What was god purpose for creating humans?

Just turned 41.

What do you think is the purpose to life? I've been pondering that qiestion for 20+ years.
There is no universal answer to that question IMO. I think everyone needs to find their own meaning. I see mine as trying to leave the earth in a better place than when I arrived and to secure a future for those I care most about. Maybe those are more like guiding principles but they're as close as I can get to the purpose of my life.

I think most people don't really know what they truly believe until they are facing their imminent demise sitting alone in bed, wondering if your next breath will be your last. Then shit gets real. I know when I was pretty sure I was going to die, I didn't give my afterlife a second thought. I wasn't worried in the least about what happens to me afterwards and it wasn't because I have any absolute faith in the existence of eternal life. All I could think about was how my family was going to do after I was gone and whether I had set them up for success and happiness. I guess that's what I see as my purpose for being here and it is driven by my love for them.
There is no universal answer to that question IMO. I think everyone needs to find their own meaning. I see mine as trying to leave the earth in a better place than when I arrived and to secure a future for those I care most about. Maybe those are more like guiding principles but they're as close as I can get to the purpose of my life.

I think most people don't really know what they truly believe until they are facing their imminent demise sitting alone in bed, wondering if your next breath will be your last. Then shit gets real. I know when I was pretty sure I was going to die, I didn't give my afterlife a second thought. I wasn't worried in the least about what happens to me afterwards and it wasn't because I have any absolute faith in the existence of eternal life. All I could think about was how my family was going to do after I was gone and whether I had set them up for success and happiness. I guess that's what I see as my purpose for being here and it is driven by my love for them.

I think the purpose of life is to get to Heaven and get as many other people to Heaven as we can. :)

I'm glad you survived your health crisis.
So did God design humans with the capacity for that caliber of evil, or did the cloven-footed, red guy with the pitchfork highjack the plan?

And I take it your deflection means you concede God is responsible for childhood cancer and natural disasters?
I haven’t read through all replies, so not sure if this has been addressed. My apologies if it has.

The original sin was in the spirit world - when Lucifer (the highest angel) chose free will and wanted to be God himself (the center of attention). God doesn’t kill him, but banishes him and 1/3 of the angels who chose to follow him. Satan goes the opposite of God and perverts his intentions.

Then the world is created. There is no disease, fighting, - no evil. Satan temps the humans and they disobey God’s one request and sin enters. Everything gets perverted and now death enters in all forms - disease, wars, car crashes, shootings, etc.. God doesn’t strike us dead, but gives us a way to get back to the original design. Some chose this path and others stay on their own.

God set up structures and guidelines that are good for us - and we are free to follow if we want. One example out of a million - sexuality. He created male and female to find each other as lifetime companions to create a family. Males and females are perfectly compatible. God says don’t have sex before marriage, save yourself for one person, create a family and raise them to be honorable people. Satan perverts it and says have sex with whomever you want. Marriage is optional. Even though males and not compatible wit males and females with females, he says do what you want. With all that comes negative consequences - unwanted pregnancies where one solution is to kill off the inconvenience, another is a child growing up with only one or maybe no parents, sexual diseases, emptiness, and a whole host of other problems. Satan makes the path God outlined look boring and out of date, but the results of people who follow His guidelines don’t have these consequences.

That is just one example. Pick anything and our “do what they wilt” attitude versus God’s direction always ends in pain, misery, and emptiness.

Thanks to the original sin, even following God’s direction does not save us from all pain - but we have comfort that there will be an ultimate judgement in the end to right all the wrongs and the 100 years we live here will be a split second versus eternity.
I think the purpose of life is to get to Heaven and get as many other people to Heaven as we can. :)

I'm glad you survived your health crisis.
And I respect your belief. I think you probably live your life in a fashion that's in the spirit of Jesus. I only get concerned when true believers like yourself attempt to impose your beliefs on others through earthly legislation thereby depriving them of their rights in a secular society. IMO in this situation religion becomes a cancer.
And I respect your belief. I think you probably live your life in a fashion that's in the spirit of Jesus. I only get concerned when true believers like yourself attempt to impose your beliefs on others through earthly legislation thereby depriving them of their rights in a secular society. IMO in this situation religion becomes a cancer.

If it's any consolation, I have 0 political power. :)
And I respect your belief. I think you probably live your life in a fashion that's in the spirit of Jesus. I only get concerned when true believers like yourself attempt to impose your beliefs on others through earthly legislation thereby depriving them of their rights in a secular society. IMO in this situation religion becomes a cancer.
Besides abortion; which, I’m not sure you need to be religious to think abortion after 16 weeks( rape, incest, medical emergency) is messed up; what else gets pushed
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Besides abortion; which, I’m not sure you need to be religious to think abortion after 16 weeks( rape, incest, medical emergency) is messed up; what else gets pushed
Abortion and certain forms of birth control and IVF have been top of mind. LGBTQ rights are impacted by religious beliefs. Prayer in schools. Tax exempt status of religious organizations that express political positions. Foreign policy decisions can be influenced by the religious beliefs of politicians or their base.
My opinion: There is no god. I believe this to be probably 99.9969% true. If there is a heaven, I only want to go there to check it out with the assurance that I could back out of the deal if I wanted to. Existing eternally is a god awful frightening thought, be it heaven or hell. As far as religion, and especially the two big ones, I hate them. I feel that they are no longer needed in any way. Anything good that happens through religion can happen without it. And without the friggen baggage. Religion gives people a reason and permission to hate. And act violently. I can't stand that the majority of my friends and family believe in god. Most of them are good people. Oh well, I guess I don't really have to worry about heaven.
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My opinion: There is no god. I believe this to be probably 99.9969% true. If there is a heaven, I only want to go there to check it out with the assurance that I could back out of the deal if I wanted to. Existing eternally is a god awful frightening thought, be it heaven or hell. As far as religion, and especially the two big ones, I hate them. I feel that they are no longer needed in any way. Anything good that happens through religion can happen without it. And without the friggen baggage. Religion gives people a reason and permission to hate. And act violently. I can't stand that the majority of my friends and family believe in god. Most of them are good people. Oh well, I guess I don't really have to worry about heaven.

Going to Hell forever would indeed be awful.

"Catholic Answers" explains.

This may also answer @BelemNole question.

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I haven’t read through all replies, so not sure if this has been addressed. My apologies if it has.

The original sin was in the spirit world - when Lucifer (the highest angel) chose free will and wanted to be God himself (the center of attention). God doesn’t kill him, but banishes him and 1/3 of the angels who chose to follow him. Satan goes the opposite of God and perverts his intentions.

Then the world is created. There is no disease, fighting, - no evil. Satan temps the humans and they disobey God’s one request and sin enters. Everything gets perverted and now death enters in all forms - disease, wars, car crashes, shootings, etc.. God doesn’t strike us dead, but gives us a way to get back to the original design. Some chose this path and others stay on their own.

God set up structures and guidelines that are good for us - and we are free to follow if we want. One example out of a million - sexuality. He created male and female to find each other as lifetime companions to create a family. Males and females are perfectly compatible. God says don’t have sex before marriage, save yourself for one person, create a family and raise them to be honorable people. Satan perverts it and says have sex with whomever you want. Marriage is optional. Even though males and not compatible wit males and females with females, he says do what you want. With all that comes negative consequences - unwanted pregnancies where one solution is to kill off the inconvenience, another is a child growing up with only one or maybe no parents, sexual diseases, emptiness, and a whole host of other problems. Satan makes the path God outlined look boring and out of date, but the results of people who follow His guidelines don’t have these consequences.

That is just one example. Pick anything and our “do what they wilt” attitude versus God’s direction always ends in pain, misery, and emptiness.

Thanks to the original sin, even following God’s direction does not save us from all pain - but we have comfort that there will be an ultimate judgement in the end to right all the wrongs and the 100 years we live here will be a split second versus eternity.
Luke 10:28-He (Jesus)answered him "You answered correctly, keep doing this and you will get life."
The original sin was in the spirit world - when Lucifer (the highest angel) chose free will and wanted to be God himself (the center of attention). God doesn’t kill him, but banishes him and 1/3 of the angels who chose to follow him. Satan goes the opposite of God and perverts his intentions.

Then the world is created. There is no disease, fighting, - no evil. Satan temps the humans and they disobey God’s one request and sin enters. Everything gets perverted and now death enters in all forms - disease, wars, car crashes, shootings, etc.. God doesn’t strike us dead, but gives us a way to get back to the original design. Some chose this path and others stay on their own.
And an omniscient, omnipotent God created all of this knowing how it was going to play out but did it anyway. Shoulda measured twice and cut once.
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My view is that God exists outside of space and time and sees everything as the present moment.

He knows what will happen but didn't cause it. It's like you watching a car drive into a brick wall.

You knew it was coming but didn't cause it to happen.
I guess this is where god and I differ because if I could do something about it, I would.
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I haven’t read through all replies, so not sure if this has been addressed. My apologies if it has.

The original sin was in the spirit world - when Lucifer (the highest angel) chose free will and wanted to be God himself (the center of attention). God doesn’t kill him, but banishes him and 1/3 of the angels who chose to follow him. Satan goes the opposite of God and perverts his intentions.

Then the world is created. There is no disease, fighting, - no evil. Satan temps the humans and they disobey God’s one request and sin enters. Everything gets perverted and now death enters in all forms - disease, wars, car crashes, shootings, etc.. God doesn’t strike us dead, but gives us a way to get back to the original design. Some chose this path and others stay on their own.

God set up structures and guidelines that are good for us - and we are free to follow if we want. One example out of a million - sexuality. He created male and female to find each other as lifetime companions to create a family. Males and females are perfectly compatible. God says don’t have sex before marriage, save yourself for one person, create a family and raise them to be honorable people. Satan perverts it and says have sex with whomever you want. Marriage is optional. Even though males and not compatible wit males and females with females, he says do what you want. With all that comes negative consequences - unwanted pregnancies where one solution is to kill off the inconvenience, another is a child growing up with only one or maybe no parents, sexual diseases, emptiness, and a whole host of other problems. Satan makes the path God outlined look boring and out of date, but the results of people who follow His guidelines don’t have these consequences.

That is just one example. Pick anything and our “do what they wilt” attitude versus God’s direction always ends in pain, misery, and emptiness.

Thanks to the original sin, even following God’s direction does not save us from all pain - but we have comfort that there will be an ultimate judgement in the end to right all the wrongs and the 100 years we live here will be a split second versus eternity.

I guess my first question would be, Is that supposed to be taken literally as actual history, or is it a fairytale that people are supposed to extrapolate meaning from in a philosophical or esoteric way?

I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but it seems to me we’re being asked to shape our entire worldview off a fairytale/fable from antiquity—one in which has in some form been recycled and modified throughout ancient history to accommodate variations in cultures.

In short, I think it’s absurd and completely illogical.

But if people find comfort in it and don’t impose it on others, so be it. I’ll give you an example. I work with a young woman who recently got married. She and her husband are devout in their religious faith. She got pregnant with their first child last year and delivered the baby in January. The little girl was born with some type of heart defect and died two weeks later. In her mind, this was part of some fanciful, master plan by an omnipotent and omniscient god, which if she believes what you’re espousing (which I suspect she probably does), means she is taking comfort in the idea one of many mystical sky fairies, or angels if you will, led a rebellion against the creator of the universe in outer space (or somewhere outside space and time) that led to these mystical rebellious sky fairies falling to planet Earth. One day, the one called Lucifer would take the form of a talking snake and convince the first female and male Homo sapiens to eat a fruit (ostensibly that god created for them to **** up with) that would cause everything in the world to become chaotic, which would then naturally and logically explain why her firstborn baby would have a heart defect that would be part of fulfilling this divinely orchestrated plan set in motion from the conception of space and time. That, if I understand the belief you and her are espousing, is what she is taking comfort in. Correct?

Personally, I would never want to take that away from her. In private, I have no desire to believe such fanciful, illogical horseshit.

I wish nothing but the best for people of goodwill regardless.
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My opinion: There is no god. I believe this to be probably 99.9969% true. If there is a heaven, I only want to go there to check it out with the assurance that I could back out of the deal if I wanted to. Existing eternally is a god awful frightening thought, be it heaven or hell. As far as religion, and especially the two big ones, I hate them. I feel that they are no longer needed in any way. Anything good that happens through religion can happen without it. And without the friggen baggage. Religion gives people a reason and permission to hate. And act violently. I can't stand that the majority of my friends and family believe in god. Most of them are good people. Oh well, I guess I don't really have to worry about heaven.
Religion is bad - because it’s a perversion of man. Christianity is called a religion, but it is a relationship, not a religion. Its focus should be to love and serve Christ and others versus self. Many people call themselves Christians in name, but may be shocked when death ultimately comes. Jesus said in Matthew 7,

Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’
According to what I was taught God is omniscient so why couldn't he stop evil things from happening? We have free choice, but he already knows what we'll choose. So isn't our eternal fate already known before we are born?
People forget a very basic part of this issue. Kinda long so bare with me.
One of the issues raised in Eden was of sovereignty. Was God's way of ruling just? The devil did not question God's power, but his way of ruling. In effect Satan was saying that mankind does not need God's guidance to direct their step.
Now think about this next. In his ultimate power God could have put Satan and our first parents to death immediately for disobeying his direct command to not eat of the fruit of that one tree. However, in this case the challenge Satan presented required a different approach. Time would be needed to reveal whether or not Satan's claim could be proven or not. So, God has allowed Satan to rule, under all forms of government conceived by man, and throughout history it has been proven that man's governments are failures. They may achieve some limited success at times and some individuals may do good things, however man governing things has been a disaster, and those divisions and nationalistic pride have led to this world's bloodiest wars.
Think about this as well. Who else was listening when the devil presented his claim? Perhaps millions of other intelligent angels were likely watching and listening to this issue. Now if God had just disregarded Satan's claim is it possible those angels could have wondered if he was right? God allowing Satan to rule this world has proven without a doubt that God's way of ruling is best. And all intelligent creation has been given an opportunity to see what independence of His rulership results in.
Think of this illustration: a rebellious student questions a teacher in class about a problem presented. Now the teacher could just expel the student for challenging him, however, would that settle the issue. It might prove his authority but in the minds of other students present it may create doubt. So instead, the teacher invites the student to come up and present his solution to the class. Then when the student fails all will see the results. It has been no different with God allowing time for Satan to prove his claim and we have seen the results that man's attempts to rule himself are a disaster.
Many people blame God for the suffering we see in the world. However there is a big difference between causing the suffering and ALLOWING the suffering to happen. Yes God could eliminate all suffering permanently and very soon He promises to do so. However, in the meantime what is happening around the world is a direct result of sin and imperfection in mankind. Death, suffering, illness, violence, greed, corruption, poverty are all direct results of our first parents rebellion and they passed that death sentence on to all their descendants, including us.
Couple scriptures come to mind. 1 John 5:19 indicates the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. Jesus himself called Satan the ruler of this world in John 14:30.
And as far as causing suffering James 1:13-15 says"When under trial,let no one say:"I am being tried by God. For with evil things God cannot be tried, not does he himself try anyone. 14. But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then the desire, when it has become fertile gives birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death.
So to sum it all up: God did not predestinate any of the misery we see around us. It was caused by our parents rebellion and their choosing to be independant of God and his rulership. It brought sin and death into the world, which we all suffer from.
The good news however is that soon he will permanently end all of this suffering we see around us:
Revelation 21:4,5-And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away" 5. And the One seated on the throne said: Look! I am making all things new." Also He says: "Write, for these words are faithful and true."
The things we see around us now are signs that we are very close to God establishing his Kingdom on earth and removing Satan and his system of things.
I don't think God chooses it... humans choose it. We're not robots.

God could have prevented tons of wars and famines and we'll never know this side of the veil.
If God has the ability to change things on earth and doesn't, he/she is a POS. To allow babies to die, innocent people to suffer and not intervene?

This is one of the biggest problems I have with religion and the religious. I mean if you ask athletes that have just won a game or people that have just survived a tornado, God did that. So he liked the person that lived in the blue trailer but the neighbors with the 2 year old in the white trailer needed to die. Eff that god.
If God has the ability to change things on earth and doesn't, he/she is a POS. To allow babies to die, innocent people to suffer and not intervene?

This is one of the biggest problems I have with religion and the religious. I mean if you ask athletes that have just won a game or people that have just survived a tornado, God did that. So he liked the person that lived in the blue trailer but the neighbors with the 2 year old in the white trailer needed to die.

God can make up for any Earthly suffering with an eternity of bliss.
If God has the ability to change things on earth and doesn't, he/she is a POS. To allow babies to die, innocent people to suffer and not intervene?

This is one of the biggest problems I have with religion and the religious. I mean if you ask athletes that have just won a game or people that have just survived a tornado, God did that. So he liked the person that lived in the blue trailer but the neighbors with the 2 year old in the white trailer needed to die. Eff that god.
That’s because they are crediting God with their own accomplishments. We work through our own efforts. Would we be able to without God creating this world, no. Likewise, it’s not God killing and giving cancer.
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If God has the ability to change things on earth and doesn't, he/she is a POS. To allow babies to die, innocent people to suffer and not intervene?

This is one of the biggest problems I have with religion and the religious. I mean if you ask athletes that have just won a game or people that have just survived a tornado, God did that. So he liked the person that lived in the blue trailer but the neighbors with the 2 year old in the white trailer needed to die. Eff that god.
That’s because they are crediting God with their own accomplishments. We work through our own efforts. Would we be able to without God creating this world, no. Likewise, it’s not God killing and giving cancer.
God does take credit for killing people in his book.
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