
maternal grandmother - Norwegian/Swedish but quite a few others mixed in.
paternal grandfather - German
paternal grandmother - English, Scottish, Irish
My known ancestry is Western European (English, German). I have a dark complexion and blue eyes, so I'm often confused as Middle Eastern or Mediterranean.

We recently gave my mom (no pics) an ancestry kit for her birthday. It will be interesting to see what the results show.