Who are the worst owners in professional sports?

Well you remembered when Jesus was a Defensive back.
No I don't.....but my first football memory was watching Iowa play Notre Dame in Iowa Stadium....Cal Jones playing with a bloody nose...Ralph Guglielmi, the ND QB, had no front teeth and ND had a pretty good player named Hornung.
For some reason I remember the old press box being on the east side of the stadium...and the clock (in the north end zone) had a sweep second hand. I was probably about 5 years old.
Don't remember a player named Jesus though.
James Dolan as far as the NBA is concerned. Snyder would be my choice for the NFL simply because he's thrown away some good coaches during his time. For MLB I'd probably say it has to be whomever owns the Rays currently.

James Dolan right now has to be the worst. It's utterly impossible to be as bad as they've been throughout his entire run. Granted, David Sterling if he still had the Clippers makes Dolan look like a genius - but he's gone now. So, it's Dolan.

Snyder really gets his title because Skeletor is gone. I'd love to rip on Mark Davis, but he followed Dad's footsteps and got the Vegas deal done - Dear Old Dad could never finagle a new stadium where ever he moved the Raiders to. Granted, Haslem is a football idiot, but it appears he's finally figured that out and is letting football people handle the football now.

MLB, since Loria is gone (The Great Swindler) - the Rays appear to be following Loria's blueprint and will hold the city for ransom or find a city that will pony up (Portland or Montreal most likely).

That Miami baseball stadium will wind up being the stadium albatross of all albatrosses when the franchise moves out of town in a decade.

Bud Selig deserves "100% credit" for MLB's Florida problem. It was idiotic to think baseball would work there. Everybody there is some other teams' fan because of 100 years of spring training being held there. Both stadiums, even the brand spanking new one in Miami - are in terrible locations.