Thanks WWDM.....I'm done is a good dude. Great Hawk fan. So is el dub, for that matter.
You guys have a lot more in common than not. Truce?![]()
Your point being??? Don't have any thoughts or opinions of your own and allow yourself and to be hearded by the others? Just forget the entire thing. Don't have a ball to take home so not really a problem. It's enough that some of the people on this site know me and know that the comments here are unfounded.
Good question...No more threads no more posts.
Mr Spooner, You do not know anything about me so do not assume you know who I am or what I would do. In fact instead of going home I would just make sure I beat you. I certainly would never side with an opponent over my own.
13 mins later...
You sir, are a LIAR!
You and psu posters seem to be buddy buddy...lolYeah, I was trying not to go there.![]()
You and psu posters seem to be buddy
Your point being??? Don't have any thoughts or opinions of your own and allow yourself and to be hearded by the others? Just forget the entire thing. Don't have a ball to take home so not really a problem. It's enough that some of the people on this site know me and know that the comments here are unfounded.
I will match you come pay day.I'll donate $25 to the hwc of this thread gets deleted....
I don't think everyone on the Iowa board are "Friends" with all the PSU posters, but we are friends to "Some" of them. It is no different than fans of other sites.. Some come in peace and speak logically and some are Douche Bags... We have plenty of both in the Iowa forums as well wouldn't you agree? Do you want to know why so many fans from other schools come to the Iowa board? It's not rocket science... This board is one of the Best (if not the best) wrestling board on the Internet. We have folks who post here who have their own college wrestling websites..... we have the most educated fans and the most loyal supporters I have ever seen and often times you can read breaking news on this Message Board before you see it anywhere else... You can't blame others for coming here.... Yes there are guys who should be blocked, ignored, or banned but not all of them. Those who post in peace are most welcome no matter what fan base they are.... Don't beat yourself up, but don't make the Many pay for the mistakes of the few...Good question. I made a comment about why so many ps supporters post on a Hawkeye thread instead of on their own. Which evidentally was not taken well by their friends here. My mistake it would seem...but since it also seems that in doing so I am the one who was takento task and put on ignore. Maybe I know, or think I know too much and therefore, am not as tolerent of their defensive and combative posts. Again my mistake! No more threads no more posts.
It all started with this stretch:
1-18-98 MN 18-17
1-16-99 MN 21-14
1-30-99 MN 19-17
1-20-01 MN 20-17
2-18-01 MN 17-16
2-01-02 MN 22-15
2-15-04 MN 18-15
1-22-06 MN 25-9
Squawkers should take solace that it wasn't a multi-decade winless streak like the B&W 'ers suffered through.
Back in the days before Cael went to PSU, and even for a few years after, you guys used to have a similar relationship with one of jammenz' teams, didn't you? I always thought that Hawk fans and Goofs despised each other. Is that relationship just taking a back burner until they get relevant again? Or, was I reading too much into the Hawk/Goof relationship?
Yeah, but there's a difference between conversing with a fan from another team and a straight up troll. This board was inundated with PSU trolls for a while. We don't want this place to become 2.0.Because it's interesting to get their point of view... unless certain people want to turn this board into one of the all too many "think the same way I think or you're banned" type of sports talk boards going on... been on those before... they suck
It all started with this stretch:
1-18-98 MN 18-17
1-16-99 MN 21-14
1-30-99 MN 19-17
1-20-01 MN 20-17
2-18-01 MN 17-16
2-01-02 MN 22-15
2-15-04 MN 18-15
1-22-06 MN 25-9
Squawkers should take solace that it wasn't a multi-decade winless streak like the B&W 'ers suffered through.
well, that brings up the age old question... "what's a troll?".
well, that brings up the age old question... "what's a troll?". Too many think a troll is someone with a differing opinion from theirs. I can name a few on this board convinced that I'm a troll because I don't kiss their asses. I was banned from a Dallas Cowboys board because I think Jason Garrett is overrated and the mod thinks he's the greatest coach ever. I've been warned on an Arkansas Razorbacks baseball board because I don't kiss the mods ass their either.
If the PSU fans come on to start trouble then the other posters need to roll their eyes and just let it go... most the PSU fan posts I see are good points from knowledgable fans
It all started with this stretch:
1-18-98 MN 18-17
1-16-99 MN 21-14
1-30-99 MN 19-17
1-20-01 MN 20-17
2-18-01 MN 17-16
2-01-02 MN 22-15
2-15-04 MN 18-15
1-22-06 MN 25-9
Squawkers should take solace that it wasn't a multi-decade winless streak like the B&W 'ers suffered through.
Wee-wee head alert.I pity them for supporting administrations that turn a blind eye on pedophilia and portraying themselves as the victim. No number of wins or championships in any sport will erase the loathing the rest of the world has when hearing or thinking about that institution.
You don't need to highlight those posts by responding Nitlion. The posters and viewers here already know they have nothing substantive to offer when they go there, so why state the obvious? 83% of this board doesn't condone that type that drivel.
My nephew plays for the Razorbacks. Let me know if they give you a hard time again- I may have some pullwell, that brings up the age old question... "what's a troll?". Too many think a troll is someone with a differing opinion from theirs. I can name a few on this board convinced that I'm a troll because I don't kiss their asses. I was banned from a Dallas Cowboys board because I think Jason Garrett is overrated and the mod thinks he's the greatest coach ever. I've been warned on an Arkansas Razorbacks baseball board because I don't kiss the mods ass their either.
If the PSU fans come on to start trouble then the other posters need to roll their eyes and just let it go... most the PSU fan posts I see are good points from knowledgable fans
They are now because I ignored 75% of them.If the PSU fans come on to start trouble then the other posters need to roll their eyes and just let it go... most the PSU fan posts I see are good points from knowledgable fans
You really should have ignored 83%.They are now because I ignored 75% of them.
You seem like a good guy from your posting history. I suspect if you actually read what I wrote vs what you think I wrote, your opinion on me may change.You don't need to highlight those posts by responding Nitlion. The posters and viewers here already know they have nothing substantive to offer when they go there, so why state the obvious? 83% of this board doesn't condone that type of drivel.
You seem like a good guy from your posting history. I suspect if you actually read what I wrote vs what you think I wrote, your opinion on me may change.
PSU supporters go into defensive/deflection mode as soon as Sandusky or his enabled serial pedophilia on PSU grounds is mentioned, without actually listening to the topic or the message. It's unfortunate and part of the reason why the rest of the civilized US pity the devotion to that institution. It doesn't help when the administration continues fighting lawsuits, uses the terminology "alleged victims", defended the previous administration or the knowledge timing, doesn't actively discourage a fanbase that still smears McQueary, complains about loss of revenue due to sanctions, etc. And yet, unyielding support to PSU.
Suppose it all boils down to a different base of ethics/societal norms.
Usually, it is used on here ad nauseum to mess with some PSU fans for no other reason than to counter their douchiness. It is used in lieu of the "we beat your ass, now go on home to your board" type of posts...because we can't use that one. It has nothing to do with PSU wrestlers or Cael Sanderson. If your point is that fan bases are protective of their school and/or team, than all of us would be guilty. "There but for the grace of God, go I."
Honestly, Sandusky could have happened anywhere. It's the JoPa apologists that shame PSU.
Why do other fans post here? In general , I think most of us are wrestling fans first. I personally enjoy most of the wrestling talk, many knowledgeable posters here. I'm a club coach and travel alot to youth and HS tournaments. I end up getting to know alot of kids , they go to various schools for various reasons. I try to follow thier progress and frequent many forums. As most of you know , there are not many online communities like the Hawks and PSU. Anyway , don't think either board would be the same without outside posts. Brings perspective and fun ribbing. Though both fan based have thier share of clowns. I kinda ignore the BS and focus on the good poster , there are many more good posters than bad ones , just seems the bad ones get all the attention