Why Brexit?


HR Legend
Jun 14, 2005
Cars will beep, vibrate or slow down if drivers are speeding under new mandatory safety technology which comes into effect this summer.

From July 6, new vehicles sold in the European Union and Northern Ireland will be fitted with intelligent speed assistance (ISA) to prevent accidents.

Although the UK has opted out, meaning it will not be a requirement on British roads, the technology will still be installed in most cars, and drivers can choose to switch it off on a daily basis.

Steve Gooding, director of the RAC Foundation, an independent research organisation, told the Sunday Times: “I think many motorists will tire of switching off ISA and they will just learn to live with it.”

So you’re thinking actively breaking a traffic law is a freedom you can’t give up?
my wife's car's cruise control slows the car down when it approaches another vehicle. so if the car ahead of you is going 55, and you're going 65, it will drop you down to 55. It's annoying as ****.
I get motion sickness anywhere but the driver's seat.

That feature was on in my last rental. I got to experience motion sickness in the drivers seat.

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Well, hon, normally I'd take you to the hospital, but I can only go 55, so we're going to have to sit here and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Yes, I'm aware our insurance won't cover a frivolous ambulance ride. YES, I'm aware your water broke. :cool:
You think a driver randomly going 30 over the speed limit is safer than waiting for help or driving smartly?
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You think a driver randomly going 30 over the speed limit is safer than waiting for help or driving smartly?

On the flip side, someone doing 10 under the posted speed limit on the freeway, something I experience every single day on I235, is just as dangerous but hey, at least it's legal.

Something far safer is adjusting to the flow of traffic, regardless of the speed. And if someone isn't comfortable going that speed, they can get off and take an alternate route, or just be dangerous.
Lolz. I don’t know how society has ever functioned without this governor.
I didn’t say society couldn’t function without it. I implied we’d be better with it. Traffic actually flowing fluidly and not getting messed up by idiots that think they’re awesome at driving because they speed everywhere and weave through traffic.
my wife's car's cruise control slows the car down when it approaches another vehicle. so if the car ahead of you is going 55, and you're going 65, it will drop you down to 55. It's annoying as ****.
Just wait 10 years when the sensors get old or a bug is introduced and instead of slowing down it speeds up. All this sh!t in these cars is going to make cars too expensive to operate and dangerous.
I didn’t say society couldn’t function without it. I implied we’d be better with it. Traffic actually flowing fluidly and not getting messed up by idiots that think they’re awesome at driving because they speed everywhere and weave through traffic.
So is this going to make cars speed up if they're driving too slow or taking minutes to start at a light? The only way to "flow fluidly" is if every car is flowing at the right rate of speed. All it takes is one car to go slow and your idea is flawed.
So is this going to make cars speed up if they're driving too slow or taking minutes to start at a light? The only way to "flow fluidly" is if every car is flowing at the right rate of speed. All it takes is one car to go slow and your idea is flawed.
If everyone actually payed attention while driving and drove properly we wouldn’t have a problem. One guy going way over the speed limit can impede traffic just as fast as a slow person. It’s the argument for self driving vehicles that all talk to each other but we as humans could get more efficient roads if we all went by the same rules.
I didn’t say society couldn’t function without it. I implied we’d be better with it. Traffic actually flowing fluidly and not getting messed up by idiots that think they’re awesome at driving because they speed everywhere and weave through traffic.
Now, I will say this. I do look forward to the day when driving is purely automated for all of society. It will be more efficient and will remove the morons from behind the wheel; the ones who

- you have to honk at because they're on their phones when the light turns green, thus allowing less cars through the intersection resulting in more cars being backed up over time

- think the left lane is for cruising without a care in the world like Brad Wesley in Roadhouse

- use their commute to put on their make-up

- don't understand you must speed UP to merge onto a highway where traffic is moving at 75MPH+

Yes, I'm excited to nullify those drivers. What I'm not up for is a piecemeal approach. It needs to be all or nothing. I don't want to be stuck behind a car that has the "option" to turn on some safety feature that causes traffic to slow because no one else has the feature or they have it disabled.
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And to the OP, polling has shown that Brits are pretty pissed off that Brexit hasn't gone the way it was sold by the Conservative (shocking, I know) Party.

Brexit went into place on January 31, 2020. This was on the eve of a worldwide pandemic and the ensuing financial troubles that still plague the world.

Simple polls and their accompanying results, often driven by emotion, need to be taken in stride.
Now, I will say this. I do look forward to the day when driving is purely automated for all of society. It will be more efficient and will remove the morons from behind the wheel; the ones who

- you have to honk at because they're on their phones when the light turns green, thus allowing less cars through the intersection resulting in more cars being backed up over time

- think the left lane is for cruising without a care in the world like Brad Wesley in Roadhouse

- use their commute to put on their make-up

- don't understand you must speed UP to merge onto a highway where traffic is moving at 75MPH+

Yes, I'm excited to nullify those drivers. What I'm not up for is a piecemeal approach. It needs to be all or nothing. I don't want to be stuck behind a car that has the "option" to turn on some safety feature that causes traffic to slow because no one else has the feature or they have it disabled.
What’s the difference between getting behind a guy on a double yellow that is going the speed limit but you want to go faster and the full auto? I don’t think people should go under the speed limit if weather if fine either.
If everyone actually payed attention while driving and drove properly we wouldn’t have a problem. One guy going way over the speed limit can impede traffic just as fast as a slow person. It’s the argument for self driving vehicles that all talk to each other but we as humans could get more efficient roads if we all went by the same rules.
What you're talking about isn't reality. You're not going to get everyone to drive the same way. So restricting one type of driver doesn't make sense. Everything has to change in order to make your idea feasible.
What’s the difference between getting behind a guy on a double yellow that is going the speed limit but you want to go faster and the full auto? I don’t think people should go under the speed limit if weather if fine either.
Let's say the speed limit is 75MPH. There's a car in the left lane going 73MPH and a new Chevy Silverado has the cruise set to 78MPH with blue cruise on. If memory serves as soon as the sensors pick up that slower vehicle the truck will drastically start to slow causing a domino effect behind him. From what I remember in my limited experience with that feature it's a more aggressive slowing at a much further distance, not even giving the 73MPH vehicle a chance to see the approaching vehicle and move into the right lane.
Let's say the speed limit is 75MPH. There's a car in the left lane going 73MPH and a new Chevy Silverado has the cruise set to 78MPH with blue cruise on. If memory serves as soon as the sensors pick up that slower vehicle the truck will drastically start to slow causing a domino effect behind him. From what I remember in my limited experience with that feature it's a more aggressive slowing at a much further distance, not even giving the 73MPH vehicle a chance to see the approaching vehicle and move into the right lane.
Nah you would pass the 73 mph car at 75 to keep efficiency going. Also, 78 to 73 isn’t drastic.
What you're talking about isn't reality. You're not going to get everyone to drive the same way. So restricting one type of driver doesn't make sense. Everything has to change in order to make your idea feasible.
So driving like an asshole is preferable to trying to be efficient and safe.
Nah you would pass the 73 mph car at 75 to keep efficiency going. Also, 78 to 73 isn’t drastic.
Look up how much worse traffic flow becomes (and dangerous) passing on the right is.

Also, I take it you've not been in a vehicle with the approaching car sensor before. It's more drastic than you think.
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So driving like an asshole is preferable to trying to be efficient and safe.
You can be an aggressive (aka: efficient) driver w/o being an asshole. When I'm driving, especially in a city the size of San Antonio with huge traffic issues, I am focused. I have the driving feature turned on so I don't receive texts while I'm driving. My purpose is to get from point A to point B.
Look up how much worse traffic flow becomes (and dangerous) passing on the right is.

Also, I take it you've not been in a vehicle with the approaching car sensor before. It's more drastic than you think.
I have been in a vehicle with the sponsors, I own one. It’s not bad if you don’t drive like a moron and pay attention.

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