What is your social media guilty pleasure - Video Edition


HR Heisman
Gold Member
Nov 24, 2004
We've all done it - scrolling through social media and for whatever reason some algorithm shows you a video that captures your attention. It's not something you've ever been interested in before, but you watch it, and the algorithm picks up on that and shows you more, and before you know it, you're regularly watching videos of something you'd never have looked at normally.

For me I've found myself watching a lot of the following, and none of these things ever interested me much before, but I still watch them and even follow some:
  • Aquaholic - Nick, a British guy, gives tours of yachts and super yachts. I have no desire to own a yacht, but it's interesting to see what the wealthy live like and what choices they have. He also has a channel called Motoholic where he tours RVs
  • Pawn Man - Less douchy version of the Pawn Stars. Guy owns a shop (not a pawn shop tho) in Minnesota and posts little history facts about things that come into his store.
  • First Amendment Audits - These are ok, but most of the guys doing them are complete douches who go and incite trouble. I'm not about disrespecting law enforcement. Long Island Audit and Big Nick Florida are good ones that do it right. I've learned a lot about my civil rights and how to interact with police.
  • Van life - Tours of people giving tours of their van/bus/tiny home on wheels. Not something I'd ever do, but neat to see the different designs.
  • Michael Blakely - This is my latest, and I don't know how it got in front of me, but he goes around to various luxury watch shops and tell his viewers about them. Insane what these things cost but it is neat to see. I have, and never have had, any desire to own a luxury watch.

Besides filthy porn, I'm curious what rabbit holes GIAOT users have gone down and enjoyed when it comes to these unexpected videos in your social media feeds?
For awhile a lot of videos were popping up of ex-cons describing what it's really like in prison and I watched every one of them.

Oh and there's Eoin Reardon, and Irish woodworker that I always watch for some reason
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There's 2 types that basically take over. Outdoor cooking videos (Grill, smoker, campfire, etc) and fishing videos. If I've got a night to myself, and I've been drinking at all, I can sit there watching those for awhile before I realize what I've been doing.
Tactical Bassin
Bass HQ
Wired to Fish
Scott Martin
Debos Fishing (Iowa guy!)
Brian Latimer
Milliken Fishing

All mainly bass fishing channels.

The Why Files
Joey B vs The World
Leon Lush
The Critical Drinker
Blaire White
I’m a sucker for scantily-clad women on YouTube shorts. The algorithm has me figured out.

There are some cool boat channels that film boats going in and out of Haulover Cut.

Golf Sidekick and sometimes Foreplay Golf

A few fishing channels - Key West Waterman, Tenkara Addict, Huge Fly Fisherman, etc.
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RMBrown. Does like a morning zoo version of a Daily Show type right-wing media recap (he watches Ben Shapiro so you don't have to):

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