What was the greatest day of your life?

It's a long story but I was always interested in the meaning and purpose to life and became a nihilist for years into Nietszche, Schopenhauer and Camus then read Pascal, Aquinas and Augustine and thought if we live in a state of grace, we are going to Heaven so I try to live more like Mother Teresa compared to Jean Paul Sartre. :)
Sartre is one of those “if you could kill one guy in history” fellas…
There's no way I could pick one day. That's crazy. Getting married, kids being born, walking my daughter down the isle, different vacations alone with my wife. Meeting my 1st granddaughter for the first time, my twin granddaughters for the first time... List is way to long.
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Not a day, but a week:

Six days without power or internet during the derecho. Woke up, went around town with my neighbors to help people cut wood and clean up, came home to the neighborhood and drank beer, took a miserable cold shower, went to bed, got up and did it all over again.
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This is an easy one. We'd just arrived in Moscow from Siberia with 2 children that we'd adopted 2 days earlier. The final stop in our journey home. I was standing in the middle of Red Square with my wife and 2 baby carriages. Looking around us it was surreal. Growing up in the 60's and 70's remembering the footage of Soviet soldiers goose stepping alongside missile launchers in that very spot. Years ago as children we were frightened into believing that this enemy would try and annihilate us at any moment, and yet here we were 30 years later, with carriages in hand starting our family journey with our own Russian children. You just never know what the future may hold.
When Notre Dame played Georgia Tech in 1975.

My wedding day. It’s a bit of a cliche, but it’s true. Without this lasting relationship I wouldn’t have experienced the birth of my three sons and the subsequent birth of my three grandchildren (hopefully many more still to come). In a few short years she’ll be my traveling partner as we go to all of the corners of the earth that we want to experience before we die. Easy choice for me.
This is an easy one. We'd just arrived in Moscow from Siberia with 2 children that we'd adopted 2 days earlier. The final stop in our journey home. I was standing in the middle of Red Square with my wife and 2 baby carriages. Looking around us it was surreal. Growing up in the 60's and 70's remembering the footage of Soviet soldiers goose stepping alongside missile launchers in that very spot. Years ago as children we were frightened into believing that this enemy would try and annihilate us at any moment, and yet here we were 30 years later, with carriages in hand starting our family journey with our own Russian children. You just never know what the future may hold.
I kept family stuff out of my post, but I had a similar experience going to China. Standing in Tiananmen Square, all I could think of was the 1989 protest. Although I remember the live news reports (I was 9), my full understanding of that situation came much later.
For me, competitively speaking, 57 years ago I was part of a golf team that won our Conference golf meet. It was the first time we won that meet as a team. We won it by a lot, too. (Beat those Valley Tigers!)
My class was not particularly athletically gifted so the team championship was extra special. (I won the “medalist” competition that day…as a result my college choice found me some $$ to help defer my (father’s) college expenses.)
Ironically, the date of this was April 29….
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Many days, one stands out, seeing the hands of a clock moving after waking up in the ir. i had an emergency surgery on a leaking aortic aneurysm. Getting married, the birth of 2 kids. My last day working, of a career as a machinist.
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The day our family got our first VCR. Every problem in the world instantly went away and I felt like British royalty.

Similar but not as extreme moments were getting our first Atari, getting a microwave oven and getting cable TV.

It's actually kinda sad to think that my kids probably never had such profound moments in their lives. Sure, they'll probably eventually have love and family and kids and stuff, but if I asked them about "getting something" when they were younger that affected them so deeply, I doubt they would have much to say. They've gotten plenty, but the world is just different....
The day our family got our first VCR. Every problem in the world instantly went away and I felt like British royalty.

Similar but not as extreme moments were getting our first Atari, getting a microwave oven and getting cable TV.

It's actually kinda sad to think that my kids probably never had such profound moments in their lives. Sure, they'll probably eventually have love and family and kids and stuff, but if I asked them about "getting something" when they were younger that affected them so deeply, I doubt they would have much to say. They've gotten plenty, but the world is just different....
When I was 7 years old, my Aunt (no pics) got a small fluffy white dog. My brother and I were obsessed with her and I asked my Dad every night for a year if we could get our own dog. My parent's owned a crazy Cocker Spaniel and Dalmatian they had to re-home years earlier so they weren't too keen on getting another dog.

Fast forward to one summer later. I was at my parent's beach house in Delaware with two friends and my Dad drove down.

Everyone was outside and I walked out. My Dad was holding a blue leash attached to an adult Collie that looked just like Lassie. I was shocked. I asked him: "What is that?" He said: "He's your new dog."

I was so shocked I went inside and vomited in the bathroom. 😆

What was the greatest day of your life?

The day I realized there was no God.
So you pissed your pants?

Ahhh….you’re even seeking out my posts from when you got the dunce hat put on and sent to the corner for being such a little bitch. Adorbs! Your obsession is wonderful. Tell me more about your days in the “marines.” I love make believe!

I couldn’t pin point a single one as being undeniably better than all others, and the same goes for the worst days.

Never get too high or too low.

Some of my better times have revolved around my kids, my wife, or taking psychedelics. Some of my worst have been around my kids, my wife, or alcohol.
Ahhh….you’re even seeking out my posts from when you got the dunce hat put on and sent to the corner for being such a little bitch. Adorbs! Your obsession is wonderful. Tell me more about your days in the “marines.” I love make believe!

I know you do love make believe...I mean you're a tranny's daddy, so how could you not?! 🤣 🤡🥳

As for my days in the Marine Corps, I would much rather show you than tell you, so let me know what works.
I know you do love make believe...I mean you're a tranny's daddy, so how could you not?! 🤣 🤡🥳

As for my days in the Marine Corps, I would much rather show you than tell you, so let me know what works.

I see a hand photo in your future! Hoo Rah!!!
Lulz. No. I wouldn't care if I did though. He uses his other accounts to come up with stories and then sticks with them. It's like his marine stories and stolen valor, @Here_4_a_Day lives in fantasy land.

I enjoy his mental illness. A lot.

In my head he was a Russian marine that lost his legs and is now forced to make his living in the troll farms.
My wedding day. It’s a bit of a cliche, but it’s true. Without this lasting relationship I wouldn’t have experienced the birth of my three sons and the subsequent birth of my three grandchildren (hopefully many more still to come). In a few short years she’ll be my traveling partner as we go to all of the corners of the earth that we want to experience before we die. Easy choice for me.
I did not expect it to be, but my wedding day was mine too. Our reception was lit. My wife was hot AF. And she wiggled that dress off after I carried across the threshold, and we had hours of amazing, intense sex (which resulted in her getting pregnant with our first daughter), before incredible sleep and the best breakfast ordered for us by my parents.