Mark me down as one combat veteran that doesn't give a shit either way. Usually the loudest veterans are not combat veterans. That's anecdotal, but I've seen it a lot. As I posted elsewhere, just because someone received a CAR doesn't mean they were anywhere near being shot at. Not that their roles are, or were, unimportant in some (not all) instances.
I will tell you as a combat injured veteran, that as a group veterans have as large of a sense of entitlement as does the general population.
All the above is my opinion, but I think we'd be better served cutting expenses at the VA, and trying to provide better medical care. Which can't start until we reduce employees that are non mission critical. Not an easy task as evidenced by multiple past administration's attempts.
It's matter of time before someone comes on here and misrepresents USA Patriot Act. One of the lesser known benefits is that it highlighted the ineffectiveness of the claim's process for those that need it and use it.
One of the largest political mistakes I made is when I once cast a vote for a single issue. I voted for Dave Loebsack based entirely on veteran issues. I did this after his people set up a meeting. It was really a coup for them to get someone involved on the other side to come over on a single issue and a promise. It was a mistake that I will never repeat, and one that I am ashamed of.
Anyway, less time on this bullshit, and more on pass through entity tax relief.
You want to honor veterans? Start with a bipartisan effort to fix the VA and stop sending Americans to senseless wars.
A topic several elected officials have consistently reached out to me about.
Let the flaming and trolling begin.