When places like The University of Chickenscratch BFE

Dec 2, 2023
can have more competent offenses and the related skill positions (QB, WR, etc.), when does IOWA’s AD, in examining her breadwinning program, start asking poignant questions of exactly why that is the case, with follow-up questions to any platitudes, that arrive in actionable, measurable solutions?

It happens everyday in business everywhere. FBS football is now undeniably a business, and frankly has been, albeit not as overtly as now, so time to address the glaring challenges accordingly. Nothing changes by complaining, however nothing changes by avoiding challenging conversations, seeking to understand and planning strategies for future success.

Additionally, If the program wants to continue building successful skill sets for their athletes, that benefits their success in life, then this would be excellent role modeling of cross-functional leadership, not just top-down management. It may not be comfortable, but it can be accomplished in a respectful manner, with an eye on curiosity, learning, and improvement.

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