Wife of Eagles' founder dies in gun nut accident

The lengths some folks will go to cover up a suicide.

When a farmer kills himself it's usually, "I dunno. He was out hunting by himself and must'a stepped in a hole."
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Every abortion has a death. Abortionistas must love death.

Its just too bad she didn't have a gun handy so she could have protected herself.
I met the Randy Meisner impostor who was running around California and Nevada using his name. He was introducing himself as Randy Meisner and bragging about the Eagles and his houses and his investments. This fake Randy Meisner was kind of a jerk and definitely did not act like an authentic famous guy. However, he did seem to have most of his facts straight so I was never quite sure. He did kind of resemble the real Randy Meisner.

He got busted at the Bicycle club in California a few months later and later on shipped off to prison for a stint.