Why put up with PSU posters here

Are you really avertising the BWI board on HR? For free?
If that's what you got out of the post, I cannot help you. The post was about banning, which rarely occurs. It is a good board, as is this board. If people kept things to wrestling, it would be even better. Both are free boards, and I welcome other teams. So what's the issue?
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paterno was the man, sandusky was his guy if he had any balls he would have killed him.
You do realize Sandusky and Paterno did not like each other very much, and Sandusky had been told by Paterno to retire as he was not going to move up any higher in the PSU coaching ranks. Sandusky was committing too much time to the Second Mile (which at the time, everyone in central PA thought was an amazing organization). When he retired, Paterno did not want him to have access to the football buildings, but was over-ruled by the BOT- because of the Second Mile charity. Sandusky had been retired from coaching for several years when the "shower" incident occurred. Nobody but the Board of Trustees had the power to keep him off of PSU property.
If peer reviewed literature is true, 4% of the population has pedophile tendencies. Some act and some do not act on those urges. That means both HR and BWI likely have dozens of them in their midst. Doesn't seem wise to crap on one fan base when both share a common problem. The 96% of us need to spend more time being vigilant than trying to score points. I have a beautiful 6 year old girl. I dont care who you're a fan of, you molest her, you're dead.

You know me...not into all the PSU bashing via Sandusky. But your post has nothing to do with what happened at PSU. It could have been any issue but it just so happens to be the lowest of the low. Like Baylor and a host of other programs, it was an administrative cover up in a small circle of individuals who wielded a lot of power on campus. For this reason, it has nothing to do with PSU wrestling IMO or its fans.

Some point out that PSU folks defend JoePA and the administration. I don't know if JoePA did or not but there are some things, even whispered as a rumor, that need to be investigated IMO by the university and the police. However, I don't think the PSU football team deserved to have the punishment it received...only the individuals that were involved in the crime and the cover up punished by the law as it had nothing to do with football, recruiting etc. In this, I agree with some of those fans.

I wouldn't be too sad if JS got shanked in the shower for a carton of smokes but maybe that's just me.
You do realize Sandusky and Paterno did not like each other very much, and Sandusky had been told by Paterno to retire as he was not going to move up any higher in the PSU coaching ranks. Sandusky was committing too much time to the Second Mile (which at the time, everyone in central PA thought was an amazing organization). When he retired, Paterno did not want him to have access to the football buildings, but was over-ruled by the BOT- because of the Second Mile charity. Sandusky had been retired from coaching for several years when the "shower" incident occurred. Nobody but the Board of Trustees had the power to keep him off of PSU property.

Oh give me a f'n break. That monster molested many kids way before the MM reported shower incident. Of course Joe didn't like him or want him around because he knew a long time ago that his DC was a weirdo and heard things. Joe kept a CYA folder at his own house. Coaches don't do that just because they didn't like the way he coached.

Wake up.
So what is your point... he got rid of him as much as he could. He said don't allow him on campus and he was over-ruled by the BOT and the governor who had serious financial interests in the Second Mile. The previous time the governor had Sandusky "investigated" it was with a single drug enforcement guy- no experience in pedophiles. Paterno ruled the football domain- but he could not overrule the BOT and the governor of the state. Unless he really went vigilante, I am not sure what people expected him to do...
So what is your point... he got rid of him as much as he could. He said don't allow him on campus and he was over-ruled by the BOT and the governor who had serious financial interests in the Second Mile. The previous time the governor had Sandusky "investigated" it was with a single drug enforcement guy- no experience in pedophiles. Paterno ruled the football domain- but he could not overrule the BOT and the governor of the state. Unless he really went vigilante, I am not sure what people expected him to do...

Not trying to be a jerk, but you are quickly taking this discussion into a place that has no relation to the subject of the thread -- why PSU posters should or should not be tolerated on this WRESTLING forum. Debating the relevance of certain historical events to a wrestling forum is one thing, but debating the details of those events is a bad move. Please do not go there.
Not trying to be a jerk, but you are quickly taking this discussion into a place that has no relation to the subject of the thread -- why PSU posters should or should not be tolerated on this WRESTLING forum. Debating the relevance of certain historical events to a wrestling forum is one thing, but debating the details of those events is a bad move. Please do not go there.
Agreed- I apologize and will stop.
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Oh give me a f'n break. That monster molested many kids way before the MM reported shower incident. Of course Joe didn't like him or want him around because he knew a long time ago that his DC was a weirdo and heard things. Joe kept a CYA folder at his own house. Coaches don't do that just because they didn't like the way he coached.

Wake up.
Please tell us more about Joes secret file. Then tell me how informed you are.
How about we let this thread die, Hawk fans? We don't have time for the knuckleheads or the negativity. Let's focus on having f*** and helping the Hawks win championships.
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If that's what you got out of the post, I cannot help you. The post was about banning, which rarely occurs. It is a good board, as is this board. If people kept things to wrestling, it would be even better. Both are free boards, and I welcome other teams. So what's the issue?

Sorry, man. I've no ill will. (And if you read the entire thread, you might believe me.:))

My post in question was made from the (imaginary) perspective of the thread's OP. Just think…. If the guy was mad at the thought of PSU posters coming around here, how would he react to the musings of BWI management?:D
So what is your point... he got rid of him as much as he could. He said don't allow him on campus and he was over-ruled by the BOT and the governor who had serious financial interests in the Second Mile. The previous time the governor had Sandusky "investigated" it was with a single drug enforcement guy- no experience in pedophiles. Paterno ruled the football domain- but he could not overrule the BOT and the governor of the state. Unless he really went vigilante, I am not sure what people expected him to do...
Are you kidding? Joe ruled everything in State College! The administration tried to fire Paterno and he told them to get off his property.
Sorry, man. I've no ill will. (And if you read the entire thread, you might believe me.:))

My post in question was made from the (imaginary) perspective of the thread's OP. Just think…. If the guy was mad at the thought of PSU posters coming around here, how would he react to the musings of BWI management?:D

Ha, I was sort of thinking a similar thing when I first saw Hotshoe's name appear in this thread -- if folks don't like how BWI moderators moderate BWI, just imagine the vitriol over a BWI moderator stepping in to try to moderate HR!

I hope that comment doesn't get me banned from BWI, Hotshoe. ;)
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I know this won't go over well, but many label people as "Joe-bots" and pedophile enablers for trying to provide all of the FACTS, and not the 30 seconds bits of hype spewed on ESPN. Penn Staters are sickened by Sandusky and the poor decisions people made. However, the facts remain that McQueary admits he provided less than full information to Joe, he has changed his story multiple times. The NCAA enacted legisaltion addressing sexual assault after the Sandusky tragedy, and it said coaches should report and BACK OFF. The policy they described is exactly what Joe did. The mandatory reporters who knew McQueary saw something were a medical doctor and the Second Mile administrators. These mandatory reporters either didn't think what he said was worth reporting, or were worried about protecting something else. It is a fact that there are many members of the PSU BOT with Second Mile connections. I think something was very wrong at PSU, but it was the Board of Trustees more so than the three convicted of a single misdemeanor each after five years of investigations...

I'm also familiar with the case far beyond the headlines and the sound bites. That includes events and specifics both before and after 2001. So there are a number of ways I could respond to your post. But those discussions don't belong here and I think we've each made our position clear. So I will stop now as well.
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Sorry, man. I've no ill will. (And if you read the entire thread, you might believe me.:))

My post in question was made from the (imaginary) perspective of the thread's OP. Just think…. If the guy was mad at the thought of PSU posters coming around here, how would he react to the musings of BWI management?:D
No doubt. It's on all boards. I really try not to censure, but as some here can verify, I've warned all sides to tone it down and stop the nonsense. Especial Mr caps lock.
Ha, I was sort of thinking a similar thing when I first saw Hotshoe's name appear in this thread -- if folks don't like how BWI moderators moderate BWI, just imagine the vitriol over a BWI moderator stepping in to try to moderate HR!

I hope that comment doesn't get me banned from BWI, Hotshoe. ;)
No one is moderating here at all. My comment was to inform on banning. I've not done it, nor do I like to. The comment above regarding how easy it is to get banned on BWI, was simply not true. I come here often, but rarely post. If you remember a few months ago, someone made a post specifically about me, stating he was banned. He never was, I warned him to tone it down. You have to earn a ban on the Wrestling board. That said, 99% of the people that come over are quite good.
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No doubt. It's on all boards. I really try not to censure, but as some here can verify, I've warned all sides to tone it down and stop the nonsense. Especial Mr caps lock.

I don't get it. Did you accidentally quote my post in your above response?