When does Trump send US troops into Ukraine to fight against Ukraine?

That’s not the point. I addressed this before. The point was they were going off assurances from Powell and Cheney that intelligence was correct,

Clinton didn’t cite Cheney or Powell.
Neither did Gephardt or Pelosi. They EXPLICITLY cited the Clinton era officials and reporting that Iraq had WMD.

You’d rather believe their lies that Bush & Co. tricked them, when they said contemporaneously that their sources were not Republicans.
That Hussein was a menace to his own people and the region in general. I mean, it was the “liberation” act, after all.
And it made multiple references to Iraq’s WMD program.

Now explain why a few weeks later we launched 400 cruise missiles and 600 bombing sorties over a three day period to degrade Iraq’s WMD program.

You keep desperately trying to claim that the Bush administration tricked well-meaning Democrats into believing Iraq had a WMD program when in fact Democrats were absolutely certain Iraq was building WMDs while Bush was still just the Governor of Texas.
Yes I am. If Ukraine was so trustworthy, they wouldn't need to give up nukes.

Ukraine has and are extremely corrupt. Period and point blank. We have propped up and financially supported them for far to long.

A large percentage of the Ukrainian population don't want the current government.

You could say the same thing about the united states. A large percentage of our population didn't want the current government. Our current government is corrupt and is run by a convicted felon. Period and point blank.

It is what it is.

Ukraine gave up nukes as part of an agreement we were part of. We promised to protect them.

If our corrupt administration truly wanted peace, they'd be telling russia to stop attacking Ukraine, and simply leave.

It's not very complicated.

You could say the same thing about the united states. A large percentage of our population didn't want the current government. Our current government is corrupt and is run by a convicted felon. Period and point blank.

It is what it is.

Ukraine gave up nukes as part of an agreement we were part of. We promised to protect them.

If our corrupt administration truly wanted peace, they'd be telling russia to stop attacking Ukraine, and simply leave.

It's not very complicated.
They had suspected that, which made them all the more vulnerable to W administration bullshit. Should have listened to Feingold, as usual.

There it is. Putin offers Trump a better rare minerals deal in his country and says Russia has significantly larger rare earth reserves than Ukraine.

Wake the **** up MAGA! Trump is a transactional narcissist with a debt to pay and a country to leverage.

This “deal” isn’t just about minerals. It’s about setting up a scenario where Russia and Trump both win at America’s expense.

Trump does NOT care if this weakens the U.S. longterm. He just needs it weak enough while he’s in control so that no one can stop him from doing whatever he wants.
Oh I believe you, I believe you. Bill Gates is here...Mike Saylor too...if we could just get Satoshi Nakamoto to open up more!! Did you leave the farm and now trash the life because you were lazy and daddy whipped your ass? Thought you were a little too good to stack bales back when bales were stacked?
Every word I wrote is true and I honestly could not give two shits if you believe me or not. As for my experience growing up I walked beans, detassled and learned how to drive a tractor all before I was 13 among lots of other chores.

I don’t think I’m too good to be a farmer and I respect most farmers. We need strong farmers and I wish we hadn’t gone all in on corporate farms, we are strongest when we have family farms. Having said that the ones I don’t respect are those like you that complain about others receiving welfare all while happily cashing your own welfare checks.

F*cking hypocrite.
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They both were clearly relaying what was told them by Bush intelligence officials,

The 'Bush intelligence officials' didn't invent WMD Iraq's non-existent WMD programs the day Clinton left office.
If you're so stupid as to actually believe these lies it explains everything about your world view.

as Gephardt especially made clear.

Gephardt said the exact opposite of what you attest.

I asked very direct questions of the top people in the CIA and people who'd served in the Clinton administration."
-- Rep. Richard Gephardt (D, MO) Nov. 2, 2003

Do you still believe the Obama lies about civilian massacres in Libya now that I've show you the report from the British Parliament exposing those lies?

In short, can you learn?
The 'Bush intelligence officials' didn't invent WMD Iraq's non-existent WMD programs the day Clinton left office.
If you're so stupid as to actually believe these lies it explains everything about your world view.

Gephardt said the exact opposite of what you attest.

I asked very direct questions of the top people in the CIA and people who'd served in the Clinton administration."
-- Rep. Richard Gephardt (D, MO) Nov. 2, 2003

Do you still believe the Obama lies about civilian massacres in Libya now that I've show you the report from the British Parliament exposing those lies?

In short, can you learn?
Of course you cut the Gephardt quote off. This is why no one trusts you, clown:

I asked very direct questions of the top people in the CIA and people who'd served in the Clinton administration. And they said they believed that Saddam Hussein either had weapons or had the components of weapons or the ability to quickly make weapons of mass destruction.

Too bad he fell for them actually having it based on the W administration lies. We get you’re brainwashed into far right lies though.

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Ukraine gave up nukes as part of an agreement we were part of. We promised to protect them.

In the same agreement we said we’d respect their sovereignty, but instead we conspired to overthrow their elected president in an unconstitutional coup.

Kind of hard to hold others to the deal after you violate it.
Of course you cut the Gephardt quote off. This is why no one trusts you, clown:

I provided you the whole quote already. Just stop.

I asked very direct questions of the top people in the CIA and people who'd served in the Clinton administration. And they said they believed that Saddam Hussein either had weapons or had the components of weapons or the ability to quickly make weapons of mass destruction.

Too bad he fell for them actually having it based on the W administration lies. We get you’re brainwashed into far right lies though.

‘Based on the W administration lies’

Who did he ask?

“I asked very direct questions of the top people in the CIA and people who'd served in the Clinton administration.

Say who he actually asked.
You won’t do it, because it blows up your false narrative.
Every word I wrote is true and I honestly could not give two shits if you believe me or not. As for my experience growing up I walked beans, detassled and learned how to drive a tractor all before I was 13 among lots of other chores.

I don’t think I’m too good to be a farmer and I respect most farmers. We need strong farmers and I wish we hadn’t gone all in on corporate farms, we are strongest when we have family farms. Having said that the ones I don’t respect are those like you that complain about others receiving welfare all while happily cashing your own welfare checks.

F*cking hypocrite.
Well if you're as smart as you say, then you know your good friends the globalists destroyed the family farm--that and tech....oh wait, you're a tech stud! Unless you're a total idiot, you know the difference between a welfare check and a farm subsidy is one is being paid to sit home and do drugs, and the other is being paid to actually work. Walking beans and detasseling is what girls do, Stud, get back to me when you've had your ass planted in a combine for 24 hours straight.
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I provided you the whole quote already. Just stop.

‘Based on the W administration lies’

Who did he ask?

“I asked very direct questions of the top people in the CIA and people who'd served in the Clinton administration.

Say who he actually asked.
You won’t do it, because it blows up your false narrative.
You keep avoiding the distinction that, even according to your own sources, the Clinton officials never said Saddam HAD WMDs. Just that they MIGHT, or had the capacity for it. A little different than Dick Cheney assuring everyone:

There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use them.

In fact, I think it was pretty clear that Conservative Republicans wanted us not to have any doubt he had them (0:45-1:20)...

So you're either illiterate, ignorant, or deliberately trying to spread a false equivalency. Which is it?
You keep avoiding the distinction that, even according to your own sources, the Clinton officials never said Saddam HAD WMDs. Just that they MIGHT, or had the capacity for it. A little different than Dick Cheney assuring everyone:

There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use them.

In fact, I think it was pretty clear that Conservative Republicans wanted us not to have any doubt he had them (0:45-1:20)...

So you're either illiterate, ignorant, or deliberately trying to spread a false equivalency. Which is it? have no standing to argue anything anywhere when you believe in this >

Gephardt asked Clinton officials who said it might be possible.

And what did Clinton say?

"People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."
-- Ex President Bill Clinton, Jul. 22, 2003 (Interview with CNN Larry King)

And yet you want to place the blame entirely on Republicans, and ignore that Democrats spent both of Clinton's terms saying the exact same things.

"No one has done what Saddam Hussein has done, or is thinking of doing. He is producing weapons of mass destruction, and he is qualitatively and quantitatively different from other dictators.""Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
--Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998

Explain how Cheney made Clinton's Secretary of State feed you this lie in 1998.

Wanted to avoid Cheney's lies of "no doubt" though? Thought so. Nice twofer: Get caught in a lie and pussy out of answering for it. Perfect Putin stooge! ;)

I'm not 'avoiding it', because I never refuted it.
What I refute is your revisionist history where the Democrats didn't make the same lies.