What will Biden be like 8 years from now?

FAUlty Gator

HR Legend
Oct 27, 2017
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
What will trump be like 2 months from now.
Biden will always have a more capable replacement than trump. Anyone complicit in trumps presidency doesn’t deserve the right to govern. Pence is even worse than trump.

Im asking about 2024. Assuming Biden wins this one. Trump has nothing to do with this question.
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
Biden is a 1 term President. Anything else? he’s gonna lose to the GOPer?

Or are you dumb enough to think that for the time since Calvin Coolidge a President is going to decline to run for a second term. Derp.
Yes I think he would considering his age and the coalition of Dem Leaders around him. He is the ousting of Trump 1 term restoration. But derp away.
Yes I think he would considering his age and the coalition of Dem Leaders around him. He is the ousting of Trump 1 term restoration. But derp away.

Following Trump, Biden will have the same glow Obama did following Bush. No chance.
What will trump be like 2 months from now.
Biden will always have a more capable replacement than trump. Anyone complicit in trumps presidency doesn’t deserve the right to govern. Pence is even worse than trump.
How far gone do you have to be to actually believe and type out that pence is worse than trump? Hating trump is one thing and by all accounts pretty understandable. But to say pence is worse is just... stupid as shit.
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?

What will Biden be like in eight months ?

Hes already putting tooth paste on his pancakes and cant complete a sentence
Pence would unquestionably be better than Trump if he didn't have his dog collar on, because he has to wear it just to keep his job. I think he'd govern the same as a Romney once he didn't have to answer to Trump. He'd still be picked on for being a bit of a religious weird-o just like Mittens was, but I think we could live with it.
Who do you think you’ll be calling Hitler and “worse than Trump” in 2024? The first response already called someone that. Laying the groundwork early.
Probably just your mom, but that's a little game we play. She thinks your posts are stupid too BTW
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?

Reagan was 78 when he left office. He was the oldest president ever to hold the office when he left (and since). If Biden wins, he will be 78 when he takes office.
The Ds will always respond with “but Trump” when pressed as to why they are backing an obviously demented 78 year old. There’s nothing any R can do to change their minds, but it is odd that there’s no reply except:


then if you can get a reply other than “but Trump” it usually is along the lines of how Biden won’t really do anything but surround himself with good people. So then, why elect him? Why not find an actual good candidate?
The Ds will always respond with “but Trump” when pressed as to why they are backing an obviously demented 78 year old. There’s nothing any R can do to change their minds, but it is odd that there’s no reply except:


then if you can get a reply other than “but Trump” it usually is along the lines of how Biden won’t really do anything but surround himself with good people. So then, why elect him? Why not find an actual good candidate?
Trump is that horrific, sad times we are in for sure. I was this as an issue in 2016 and voted for Hillary with her long career and experience over a Clown of a choice the GOP gave us. And here we are. Lindsey Graham prior to going all in MAGAT and selling himself to....that....Said it best, if we elect Trump we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it. Yep.
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Trump is that horrific, sad times we are in for sure. I was this as an issue in 2016 and voted for Hillary with her long career and experience over a Clown of a choice the GOP gave us. And here we are. Lindsey Graham prior to going all in MAGAT and selling himself to....that....Said it best, if we elect Trump we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it. Yep.
Hillary lost the election, sorry you cant get over it Huey
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
I'm hoping for the KY governor in 2024.
Hillary lost the election, sorry you cant get over it Huey
I don't give a shit about Hillary in general other than she would have been an effective President and would have handled this pandemic situation easily better. Lindsey Graham, one of your own told it like it was before he sold out and he called it.
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I don't give a shit about Hillary in general other than she would have been an effective President and would have handled this pandemic situation easily better. Lindsey Graham, one of your own told it like it was before he sold out and he called it.
Which part, I don't give a shit about Hillary, I give a shit about the Country and she easily would be doing better right now, handling the issues at hand now, this isn't hard at all. I didn't want her anywhere near 2020 Dem platform due to far too many people with no ability to critically think that would actually think Trump is better choice than her still stuck in the 2016 bullshit campaign they fell for, anything else?
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
I think if the GOP was smart, cough, cough, they would drop Trump and run Romney this year. I actually think he could win.

Nikki Haley has already kissed Trump's a$$, so she would have a lot of baggage to run with, whenever that might be.
The Ds will always respond with “but Trump” when pressed as to why they are backing an obviously demented 78 year old. There’s nothing any R can do to change their minds, but it is odd that there’s no reply except:


then if you can get a reply other than “but Trump” it usually is along the lines of how Biden won’t really do anything but surround himself with good people. So then, why elect him? Why not find an actual good candidate?
I will answer this.

First of all, my preferred choice was Pete and then Amy. But Biden ended up winning the nomination.

Now I am tasked to choose between Trump, Biden, or a third party candidate who will not win the election. As for Biden obviously having dementia, I don't see a medical report showing that just like we don't see one for Trump. I think both are older candidates who show signs of being mentally slow at times.

I think Biden is a reasonable candidate who holds moderate to slightly left of center views that mostly align with my views. Rarely do I feel like the candidate I am voting for perfectly fits my views and that isn't the case this time. But if they mostly fit my views, I will take it. I think Biden is someone who will listen to his cabinet and make reasonable decisions. He has the experience to be sure even if you don't agree with all his policies or his platform.

I also don't believe Biden will act like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum like we often see with Trump. I also think he will have a stronger cabinet which I do think one should factor into the decision.

So, I will ask you the same question. Why not find an actual good candidate on your side either?
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Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?

I honestly don't expect Biden to run for re-election in 2024. He'll be like 82. I hope that someone will convince him that we can't have an 86 year old president.

But honestly I will come to that when we get there. Right now I'm worried about getting rid of Trump and using Biden as a bridge back to normality. I don't even consider Biden to be normality. . . just a lot closer to normality than Trump.