I know this won't go over well, but many label people as "Joe-bots" and pedophile enablers for trying to provide all of the FACTS, and not the 30 seconds bits of hype spewed on ESPN. Penn Staters are sickened by Sandusky and the poor decisions people made. However, the facts remain that McQueary admits he provided less than full information to Joe, he has changed his story multiple times. The NCAA enacted legisaltion addressing sexual assault after the Sandusky tragedy, and it said coaches should report and BACK OFF. The policy they described is exactly what Joe did. The mandatory reporters who knew McQueary saw something were a medical doctor and the Second Mile administrators. These mandatory reporters either didn't think what he said was worth reporting, or were worried about protecting something else. It is a fact that there are many members of the PSU BOT with Second Mile connections. I think something was very wrong at PSU, but it was the Board of Trustees more so than the three convicted of a single misdemeanor each after five years of investigations...