You, RN, are an excellent example of what makes Bernie's $15/hr minimum wage idea so dangerous. My wife is also an RN. RN's are well-trained and are justifiably required to complete extensive academic and in-theater training. Upon graduation, an RN may be compensated anywhere from $16-$25/hr. depending on if they go into a hospital, a Dr's office, etc. Where I live, most starting wages for an RN are around $17.50/hr.
Why on earth would someone spend 4 years becoming an RN if they could sign up to work at McDonalds out of High school for almost the same money? Not only that, with everyone making $15/hr, costs of everything go, so suddenly an RN needs to make more as well, and why would an RN make as much as a nurse practitioner? Nurse practitioner's salaries go up, etc. etc. etc. So do costs (including medical bills), of course, so nobody's better off.
The market has to be allowed to work. I'm not advocating that minimum wage stay stagnant, but artificially propping it up faster than the market can bare doesn't benefit anyone, although it sounds great on the surface and is a cheap way to get votes..