Work poop question?

Why does every thread turn into a discussion about Steven Tyler and lubrication? I miss the days when everything was political.

No offense to you,but Willie Nelson is tired of politics.
I stand to poop and sit to wipe

You sick bastard!!

And what about no eye contact Swag? I may be a little left of center but one of my favorite things is to just start talking to who ever walks in just to see who it is. It blows strangers away!! (Really funny when they will not talk back.) The people I work with just tell me to STFU or we have a nice little chat about what I must have eaten.
When you wipe do you stand up? If so, what if you are tall enough to look over the stalls?

Not into the other ones, but at the people coming or going from them. You're still not supposed to make eye contact right?

Should I just keep my eyes closed?

Swag, I can't get over this. Standing to wipe? Dude, hate to ask but................ POST A VIDEO!! Just no way this can be done effectively.
Don't sit or stand, slightly raise and go between the wickets. I must be a pioneer.
Which poster was it that had the beef and noodles blow-out from both ends in a restaurant bathroom?

That was some epic giggles right there.
There is absolutely no way you are getting yourself clean if you stand to wipe. I can't believe there are actually people who do that.
His wife had to bring him a change of clothes and everything.

It was in the "strangest places you've pooped" thread or something like that.

I shared my Kiluea poop.

That's on old story that's all over the Internet. Not a HROT original.
I recently read that we will soon see the following on each package of toilet paper.

WARNING. The Surgeon General has determined that wiping while standing is a leading contributor to dingleberries. Dingleberries may be hazardous to your underwear and overall social health.
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Stand up, bring your right foot (left foot if left handed) up on your toes. Wipe your ass. Repeat until poop no longer shows up on toilet paper. I don't see how sitters don't get poop all over their fore arm. You guys are doing it wrong.
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Stand up, bring your right foot (left foot if left handed) up on your toes. Wipe your ass. Repeat until poop no longer shows up on toilet paper. I don't see how sitters don't get poop all over their fore arm. You guys are doing it wrong.
Something is wrong here for sure. You need to switch out your dog chow. Salmon and rice is supposed to work best for your issue I've recently learned.
Stand up, bring your right foot (left foot if left handed) up on your toes. Wipe your ass. Repeat until poop no longer shows up on toilet paper. I don't see how sitters don't get poop all over their fore arm. You guys are doing it wrong.

Standing in your position, try touching your starfruit w/o touching any cheek. It's pretty tough. Then, while sitting, simply shift all your weight to one side lifting one cheek. Now try cheek with the tilt.

Better yet, have your spouse stand and then have her bend over like sitting. Which position can you see the brown eye better from?

Your forearm may touch your cheek, but there is zero poop on your cheek if you never stand up.
If you stay seated the area you need to clean (typically) is about 1 square inch. You only need 4 TP squares: fold in half and wipe twice. Fold. Wipe again to make sure it's clean.

Standing makes you have to search a much larger area. Ppl who stand usually have to wad up a ton of paper to protect their whole hand, and then throw away that wad and repeat process 3-4 times.

Tilting saves time, money, and it's cleaner.
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Maybe it's an Asian thing? They have those weird squat toilets which might force standing.
I don't see how anyone can sit, but I also don't see how standing is productive as it smears the crap all over. I guess I am an intermediate. Feet never leave their position on the floor, raise yourself up hovering above the seat, like in a squat position with your knees at about 60 degrees (as opposed to 45 degrees which would be sitting) with your upper body leaning forward a bit, basically like if you are doing squats at the gym and are halfway between bottomed out and fully upright. Hand doesn't venture below the rim but your cheeks don't get full closure.

Sitters have too much of a risk of smearing crap all over the side of their cheeks and bringing that mess up the side of their leg. Full standers have to get that crap mushed up all over their cheeks too. Intermediate, or The Squatter, is the only viable answer.

This is a classic HROT thread right here.
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