What, no Bill Maher New Rule thread, yet?

Last night's show from the Friday Night Crier looks to have been a doozie. From the clips on twitter, it is an audition tape for a show on FoxNews

Here he amplifies the unverified, and very likely fictional, 87 liberal editors at the DC office of NPR

Last night's show from the Friday Night Crier looks to have been a doozie. From the clips on twitter, it is an audition tape for a show on FoxNews

Here he amplifies the unverified, and very likely fictional, 87 liberal editors at the DC office of NPR

You forgot about this one. The one that that hit the left where they really should be worried about.
Thanks for the clips. Wish we had more center/left politicians like Bill.
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His Covid concerns will be proved to be true.
His measles misinformation campaign killed 87. Many of which young children. Spaghetti against the wall. If you throw enough shit out there . The odds are a you will get one right or at least close to right.

NEW: Show host Bill Maher defends Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker who is facing massive backlash for defending traditional values.

Maher also blasted college kids for being offended by Butker encouraging women to stay home while "demonstrating for Hamas."

"I don’t see what the big crime is, I really don’t. And I think this is part of the problem people have with the left is that lots of people in this country are like this."

"I feel like they feel very put upon, like, there’s only one way to be a good person, and that’s to get an advanced degree from one of those a**hole factories like Harvard."

"I find it very ironic that he is saying 'in my world, we like the women to stay home and just have babies.'"

"The college kids and the young people find this absolutely abhorrent. But they're demonstrating for Hamas who make that a law."