We cannot continue to hold an entire fan base, administration and collegiate community responsible for the actions of the few. Stop, for a moment, and try and put yourself in their place. Worse yet....what if it had happened here.
Let it go....justice and karma have both taken place.
If the Iowa athletic administration actively enabled a serial pedophile coach to prey on children over a 25+ year period and attempted to subvert/hide/deflect that knowledge, I'd burn every piece of Iowa gear/memorabilia I own - besides the papers indicating degrees strictly for occupation purposes - and never support (actively, financially or passively) any part of the University again. Season tickets to football and wrestling, I-club & Alumni Association donations... all would stop. I'd fully support an athletic death penalty for the university because it purposely valued winning over horrific molestation of children for decades. I'd be prepared to discuss my total removal of anything to do with the University for multiple situations, including during interviews or university solicitations. I'd be ashamed to have ever supported the University during that time.
I'd pity anyone who chose to remain an Iowa fan from that point forward.