What led to Saturday's shooting

What led to Saturday night's shooting?

  • Security was incompetant

    Votes: 66 80.5%
  • It was a set up intended to take out Trump

    Votes: 9 11.0%
  • it was a hoax set up by the Trump camp

    Votes: 7 8.5%

  • Total voters
I know what he meant, and yeah it was a poor choice of words from a guy who has equivocated his political opponent to Hitler, and his supporters as Nazis. But you want context now but had no issue with a lack of context for the last 7 years.

It only takes 1 loner with a gun and a line of sight to take something out of context and blow off a guy's ear.
And that loner had a MAGA dad with a military style rifle. Funny that gets glossed over.
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Chef’s kiss for misspelling ‘competent’.

If Secret Service does a ‘D’ grade job securing the venue this doesn’t happen.

They got an ‘F’.
SS is the now ganging fruit. They will get the blame. However….perhaps another LEOrg. was charged with securing that specific area? Someone screwed up, for sure. Understand how understaffed the SS is and how they literally scramble to get events staffed. Also… an outdoor venue such as this one should have NEVER been chosen for a rally…… but the SA has no say in the selection process….their responsibility us to get it secured.
As with just things…..most things are not what they seem….
This type of kid could be mind controlled and told by the CIA or other agency to do this and he would believe them and do it. I'm thinking of the kid who shot up Walmart in El Paso and also the kid who shot up the lady in Arizona and the judge in Arizona I can't think of that lady's name right now. But both of these kids remind me of this kid.

Or maybe, just maybe, there are a bunch of crazy people out there and it's WAY too easy to get your hands on a gun in this country.