What was god purpose for creating humans?

That is hard barrier. Not everyone can be a saint. I don't mean to call anyone out @THE_DEVIL . But we can't all be saints.

Furthermore, define a saint. Drew Brees is not acceptable.
The only saint I know I my life is my mom. She deserves everlasting forgiveness and life for what she has been through and fought through.

Much as she would disagree, I don’t, for a second, think god had anything to do with her godliness.
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It makes sense to me.

Do you think humans are robots?
No. Robots don't get cancer at the age of 5. Robots don't get killed because the adults around them are arguing over which God is real. Robots don't kill for pleasure or treasure. Robots don't abuse altar boys.

Humans are definitely not robots, and if it is all according to God's plan, he's a pretty shitty planner.
The only saint I know I my life is my mom. She deserves everlasting forgiveness and life for what she has been through and fought through.

Much as she would disagree, I don’t, for a second, think god had anything to do with her godliness.

Same here. I really feel bad for anyone that did not have a great mom. Dad's are great too. But mom's are the best. I married into a family with stepkids, and I knew I would be second fiddle to the kids. It totally makes sense to me.
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No. Robots don't get cancer at the age of 5. Robots don't get killed because the adults around them are arguing over which God is real. Robots don't kill for pleasure or treasure. Robots don't abuse altar boys.

Humans are definitely not robots, and if it is all according to God's plan, he's a pretty shitty planner.

God can make up for human suffering with an eternity of the math, wouldn't that be more than fair? :)
No. Robots don't get cancer at the age of 5. Robots don't get killed because the adults around them are arguing over which God is real. Robots don't kill for pleasure or treasure. Robots don't abuse altar boys.

Humans are definitely not robots, and if it is all according to God's plan, he's a pretty shitty planner.
It’s a philosophical thought exercise at this point.

“If it was gods plan”.

Today police used a siege ladder to break in to an Ivy League university. That’s part of gods plan right?

It all is.
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God can make up for human suffering with an eternity of the math, wouldn't that be more than fair? :)
So did all the Jewish people that died horrible deaths during the holocaust get an eternity of bliss or were they denied because they didn't accept Jesus as their savior?
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I was a history major focusing on WW2 and Hitler was definitely an atheist. He hated Christianity because of it's Jewish roots.

He left Church as a teenager and never went back. He persecuted the Churches. He planned on destroying Christianity in Europe after the war and replacing it with National Socialism.

Hitler told his secretary Traudl Junge that he didn't belong to a church, that humans were just an advanced type of animal and that Christianity was outdated and hypocritical.

He also told his valet Heinz Linge that once a person was dead they were "finished." No afterlife. That sounds like an atheist to me.

They both wrote books about their time with Hitler you can get at your library.
I’ve read plenty on Hitler. I agree with most of your assessment, but Hitler was not a full-fledged atheist. He was definitely not in favor any of the Abrahamic religions after being raised Catholic (IIRC), but he often invoked a belief in a higher being, publicly and privately, that favored the Aryan race and gave providence to him to create a master race that ruled the world.

So, no, he was not a born-again Christian, but he wasn’t a complete atheist either. Regardless, none of what Hitler did was in service to atheism.
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I’ve read plenty on Hitler. I agree with most of your assessment, but Hitler was not a full-fledged atheist. He was definitely not in favor any of the Abrahamic religions after being raised Catholic (IIRC), but he often invoked a belief in a higher being, publicly and privately, that favored the Aryan race and gave providence to him to create a master race that ruled the world.

So, no, he was not a born-again Christian, but he wasn’t a complete atheist either. Regardless, none of what Hitler did was in service to atheism.

This is from Nazi Germany expert Professor Richard Overy:

"I think there is no doubt that Hitler was an atheist in any meaningful sense of the term. His various references to God were rhetorical. His comments on religion make it evident that he was quite unable to take the claims of Christianity at face value. He had a moral sense, but it was the morality of racial survival - what was moral was what served the survival of the Volk."
So did all the Jewish people that died horrible deaths during the holocaust get an eternity of bliss or were they denied because they didn't accept Jesus as their savior?

It's not up to me.

I hope and pray they're all in bliss right now.
I’m not disagreeing, but those people aren’t doing it right. Saying you believe doesn’t make you perfect, it’s not a shield for your own failings. Being too strict pushes a lot of people from the church, I was one.
Right, but the greater point is your claim that religion in a two-parent home would greatly remedy a lot of societal ills is not correct IMO.
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That is hard barrier. Not everyone can be a saint. I don't mean to call anyone out @THE_DEVIL . But we can't all be saints.

Furthermore, define a saint. Drew Brees is not acceptable.
the little rascals devil GIF
It's not up to me.

I hope and pray they're all in bliss right now.
I'm asking what you believe. I thought in order to go to heaven, you have to ask for forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your lord and savior. Does Catholic scripture say something different?
This is from Nazi Germany expert Professor Richard Overy:

"I think there is no doubt that Hitler was an atheist in any meaningful sense of the term. His various references to God were rhetorical. His comments on religion make it evident that he was quite unable to take the claims of Christianity at face value. He had a moral sense, but it was the morality of racial survival - what was moral was what served the survival of the Volk."
I know there are historians who will claim Hitler was an atheist. There are also historians who will claim otherwise.

I agree with those who say it’s unclear what Hitler’s beliefs actually were, but I do reject the idea Hitler was an atheist. There is little doubt in my mind, based on Hitler’s own statements and those statements recorded by members of his inner circle, that Hitler believed his path was carved out by the Almighty with a destiny of world dominance and Aryan superiority.
Ahhh, because I specifically was talking a truly spiritually led family. Hard to find.
“A truly spiritually lead family”.

So just no one that is up to your standards. Good to know.

I, Personally, don’t think I uphold to your personal standards.

Apparently you must now hate me.
I know there are historians who will claim Hitler was an atheist. There are also historians who will claim otherwise.

I agree with those who say it’s unclear what Hitler’s beliefs actually were, but I do reject the idea Hitler was an atheist. There is little doubt in my mind, based on Hitler’s own statements and those statements recorded by members of his inner circle, that Hitler believed his path was carved out by the Almighty with a destiny of world dominance and Aryan superiority.

He definitely didn't believe in an afterlife. He told his valet so.
I understand the distinction you are drawing. The same principles of love, encouragement, discipline, guidance, etc. can also be found in atheist homes. That’s what matters—not religion per se.
You are correct. It’s just, then Bible tells us how to live. Like a code for living a pleasing, fulfilling life that benefits your offspring and community. I enjoy your approach here Ragnar.
I'm asking what you believe. I thought in order to go to heaven, you have to ask for forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your lord and savior. Does Catholic scripture say something different?

There's something called "invincible ignorance" which means people that don't know Jesus is the Messiah can be saved.

I hope all the Holocaust victims were saved.
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“A truly spiritually lead family”.

So just no one that is up to your standards. Good to know.

I, Personally, don’t think I uphold to your personal standards.

Apparently you must now hate me.
I don’t hate you, and I’m sure you do your best with what you have. Bro, I don’t live up to my standards. It’s about trying to do better. I have a great great disdain for Islam, and it comes across here. I also have a great disdain for the Spanish Inquisition, the treatment of Native Americans, and the Salem witch trials. We are here on this earth, whether that is a benefit to others is up to us . Charity and government help should be given to those who help themselves and use that help to rise up. Those who waste charity and assistance have stolen from others who would have used it to better themselves and communities.
God can make up for human suffering with an eternity of the math, wouldn't that be more than fair? :)
If you're offering me 2 in the bush vs the one life I know I have today, I'm going with one I'm sure of today, especially for my family.

Interesting question. If your child had cancer and you were told that you could procure a life saving medicine for them, but that you would have to denounce your religion and it would cost you your soul, which option would you take?
You are correct. It’s just, then Bible tells us how to live. Like a code for living a pleasing, fulfilling life that benefits your offspring and community. I enjoy your approach here Ragnar.
I respect you, too.

FTR, I don’t claim to be 100% correct. I don’t think anyone can honestly claim to be 100% correct when it comes to this topic.

Again, I respect your views and have no issues with core Christian values of love, forgiveness, seeking a moral life, etc.
If you're offering me 2 in the bush vs the one life I know I have today, I'm going with one I'm sure of today, especially for my family.

Interesting question. If your child had cancer and you were told that you could procure a life saving medicine for them, but that you would have to denounce your religion and it would cost you your soul, which option would you take?

Interesting. How old are you?

I don't have any children so I'm going to pass on the question. :)

Hitler hated its Jewish roots.

Lots of atheists claim Hitler was Christian. :(

"The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed."

— Goebbels Diaries, 29 December 1939
I mean he had to have a purpose. If there is a God? I d have to say he is a piss poor God. What a shit show he s got going on this earth. I mean is he a little mentally challenged? Can t he see the suffering he is causing.? He created it. So he owns it. So what was his reason?
Your statement would be true if He created us a mindless robots who were programmed to do exactly as He wanted. Instead, He gave us free will and we “chose” sin. We have created the mess we have.

Personally, I’m glad we don’t have a puppet master controlling our every move, but it comes with a downside of many people following their own “truth” and and doing what thou wilt.
I don’t hate you, and I’m sure you do your best with what you have. Bro, I don’t live up to my standards. It’s about trying to do better. I have a great great disdain for Islam, and it comes across here. I also have a great disdain for the Spanish Inquisition, the treatment of Native Americans, and the Salem witch trials. We are here on this earth, whether that is a benefit to others is up to us . Charity and government help should be given to those who help themselves and use that help to rise up. Those who waste charity and assistance have stolen from others who would have used it to better themselves and communities.
Then why do you post so much much hate and disregard?
Your statement would be true if He created us a mindless robots who were programmed to do exactly as He wanted. Instead, He gave us free will and we “chose” sin. We have created the mess we have.

Personally, I’m glad we don’t have a puppet master controlling our every move, but it comes with a downside of many people following their own “truth” and and doing what thou wilt.
There is a lot of suffering not related to free will.
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I lost my twin brother at age 20. My heart failed at age 59. I've thought about my own mortality for as long as I can remember. How old are you?

Just turned 41.

What do you think is the purpose to life? I've been pondering that qiestion for 20+ years.

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