Trump is probably a Russian asset, you're too stupid for that. Even have NATO and the UN all garbled up together.Does anyone on here really understand what is going on or the history of why the war is going on?
In 1994 Clinton and the UN were establishing the presence of force within Western Europe. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin had a treaty that it would NEVER get into Eastern Europe.
Over years, we and the UN have started moving a presence into Eastern Europe. Republican and Democrat presidents have been guilty of that.
In 2013 Biden went to Ukraine to broker a treaty between Russia and Ukraine that Ukraine wouldn't be in the UN.
2021 the talks of Ukraine becoming an UN member and Putin invaded after giving plenty of warnings he didn't want Ukraine in the UN.
Why is this such a big deal... Well we didn't like the Soviets moving military presence into Cuba in the 60's.
Ask yourself if China, Iran (and other Middle Eastern countries), Russia and others got together and formed a pact with Canada and Mexico. Then started moving a large military force and weapons into Canada and Mexico all after they signed treaty after treaty saying they wouldn't.
The US and UN have been playing the game of Risk since . This global world crap needs to stop.
The Ukraine/Russian war is on us. Political corruption caused this war. Many people's lives were ended because of the corruption. This war is Biden's and the UN's Vietnam.
The world of the MAGA dumbshit. Anything bad that ever happens anywhere in the world is the fault of the "Democrat" party in the United States. Because reasons.
"Corruption". A MAGA flack having the gall to say that word or accuse anyone else of it.
Dude is giving us straight Russian propaganda, they are a great power on our level, how would we feel in the same situation?
Well, we may be on the verge of finding out with the current Trump administration's hostile attitude toward the sovereign nations of Mexico and Canada, which are per the MAGA mind in our sphere of influence, just as the Russian's have their own apparently rightful sphere of influence which includes sovereign Ukraine.