What was god purpose for creating humans?

My view is God allows SOME atrocities to happen BECAUSE humans choose it using their own free will.
Some ? Not all.

What the hell is that? Just some ?

How does he pick? We’ve got atrocities happening in a number of places on this earth right now.

What’s the delineation?
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That explains childhood cancer?

And are you saying natural disasters did not exist until mankind started burning fossil fuels?
Gross generalization I’m making. I think more cancers and natural disasters are certainly man made. Scripturally, sin is what caused it all. Again, broad generalization
My view is God allows SOME atrocities to happen BECAUSE humans choose it using their own free will.

50 million Russians during WWII and afterwards with Stalin, the Holocaust, slavery, Aids, Cancer, etc. Own free will? F that. That is simply a BS rationale. I'd rather burn in purgatory then praise a God that does those things of "free will".

I like you Brian, but you are going to lose this one.
Some ? Not all.

What the hell is that? Just some ?

How does he pick? We’ve got atrocities happening in a number of places on this earth right now.

What’s the delineation?

I don't know.

The "problem of evil" is a mystery but we know all suffering in this life is finite. Eternity is infinite.

God can make up for our sufferings with an eternity of bliss.
50 million Russians during WWII and afterwards with Stalin, the Holocaust, slavery, Aids, Cancer, etc. Own free will? F that. That is simply a BS rationale. I'd rather burn in purgatory then praise a God that does those things of "free will".

I like you Brian, but you are going to lose this one.
Literally, that was all man’s doing!!! Men decided to be greedy, seek power, at the expense of the populace
50 million Russians during WWII and afterwards with Stalin, the Holocaust, slavery, Aids, Cancer, etc. Own free will? F that. That is simply a BS rationale. I'd rather burn in purgatory then praise a God that does those things of "free will".

I like you Brian, but you are going to lose this one.

God didn't do it.

Hitler and Stalin were atheists. They chose to reject God and kill millions.
I don't know.

The "problem of evil" is a mystery but we know all suffering in this life is finite. Eternity is infinite.

God can make up for our sufferings with an eternity of bliss.
That sounds awfully close to Id be given 100 virgins upon death.

Is that the reward but my “-Faith”
That sounds awfully close to Id be given 100 virgins upon death.

Is that the reward but my “-Faith”

100 virgins seems like a fake promise by Mohammad the warlord who already had a dozen wives on Earth, including a 6 year old.
God didn't do it.

Hitler and Stalin were atheists. They chose to reject God and kill millions.
Hitler was not an atheist.

Both Hitler and Stalin, like Pol Pot and other brutal dictators, acted on dogma and ideology, not atheism. Just because it wasn’t tied to an Abrahamic religion doesn’t mean it wasn’t motivated by the same characteristics that make up religious fundamentalism.
Are you referring to Adam and Eve listening to a talking snake and eating the wrong fruit or is there something else you mean?
Living imperfect lives, greed, sloth, lust murder. You can see where wars are started from greed, disease ensues, lust can break families and spread diseases. I’m not saying original sin, but perhaps. I just know when I look at the health of the world….. it’s sin. Even culturally here in America, the lack of two parent families being lead in a biblical way with love, has a lot to do with poverty, gun violence, etc
100 virgins seems like a fake promise by Mohammad the warlord who already had a dozen wives on Earth, including a 6 year old.
Whoa. You’re getting awefully close there with fake promises.

Just come the rest of the way man. You’ll see it!
Hitler was not an atheist.

Both Hitler and Stalin, like Pol Pot and other brutal dictators, acted on dogma and ideology, not atheism. Just because it wasn’t tied to an Abrahamic religion doesn’t mean it wasn’t motivated by the same characteristics that make up religious fundamentalism.
Hitler didn’t like the churches, he went for appearances
Hitler was not an atheist.

Both Hitler and Stalin, like Pol Pot and other brutal dictators, acted on dogma and ideology, not atheism. Just because it wasn’t tied to an Abrahamic religion doesn’t mean it wasn’t motivated by the same characteristics that make up religious fundamentalism.

I was a history major focusing on WW2 and Hitler was definitely an atheist. He hated Christianity because of it's Jewish roots.

He left Church as a teenager and never went back. He persecuted the Churches. He planned on destroying Christianity in Europe after the war and replacing it with National Socialism.

Hitler told his secretary Traudl Junge that he didn't belong to a church, that humans were just an advanced type of animal and that Christianity was outdated and hypocritical.

He also told his valet Heinz Linge that once a person was dead they were "finished." No afterlife. That sounds like an atheist to me.

They both wrote books about their time with Hitler you can get at your library.
Hitler didn’t like the churches, he went for appearances

Yep. Nazism was supposed to replace Christianity after the war.

"What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel."

- Joseph Goebbels, October 1928
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I didn't claim "everyone" was atheist, but America is now as a culture.

Agnostics aren't the smartest, IMO. They're fence sitters.

If one wants to be smart, live like Mother Teresa so one gets an infinite reward. :)

You can live a good life and be a good person without strict religious doctrine. It really is not that hard.
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I did 20 years ago when I was dating a Bible thumper.

Seriously. Is that your best argument?
To the dominion part? Yeah. To the rest of it? Close your eyes and imagine every family in the world had a father and mother, setting an example of love, discipline, right and wrong. Greed was gone, lust gone, sloth, so on . We would have cleaner air, better education, less disease and poverty
Living imperfect lives, greed, sloth, lust murder. You can see where wars are started from greed, disease ensues, lust can break families and spread diseases. I’m not saying original sin, but perhaps. I just know when I look at the health of the world….. it’s sin. Even culturally here in America, the lack of two parent families being lead in a biblical way with love, has a lot to do with poverty, gun violence, etc
I don’t disagree humans cause a lot of their own misery, but I would argue one) plenty of religious people get divorced and two) some of the most miserable households are homes of religious parents.
To the dominion part? Yeah. To the rest of it? Close your eyes and imagine every family in the world had a father and mother, setting an example of love, discipline, right and wrong. Greed was gone, lust gone, sloth, so on . We would have cleaner air, better education, less disease and poverty
Wow. Talk about idealism. Even in my wildest dreams do I imagine all those things gone.

That’s not reality though. And I honestly have to ask if you fully proclaim those ideas? Because most of the posts you continue to post don’t reflect those realities.

And you wouldn’t vote for them if they did.
I don’t disagree humans cause a lot of their own misery, but I would argue one) plenty of religious people get divorced and two) some of the most miserable households are homes of religious parents.
I’m not disagreeing, but those people aren’t doing it right. Saying you believe doesn’t make you perfect, it’s not a shield for your own failings. Being too strict pushes a lot of people from the church, I was one.
Whoa. You’re getting awefully close there with fake promises.

Just come the rest of the way man. You’ll see it!
Why do you keep picking on the middle man. Go straight to the source with your questions. It’s called The Bible (God’s Word).
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We’re the parasites
Considering that we want our own existence to prosper, it would be much easier to look at our our existence as something other than parasites.

Although I agree with the premise.
Wow. Talk about idealism. Even in my wildest dreams do I imagine all those things gone.

That’s not reality though. And I honestly have to ask if you fully proclaim those ideas? Because most of the posts you continue to post don’t reflect those realities.

And you wouldn’t vote for them if they did.
This is where liberals say Jesus hung out with sinners, and he did. But he said set down your son and follow me. In other words, we aren’t to accept the sin, but take in the sinner and help them to stop the sin. I’m also on the side of trying to save my nation, knowing we live in an extremely messed up world.
Why do you keep picking on the middle man. Go straight to the source with your questions. It’s called The Bible (God’s Word).
Yeah….the Bible only gives some half assed answers.

A guide. But not any realization.
This is where liberals say Jesus hung out with sinners, and he did. But he said set down your son and follow me. In other words, we aren’t to accept the sin, but take in the sinner and help them to stop the sin. I’m also on the side of trying to save my nation, knowing we live in an extremely messed up world.
Hey uhhh. What nation was Jesus? Since you seem to constantly proclaim something of it.

Was Jesus American? Israeli? Jewish?

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