Why leaving Canada makes sense for Alberta


HR Heisman
Dec 17, 2006
Interesting concept, do you think the US would take them?

Why leaving Canada makes sense for Alberta, and U.S. would likely welcome a new state

U.S. forecaster Peter Zeihan, a former geopolitical analyst with the security firm Stratfor, has spent his career trying to predict the future of tumultuous states - recently, he's turned his gaze to North America. Now, his latest book, [/I]The Accidental Superpower, takes a bleak look at the direction of the world in general. Among his speculations, the future of Alberta in Canada. He spoke to the [/I]Post's Jen Gerson.[/I]


Calvary Herald
Is there a link in there somewhere that just isn't showing up on my phone?

First thought off the top of my head is that Canada wouldn't give up the tar sands without a fight.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Don't want. Alberta produces too few hockey players. Besides, it's basically Northern Montana.
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by torbee:
I'd rather give Texas to Canada
Imagine how much better Canadian high school football would get if only this would happen! Texas would teach Albertians the sins of their past by supporting hockey.

The Mounties could teach the Texas Rangers how to get their man. Just think how cool Walker would look in a Mountie uniform.
That's nonsense. What Canadian province in its right mind would want to join the cluster ____ the US has become? We had the same BS floating around about Quebec a few years ago. Today I doubt if Hawaii or Alaska would vote to become US citizens and you know the South sure as hell wouldn't join.
Originally posted by jerryusc:

That's nonsense. What Canadian province in its right mind would want to join the cluster ____ the US has become? We had the same BS floating around about Quebec a few years ago. Today  I doubt if Hawaii or Alaska would vote to become US citizens and you know the South sure as hell wouldn't join.
Yeah. Our socialist health care system would drive them nuts. Not to mention out stronger economy.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
This may sound screwy at first blush, but the discussion is interesting and makes a lot of sense. Which is not to say I approve, just that the reasoning is logical.

Be aware that Canada's tar sands oil is almost entirely contained within Alberta. So it's easy to imagine Big Oil and folks like the Koch bros putting money into a propaganda campaign to steal part of Canada.

The US has a long history of supporting this sort of partition of other nations in an effort to grab their oil and other resources. We've tried it fairly recently in Venezuela and Bolivia. When I was younger, I remember us trying it in Congo. We basically created the nation of Panama to steal the narrowest place to build a canal. But it's hard to imagine using these tactics against a friendly neighbor.

Might it happen? With wealthy corporations and plutocrats in both countries pulling the strings, I wouldn't rule it out. A GOP takeover here would increase the odds, as long as the conservatives still run Canada.