What will Biden be like 8 years from now?

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Who do you think you’ll be calling Hitler and “worse than Trump” in 2024? The first response already called someone that. Laying the groundwork early.
You're a Trump should probably worry about how YOU vote and not others. YOU voted for the worst president in the history of the nation. A national embarrassment. Just own it. Same with every idiot who is liking your posts in this thread. Trump's idiot filled cult.
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I will answer this.

First of all, my preferred choice was Pete and then Amy. But Biden ended up winning the nomination.

Now I am tasked to choose between Trump, Biden, or a third party candidate who will not win the election. As for Biden obviously having dementia, I don't see a medical report showing that just like we don't see one for Trump. I think both are older candidates who show signs of being mentally slow at times.

I think Biden is a reasonable candidate who holds moderate to slightly left of center views that mostly align with my views. Rarely do I feel like the candidate I am voting for perfectly fits my views and that isn't the case this time. But if they mostly fit my views, I will take it. I think Biden is someone who will listen to his cabinet and make reasonable decisions. He has the experience to be sure even if you don't agree with all his policies or his platform.

I also don't believe Biden will act like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum like we often see with Trump. I also think he will have a stronger cabinet which I do think one should factor into the decision.

So, I will ask you the same question. Why not find an actual good candidate on your side either?
Yep. Over-under on cabinet members and staff Biden fires in 4 years? 1.5. He'll get that part right. Trump never ever has.
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Yeah, one thing. The link to where this is a fact as you state it.
There isn't one, think they are focusing on 2020 campaign, I would be surprised if he would try in 2024, but when the soul of the nation is at stake with the fraud in Office now, it isn't tough choice at all.
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
Yep. Over-under on cabinet members and staff Biden fires in 4 years? 1.5. He'll get that part right. Trump never ever has.
I think some occasional turnover is good but man Trump switches things up every 3 months or so. No way can a person properly perform the job when it is switched up that often.
I think some occasional turnover is good but man Trump switches things up every 3 months or so. No way can a person properly perform the job when it is switched up that often.

to answer your question, I ABSOLUTELY agree Trump shouldn’t be the candidate. I’m all for dumping him. Like you said, no candidate is ever going to be perfect, but I know Trump has tons of issues.
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You're a Trump should probably worry about how YOU vote and not others. YOU voted for the worst president in the history of the nation. A national embarrassment. Just own it. Same with every idiot who is liking your posts in this thread. Trump's idiot filled cult.

You’re an idiot and a liar. Never voted for Trump and have said on here several times a brain dead Biden is still better than Trump. GFY.
You’re an idiot and a liar. Never voted for Trump and have said on here several times a brain dead Biden is still better than Trump. GFY.
My apologies. Not sure why you are concerned about Biden's mental state then, especially compared to Bone Spurs. I assume now you won't be questioning it or going with the Republican narrative that Biden isn't mentally competent...because it's crap.
My apologies. Not sure why you are concerned about Biden's mental state then, especially compared to Bone Spurs. I assume now you won't be questioning it or going with the Republican narrative that Biden isn't mentally competent...because it's crap.

Because I can see voting for him now, but when another option comes down the road like Haley, Romney or Jeb THERE’S NO FVCKING WAY, the Dems on this board would ever vote against Biden, regardless of the mental state he’s in. And here we are two pages in and only one or two posters have actually addressed the topic. That’s how you can tell.

Trump has ZERO to do with this question. He will be gone. I laid it out very specifically.

Dems look back on Reagan and bring up his in-office dementia. Fine. Will they hold Biden to the same standard in 2024? It’s quite obvious he’s heading that way if not already there. And he’s not gonna lay it down. That’s a cop out people are using here to avoid having to say that OF COURSE THEY WILL STILL vote for Biden. The answer is obvious by the amount of non-answers that have been given.
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
Biden isn't running in 2024....he's a one termer....
Because I can see voting for him now, but when another option comes down the road like Haley, Romney or Jeb THERE’S NO FVCKING WAY, the Dems on this board would ever vote against Biden, regardless of the mental state he’s in. And here we are two pages in and only one or two posters have actually addressed the topic. That’s how you can tell.

Trump has ZERO to do with this question. He will be gone. I laid it out very specifically.

Dems look back on Reagan and bring up his in-office dementia. Fine. Will they hold Biden to the same standard in 2024? It’s quite obvious he’s heading that way if not already there. And he’s not gonna lay it down. That’s a cop out people are using here to avoid having to say that OF COURSE THEY WILL STILL vote for Biden. The answer is obvious by the amount of non-answers that have been given.
Where are your medical reports on Biden? YOU are the one bringing up his mental faculties. Where are you getting this from? How do you KNOW Biden won't be able to run the country. I noticed you only mentioned "competent" Republicans to beat Joe, in 2024 I assume.

You come across as someone who agrees with what the Republicans have been doing since pre-Obama. I think they are doing incredible damage, especially how they have protected this narcissist we have in charge.
Im asking about 2024. Assuming Biden wins this one. Trump has nothing to do with this question.
ASSume much? Joe will be pinching RN and CNA asses (at the 'home') as oatmeal dribbles down his cheek, if he's still alive 4 years from now.
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Which part, I don't give a shit about Hillary, I give a shit about the Country and she easily would be doing better right now, handling the issues at hand now, this isn't hard at all. I didn't want her anywhere near 2020 Dem platform due to far too many people with no ability to critically think that would actually think Trump is better choice than her still stuck in the 2016 bullshit campaign they fell for, anything else?
Hills would have handled it the same..China hid/lied WHO did the same. Trump played the hand he was dealt and is doing a fantastic job considering the info he had and when he got it.
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Biden isn't running in 2024....he's a one termer....

Hope your right. This will give the D's and R's a chance to put a respectable and capable candidate on the ticket that doesn't have 1 foot in the grave. Joe will surround himself with very capable people the next 4 years but if he truly has mental health issues it shouldn't go beyond that.
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Hope your right. This will give the D's and R's a chance to put a respectable and capable candidate on the ticket that doesn't have 1 foot in the grave. Joe will surround himself with very capable people the next 4 years but if he truly has mental health issues it shouldn't go beyond that.
This has been largely my take/want/wish and what this country needs for quite some time, all this.
Because I can see voting for him now, but when another option comes down the road like Haley, Romney or Jeb THERE’S NO FVCKING WAY, the Dems on this board would ever vote against Biden, regardless of the mental state he’s in. And here we are two pages in and only one or two posters have actually addressed the topic. That’s how you can tell.

Trump has ZERO to do with this question. He will be gone. I laid it out very specifically.

Dems look back on Reagan and bring up his in-office dementia. Fine. Will they hold Biden to the same standard in 2024? It’s quite obvious he’s heading that way if not already there. And he’s not gonna lay it down. That’s a cop out people are using here to avoid having to say that OF COURSE THEY WILL STILL vote for Biden. The answer is obvious by the amount of non-answers that have been given.
Party before country.

I just laugh at all the lefties who call Trump “Bone Spurs”, because I doubt any of them called Bill Clinton “Draft Dodger”.
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
I think Biden is on term and done. He’s just doing his civic duty to get the orange idiot out of office.

Thanks Joe!!!!
What will trump be like 2 months from now.
Biden will always have a more capable replacement than trump. Anyone complicit in trumps presidency doesn’t deserve the right to govern. Pence is even worse than trump.

See.... Likes from the usual suspects. Keep it up and you’ll have more lines than anyone else.

Biden is a major improvement over Trump. For one thing he is an adult. And Biden gets my vote in 2020, unless Trump postpones the election ;)

That said, it’s damn disappointing that this is the best we can do. And I don’t think Biden lasts a first term(mental issues). That’s why I’m on pins and needles waiting to see who he picks as his VP.
As long as the Rs keep the Senate who gaf. It'll be like BHOs 2nd term which was fine.
I do get a small kick out of the dems nominating a clearly mentally compromised 78 yr old male career politician with a history of some shady dealings and being inappropriate with women. Goes against literally everything they (pretend) to stand for.
As long as the Rs keep the Senate who gaf. It'll be like BHOs 2nd term which was fine.
I do get a small kick out of the dems nominating a clearly mentally compromised 78 yr old male career politician with a history of some shady dealings and being inappropriate with women. Goes against literally everything they (pretend) to stand for.

this is my thinking as well, and it is only stranger considering he was stuck in 4th place at best just a few months back.

These two statements are 100% true:
1) Ds really don’t think Biden is the best candidate
2) but they don’t care because goal number one is to get Trump out of office

all that’s fine but there’s ZERO moral high ground here considering all of Biden’s baggage seems to be things they’ve whined about Trump having or doing for 3+ years now. It’s genuinely puzzling but it at least makes the Kavanaugh hysteria hilarious in hindsight.

No moral high ground on either side of the aisle...
Are the people who scream about Reagan having dementia while in office be able to square that circle in 2024 when Biden runs against a non-Trump GOPer? I get that he or she will be the newest Hitler in a long line of Hitlers, but will a clearly demented Biden be a better choice than say, Nikki Haley, or Mitt Romney to those Dems who maligned Reagan?
My best guess is he'll be a little wormy.
Hope your right. This will give the D's and R's a chance to put a respectable and capable candidate on the ticket that doesn't have 1 foot in the grave. Joe will surround himself with very capable people the next 4 years but if he truly has mental health issues it shouldn't go beyond that.
Notice the post and like.