Will there be a 2nd debate September 10th?

Will there be a 2nd debate?

  • Yes, both candidates want to debate again

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • No, Biden's team will cancel for whatever reason

    Votes: 19 38.8%
  • No, Biden will withdraw from the race

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • No, Biden will be forced from the race

    Votes: 5 10.2%
  • No, Trump will withdraw and be snarky about elder abuse

    Votes: 8 16.3%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
I don't think the negatives of Trump declining outweigh Joes performance in the first least politically.

I'd like to see a second debate personally, throw in RFK jr to spice things up as well. :)

Of course not, his supporters are shameless and ha e made him part of their personality.
If Biden doesn't show the last one was a fluke, doesn't that essentially hand Trump the election? Couldn't Biden just do more rallies like last Friday in NC?
Trump is still a convicted felon and he will still make abortion illegal nationally so I don't know.
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Yes. Well, unless Trump is in jail but Biden has no choice now if he is still the nominee. He needs to show that the last one was a fluke.
Unless he was drugged with a horse tranquilizer or had the plague, I don't see any room for redemption. It was not an issue of stumbling over questions as you might have seen in prior debates.
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The dynamic has totally changed. Joe NEEDS the debate and Trump doesn't. Wouldn't be surprised to see Trump totally renegotiate the deal and try to pick the moderators/rules if he goes through with the second debate.
God how easy it is for people to just dismiss Trump lying for 90 minutes and consider it a win.
I actually think a 2nd debate benefits Trump as long as the rules are the same. Besides his one jab he wasn't a dick. He gets Biden a couple months older and a couple more months to cut the amount of lies down he might bury Joe.
Of course this would mean he'd have to not be a dick and cut down on the lies.
Trump didn't lie.
God how easy it is for people to just dismiss Trump lying for 90 minutes and consider it a win.
Yet no one talks about it because Biden couldn't attack him or call him out on anything because he wasn't there. Donald could have dropped his pants and took a shit between the two podiums and Biden wouldn't have had any ability to ask why he did it or why it was necessary.
Trump is still a convicted felon and he will still make abortion illegal nationally so I don't know.
He has never once said anything about that being nationally an issue and as a matter of fact said he likes the states dealing with it which is what the supreme Court wanted
He has never once said anything about that being nationally an issue and as a matter of fact said he likes the states dealing with it which is what the supreme Court wanted
Yeah, just like Supreme Court justices said that Roe v. Wade was settled law in their confirmation hearings. Republicans say what they need to say and then do the opposite when it is convenient for them. Trump doesn't care that he will be called a liar.
That would be a shame. I can't wrap my head around thinking it's a good thing for a perspective President to be able to opt out of the process, but Trump people aren't relatable to me.
To clarify, the two debates were arranged by the Biden campaign outside the normal debate commission process, with different rules and format.

Neither side of the fringes aren't relatable to me.
To clarify, the two debates were arranged by the Biden campaign outside the normal debate commission process, with different rules and format.

Neither side of the fringes aren't relatable to me.

Right, two debates were agreed to in advance. If either drops out they should be held to task.

I have zero faith that that can be accomplished in the GOP, and the DNC will probably keep with tradition and make a mess of even the simplest task.
Yet no one talks about it because Biden couldn't attack him or call him out on anything because he wasn't there. Donald could have dropped his pants and took a shit between the two podiums and Biden wouldn't have had any ability to ask why he did it or why it was necessary.

I think that nicely highlights the disparity of standards we find ourselves with. The most chaotic and criminal man to ever hold the office has deficiencies of conduct and character that seem to have become his opponent's responsibility. That's just stupidity at the highest level.
Zero chance Biden goes forward with a 2nd debate. They are already back to shielding him from the media and having to answer tough questions.
The window they opened was 90 minutes. He didn’t have to answer any tough questions during that 90 minutes. If there was what could be considered a “tough question”, he certainly didn’t answer it. He’s quickly retreated and any media access will be scripted and rare.
Yes, but Biden will have a new Doctor and mix up a better drug cocktail. The thing is his mental capabilities will continue their downward slide and no drug can fix that. His performance in debate 2 could be even worse.
No. This is real life, not a reality show. Both of them should be showing us what they are and what their policy plans are.
Totally agree they SHOULD be doing debates.

I just don't think Joe would have taken much of a political hit. It'd be far better than what he's dealing with now.
Right, two debates were agreed to in advance. If either drops out they should be held to task.

I have zero faith that that can be accomplished in the GOP, and the DNC will probably keep with tradition and make a mess of even the simplest task.
Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual abuse, is facing numerous other criminal and civil charges, owes Jean Carroll a half a billion or whatever… I’m guessing this isn’t going to keep him up at night.
After Trump's stunning first minute knockout last Thursday, he is now in the driver's seat in terms of allowing/granting a rematch! He should agree to a second fight with just one stipulation: dementia jo submits to a blood test pre-fight! A debate with jo fighting "clean," would be absolutely priceless!! Other than that, tell them to pound sand and pudding pops!!
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Depends. Does senility tend to get better or worse over time?
Depends on the cause and the treatment. In many cases it is an intestinal issue. Given that functional medicine is also on the opposite side of the pharma/ag chemical industry, I would doubt they would treat it that way. It is easier to minimize/prevent it than treat it.

If you are a big believer in pharma, eat what you want and that big is beautiful, you aren't likely going to eat healthy in the first place.

Dementia patients also tend to get belligerent and don't want to be told what to do. Many die from complications from falls due to being off balance. Joe's falls are well recorded.

Frontal lobe dementia issues cause a lack of a filter (sounds like Trump).
Depends on the cause and the treatment. In many cases it is an intestinal issue. Given that functional medicine is also on the opposite side of the pharma/ag chemical industry, I would doubt they would treat it that way. It is easier to minimize/prevent it than treat it.

If you are a big believer in pharma, eat what you want and that big is beautiful, you aren't likely going to eat healthy in the first place.

Dementia patients also tend to get belligerent and don't want to be told what to do. Many die from complications from falls due to being off balance. Joe's falls are well recorded.

Frontal lobe dementia issues cause a lack of a filter (sounds like Trump).
He's had umpteen brain bleeds/aneurysms. His brain is frigging soggy and he's not recovering from that. Look it up..........
That would be a shame. I can't wrap my head around thinking it's a good thing for a perspective President to be able to opt out of the process, but Trump people aren't relatable to me.

Debates aren't part of the process - they are not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

If a candidate has the election in the bag, there is zero reason for them to debate.
Debates aren't part of the process - they are not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

If a candidate has the election in the bag, there is zero reason for them to debate.

Neither are primaries or political parties, yet here we are. It does not benefit the citizens of the nation to allow people auditioning for the privilege to lead to disregard the established processes and standards.
Not arguing. Dementia isn't linear, but he isn't getting that much better. You can't hide the look in the eyes. I would be done arguing as well if I posted that he could get it together.
See, I think he’s simply an 81 year old man. Whether that includes dementia I have no idea. He’s not my first choice for president, but on the other hand the alternative is trump.
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Again, I don't feel like arguing this point anymore. You're not going to move, neither am I.

Let's just agree to disagree on that point.

Frankly, to me, it matters more that the other guy is Trump.
We can sort of agree on Trump. I have too many friends in Ukraine to want Biden. Many of the everyday Ukrainians understand the situation very well. They know the movie Wag the Dog. And they do not like Putin.

Looking forward to football.
If Biden stays in, he has to. He needs to show the country that his performance the last time was a fluke. Again much like the first debate 80% of what Biden needs to do is to just appear energetic. A few brain farts and senior moments certainly don't help but I don't think they hurt nearly as much as the image of him looking tired and weak.

Trump however has incentive to cancel the debate if he feels like he can find a face saving way to do it. The first debate hurt Biden pretty significantly and Trump probably doesn't want to give him the opportunity to bounce back.

That said the difficult part for Trump would be finding a face saving way to get out which isn't easy, any lame excuses given will have people questioning why he is doing it since he already agreed to it. So I would say most likely he still does the debate and hope Biden blows it a 2nd time.

Honestly if he had some sort of court date on Sept 10 his team would probably love it at this point. That would be a face saving way to cancel the debate.
Biden has to debate if he is the candidate and the bar will be lowered for him that as long as Jill is able to say Oh honey you did such a good job!!! Not sure how you say it but she will finish with pah tuey.