I simply disagree that this is not religious. The argument about "when it's a life" does not - as you point out - necessarily have to be religious, but it always seems to be. And that's probably because if you aren't confused by conception and soul and similar issues, why does it matter if it's a life? No one ever addresses that question.

As I have pointed out before, the only argument against disposing of a non-sentient life form is the argument based on developmental potential - as in the recognition that a fetus will likely become a sentient being, so should not be denied that opportunity. Personally, I find that a mildly compelling argument. But as much as I encourage pro-lifers to adopt it, they always refuse. Presumably because if you accept developmental potential as imposing a moral obligation, that opens a huge can of worms about treating people better.

It certainly 'can be' non religious as you pointed out. I am not discussing on the current beliefs of a majority of people just that it is possible from a theoretical perspective even if it isn't seen so much in practice. So it is possible to be prolife and a libertarian and I wouldn't look at it as religious confusion, moral confusion sure but it doesn't have to be of religious motivation.

To take your second part a step further a newborn infant or even toddler can no more survive than an unborn child without the help of others so why afford them the rights/privileges that are guaranteed to them? I think most people would agree those tots deserve equal constitutional protections (even if I would like to strangle mine at various points in time) so the question is how far back do we go into the womb to grant such protections. Birth is an easy answer but could be considered a cop-out theoretically.