When the Hawks play in Ames we host a gathering of family & friends...

My thoughts when there is a good Soybean story on the horizon.
he’s one guy with a differing political stance at a big party where everyone knows everyone else. what’s the big deal? if he has the courage to mingle with hostiles, let him come in whatever garb and even talk politics if he wants. surely adults can handle any type of conversation, this isn’t china. if anything the party will be made more memorable. now if he were to ask whether he can bring along a bunch of his buddies , my thinking might be different.

This would make sense if he hadn't already ruined the 4th.
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Reactions: lucas80 watch the game and have a few beers and barbecue. It is always a good time. But I have a problem - my brother. He is a smart guy and has very well for himself, but he is MAGA. Everyone else is not. And he is not just a normal Republican, which is OK with us, but he is a mega MAGA. On the 4th of July he showed up to groans wearing his red MAGA hat and shirt that read" Trump won, and you know its true".

Just this morning I have fielded two calls from invitees asking about the party details including "is xxxxxx coming? He has become an absolute mood killer whenever he shows up in recent years and has become more stident than ever this year for some reason. We are expecting 35-40 guests. Several will be otherwise well behaved ISU fans who have expressed their disdain for him openly, one almost punched him on the 4th. Is there a good way to uninvited a brother(and a business partner a couplethree ways) from a gathering that includes all his Iowa siblings and several of his old friends without causing a major family rift?

I should add that there is no use trying to debate with him about MAGA as he is 100% all in. The idea that Trump will be at the game has added to our apprehension. Oh, and one more little complication - even through he has a very nice wife of over 40 years he has lately become very enamored with my SIL that hates his guts. I dread the scene this might cause also.
Wow! With family like you, who needs a free train ride to Auschwitz?!!
I'd just man up and tell no politics in any way shape or form. If he can't abide the host request, he can go mingle with all the other yahoos who will show up to see Trump.

Which poses a question- is your party at trice or off site, and if at Trice, what happens if Trump stops by to visit with all you right thinking Iowans?
I'd just man up and tell no politics in any way shape or form. If he can't abide the host request, he can go mingle with all the other yahoos who will show up to see Trump.

Which poses a question- is your party at trice or off site, and if at Trice, what happens if Trump stops by to visit with all you right thinking Iowans?
You could not pay me to go to Trice again. Last time I was over there I had t defend myself from some druken Clone fan who keep following us to the car carrying some sort of minature baseball bat..
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Don’t threaten him with asking him to leave, that’s instantly escalating it and will put him on the defensive. Find a way to give him a hard time about it “Hey Gary, enough of the Trump crap. We all know you have a man crush on him.”…or something like that (I’m assuming you know how to joke with your brother). If it persists, just quietly and politely ask him to cut out the political talk. If you’re a strong family you should be able to handle it without making it into a big deal.

My BIL is similar and my sister (not the one married to him) finally said “****, we all know how you feel and not all of us agree with you, so how about we find something else to talk about.” It worked and everyone still gets along
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birch - The hard thing for me is that he is my brother. Any other guy and I would have already just told him he was not welcome, and why.
How many at your party will feel uncomfortable around your brother at the tailgate/party? If you are going to let one person ruin it just don't host it.
***WARNING*** stepping out of character on this one

Let him come to the party. If he gets out of hand pull him aside and explain that if he continues he will be asked to leave and if he refuses you will call the police. It sucks but you have to let him make a fool of himself one last time in front of the family. Familes...
You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family…..I dare say every family has one.
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he’s one guy with a differing political stance at a big party where everyone knows everyone else. what’s the big deal? if he has the courage to mingle with hostiles, let him come in whatever garb and even talk politics if he wants. surely adults can handle any type of conversation, this isn’t china. if anything the party will be made more memorable. now if he were to ask whether he can bring along a bunch of his buddies , my thinking might be different.
Did you see the part of Bean's post about the 4th of July party? The brother can't control himself, and will make it a point to engage others who are there to enjoy food and football.
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Did you see the part of Bean's post about the 4th of July party? The brother can't control himself, and will make it a point to engage others who are there to enjoy food and football.
the man in question is very enamored with the SIL that we all know about, it would be very poor form to uninvite him.
He called me a few mintes ago to confirn a detail about the calves we re working next week. He told me they arecoming down tonight to stay over and then to help with set-up for the game in the morning. After a couple of his usual lewd comments about my SIL he causly dropped in a line that it will be a no-politics Saturday for him...we'll see.
Too late, but make a bunch of hats that say “No Politics” and “only football” below it. Distribute to all who show. watch the game and have a few beers and barbecue. It is always a good time. But I have a problem - my brother. He is a smart guy and has very well for himself, but he is MAGA. Everyone else is not. And he is not just a normal Republican, which is OK with us, but he is a mega MAGA. On the 4th of July he showed up to groans wearing his red MAGA hat and shirt that read" Trump won, and you know its true".

Just this morning I have fielded two calls from invitees asking about the party details including "is xxxxxx coming? He has become an absolute mood killer whenever he shows up in recent years and has become more stident than ever this year for some reason. We are expecting 35-40 guests. Several will be otherwise well behaved ISU fans who have expressed their disdain for him openly, one almost punched him on the 4th. Is there a good way to uninvited a brother(and a business partner a couplethree ways) from a gathering that includes all his Iowa siblings and several of his old friends without causing a major family rift?

I should add that there is no use trying to debate with him about MAGA as he is 100% all in. The idea that Trump will be at the game has added to our apprehension. Oh, and one more little complication - even through he has a very nice wife of over 40 years he has lately become very enamored with my SIL that hates his guts. I dread the scene this might cause also.
May be a difficult conversation …however … lay the ground rules and if he gets upset that’s on him. One
person should not be allowed ruin a good time for everyone else.
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This is really disgusting. We all know both sides do this. Think how he felt all those years you guys were all wearing Obama hats and shirts to these college football tailgate / parties. So now you want to stop him from wearing MAGA hats? Or how about the way it must feel to him when he pulls up to your house with the 30 foot Biden Flag flying in your front yard these last 3 years. And your Dark Biden yard signs.
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He called me a few mintes ago to confirn a detail about the calves we re working next week. He told me they arecoming down tonight to stay over and then to help with set-up for the game in the morning. After a couple of his usual lewd comments about my SIL he causly dropped in a line that it will be a no-politics Saturday for him...we'll see.
spill the beans on the lewd comments. we are here to let you know if you might be reading too much from some innocent remarks
Just checking in for an epic s*** show event with the brother, and the SIL banging some dude behind the machine shed at halftime.
First - SIL was dressed like a cross between a pole dancer and a cheerleader. It actually looked pretty good on her. But, it only served to elevated some of the guys blood pressue to the chargin of ther wives. You could smell the lust.

My brother was well behaved before and during the game - after the game, not so much. He was outraged that not everyone in Ames was MAGA.
First - SIL was dressed like a cross between a pole dancer and a cheerleader. It actually looked pretty good on her. But, it only served to elevated some of the guys blood pressue to the chargin of ther wives. You could smell the lust.
Poweshiek County 9?
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First - SIL was dressed like a cross between a pole dancer and a cheerleader. It actually looked pretty good on her. But, it only served to elevated some of the guys blood pressue to the chargin of ther wives. You could smell the lust.

My brother was well behaved before and during the game - after the game, not so much. He was outraged that not everyone in Ames was MAGA.
Next time put the appropriate amount of GHB in his first beer. Not having even seen GHB before, I have no idea what that amount is... watch the game and have a few beers and barbecue. It is always a good time. But I have a problem - my brother. He is a smart guy and has very well for himself, but he is MAGA. Everyone else is not. And he is not just a normal Republican, which is OK with us, but he is a mega MAGA. On the 4th of July he showed up to groans wearing his red MAGA hat and shirt that read" Trump won, and you know its true".

Just this morning I have fielded two calls from invitees asking about the party details including "is xxxxxx coming? He has become an absolute mood killer whenever he shows up in recent years and has become more stident than ever this year for some reason. We are expecting 35-40 guests. Several will be otherwise well behaved ISU fans who have expressed their disdain for him openly, one almost punched him on the 4th. Is there a good way to uninvited a brother(and a business partner a couplethree ways) from a gathering that includes all his Iowa siblings and several of his old friends without causing a major family rift?

I should add that there is no use trying to debate with him about MAGA as he is 100% all in. The idea that Trump will be at the game has added to our apprehension. Oh, and one more little complication - even through he has a very nice wife of over 40 years he has lately become very enamored with my SIL that hates his guts. I dread the scene this might cause also.
MAGAs are the Vegans of the right wing. Everyone needs to know that you're one and everyone needs to know why you're right and whatever they're doing is wrong.

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