Will there be a 2nd debate September 10th?

Will there be a 2nd debate?

  • Yes, both candidates want to debate again

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • No, Biden's team will cancel for whatever reason

    Votes: 19 38.8%
  • No, Biden will withdraw from the race

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • No, Biden will be forced from the race

    Votes: 5 10.2%
  • No, Trump will withdraw and be snarky about elder abuse

    Votes: 8 16.3%

  • Total voters
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The only way there is a second debate is if the Democrat insiders have a viable replacement for Biden. If they can generate enough interest in someone else, they will go ahead and throw Biden to the wolves.
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If Biden stays in, he has to. He needs to show the country that his performance the last time was a fluke. Again much like the first debate 80% of what Biden needs to do is to just appear energetic. A few brain farts and senior moments certainly don't help but I don't think they hurt nearly as much as the image of him looking tired and weak.

Trump however has incentive to cancel the debate if he feels like he can find a face saving way to do it. The first debate hurt Biden pretty significantly and Trump probably doesn't want to give him the opportunity to bounce back.

That said the difficult part for Trump would be finding a face saving way to get out which isn't easy, any lame excuses given will have people questioning why he is doing it since he already agreed to it. So I would say most likely he still does the debate and hope Biden blows it a 2nd time.

Honestly if he had some sort of court date on Sept 10 his team would probably love it at this point. That would be a face saving way to cancel the debate.
I hope not. It's like watching 2 old drunks trying to knock each other out and missing and falling flat on their faces.
Season 5 No GIF by The Office
After Trump's stunning first minute knockout last Thursday, he is now in the driver's seat in terms of allowing/granting a rematch! He should agree to a second fight with just one stipulation: dementia jo submits to a blood test pre-fight! A debate with jo fighting "clean," would be absolutely priceless!! Other than that, tell them to pound sand and pudding pops!!
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Zero chance Biden goes forward with a 2nd debate. They are already back to shielding him from the media and having to answer tough questions.
If there is a second, all of the DNC talking points following the first will be heard - i.e. they will pause the debate whenever necessary to fact check Trump
  • Haha
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I certainly hope there's a 2nd debate. That way we can watch that Chis Guy do this when Trump speaks:

Kevin James Pain GIF by TV Land

And this when Biden speaks:


Yes, we know, Chis, you're doing God's work trying to single handedly save the world. I assume you're at the polling stations handing out propaganda pamphlets as we speak.
How far do you have to stick your head up Nancy Pelosi's arse to choose "Trump will withdraw...??"

That makes no sense.

I'm a firm no on "will the debate happen?" But there's a 0% chance it's trump that pulls the plug on it. Unless he dies of one too many big macs...
The dynamic has totally changed. Joe NEEDS the debate and Trump doesn't. Wouldn't be surprised to see Trump totally renegotiate the deal and try to pick the moderators/rules if he goes through with the second debate.
They've both already agreed to it. If either declines without leaving the race they should get raked for it. One for presumably not being able and the other for being a fat coward.
I think Biden needs one.

I guess polling data will decide which side is motivated.m to push for one.

Biden is one physical incident on the campaign trail from being toast.
If Trump is smart there won't be another debate. He agreed to every demand Joe made to make this one happen, and Joey fell flat on his face. Not to mention Trump is a terrible debater in his own right.
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IMO both need to be fact checked, so I'd be happy if the moderators would simply say, "Mr. Trump, you didn't answer the question. Next non-answer will result in a mic mute."

This isn't Around the Horn though after the last one, we might need ESPN to moderate so we can get more information on their golf games out there
They've both already agreed to it. If either declines without leaving the race they should get raked for it. One for presumably not being able and the other for being a fat coward.
I don't think the negatives of Trump declining outweigh Joes performance in the first least politically.

I'd like to see a second debate personally, throw in RFK jr to spice things up as well. :)
A couple of posters think Biden can do better in a second debate. I guess that begs the question of risk v reward. Does Biden have to take that risk to get elected?

Related to that, how much should Biden appear in public between now and then? Would it help or hurt him to have a fireside chat type event?
A couple of posters think Biden can do better in a second debate. I guess that begs the question of risk v reward. Does Biden have to take that risk to get elected?

Related to that, how much should Biden appear in public between now and then? Would it help or hurt him to have a fireside chat type event?
Cognitive ability gets better the older you get, so he'll likely improve each month.
Yes. Well, unless Trump is in jail but Biden has no choice now if he is still the nominee. He needs to show that the last one was a fluke.
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Yes. Well, unless Trump is in jail but Biden has no choice now if he is still the nominee. He needs to show that the last one was a fluke.
If Biden doesn't show the last one was a fluke, doesn't that essentially hand Trump the election? Couldn't Biden just do more rallies like last Friday in NC?
I actually think a 2nd debate benefits Trump as long as the rules are the same. Besides his one jab he wasn't a dick. He gets Biden a couple months older and a couple more months to cut the amount of lies down he might bury Joe.
Of course this would mean he'd have to not be a dick and cut down on the lies.

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