NLWC at $5.7M versus the second place HWC at $700k, plus the Nits have the PSWC in 6th place with $300k that states, "We provide prematch social events at some home matches and have an end of the year Awards Banquet. Through these methods we give special recognition to wrestlers and coaches and allow our membership and fans to interact."
The Penn State Wrestling Club has an entirely different purpose and identity, in their 2015 990 form it stated "We provide prematch social events at some home matches and have an end of the year Awards Banquet. Through these methods we give special recognition to wrestlers and coaches and allow our membership and fans to interact."

With contributions of $1.7 million dollars (around $300,000 per year), think of it as a really wealthy party planning committee for Penn State.
I believe they received a $5 million dollar donation 3 years back, which is responsible for the majority of their funding. HWC consistently raises similar money on a yearly basis, but we don't have any big money donors like that. One very wealthy person can make all the difference.
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Wow indeed! Very solid reporting by Christian. Knew there was big money behind them but kind of shocked at the amount. So now you know why a kid is willing to potentially go sit behind others.
Only took 5 million bucks to overtake Iowa and Okie St... I'll bet those trophies are already rusting.

Wonder when all that loot will put a post grad on a World team?

For that kind of cabbage, they can hire somebody to shine the damn trophies. Alas, they have already put Ed and Frank on there.
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I believe they received a $5 million dollar donation 3 years back, which is responsible for the majority of their funding. HWC consistently raises similar money on a yearly basis, but we don't have any big money donors like that. One very wealthy person can make all the difference.

Now that's a Cruiseliner of a donation !
Only took 5 million bucks to overtake Iowa and Okie St... I'll bet those trophies are already rusting.

Wonder when all that loot will put a post grad on a World team?

frank and now Gwiz. Zain doesnt fit your post grad, but you already knew that. actually considering the timing of the major donation, we are projecting upward rather quickly.
The Penn State Wrestling Club has an entirely different purpose and identity, in their 2015 990 form it stated "We provide prematch social events at some home matches and have an end of the year Awards Banquet. Through these methods we give special recognition to wrestlers and coaches and allow our membership and fans to interact."

With contributions of $1.7 million dollars (around $300,000 per year), think of it as a really wealthy party planning committee for Penn State.

Sounds like the kind of party planners who have plenty of gifts available for "members"
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Why is that?

Because we all know that their student loans will get paid off after they graduate of course.

You want that to be my answer so you can be outraged and furiously copy/paste over to BWI. However, it's not. Most of these young guys love freestyle a lot more than they do folk and taking a chance at getting some success will get them paid post grad. As you can see, most RTCs can only afford so much but you guys can afford to put someone like Gwiz on and put guys on to roll around. We couldn't afford Metcalf as a sort of Coach Emeritus but you guys can have all your elite guys stick around to wrestle with the next guys. Getting a degree is great but getting paid to wrestle for 4-5 years is even better. It's like Foxcatcher w/o kissing the ass of the crazy mofo who runs around with guns.

Just goes to show that Ohio RTC is the best run in the nation. Don't worry'll get your world champ soon...even if Carl has to buy one.
1. Unless I missed something, Gwiz is with the Wolfpack, not NLWC.
2. Return on investment shows OSU with huge gains... while our club is not spending wisely (apparently). NLWC might seem to be all rainbows and unicorns... but eventually, the big money donors will want international results.
3. This does not include money some of these guys are receiving from TMWC... I see a number of the NLWC are members of both.
First, hats off to Pyles at FLO for a well written and FACT supported article. I however didn't read it as a lot of you have done here on this forum. The knee jerk reaction is to say well if PSU has this kind of support they must be using it as a tool to cheat which ultimately has led to the recent run of success for PSU. While ultimately that may be the case there is not any evidence to support the claims and until that day comes...STOP!

The part I'm curious to is how a non-profit can claim to have $613k in expenses described as "skilled wrestling instructions provided at the camps, clinics, and tournaments conducted by the club", but show zero revenue in the 990 from the same events?

As for the $5.7M investment, hats off to Cael and staff as the name of the game is having a standing endowment fund to create longevity and guaranteed revenue. The real question now is Cael and staff really that much better than everyone else in the country or have they overtaken the sport by buying it? Buying it in the term of out resourcing the rest of the country and bringing the sport to a level of available revenue it hasn't seen before not in the term of insinuating misuse of funds to NCAA athletes.

Time will tell because at some point another program or multiple programs catch up in funding and it becomes a even playing field. The question to all Hawkeye fans now is " are you willing to do your part"?
Take care of your own house and nothing else matters. Worrying about the NLWC and how Cael is getting athletes is a loser mentality. When you guys were fundraising earlier this summer, many of us on the outside wished you well, and did so sincerely. It is important for as many clubs as possible to receive large amounts of money to endow wrestling at the next level. When wrestling clubs receive large donations, universities take notice and want to foster growth at the collegiate level. It all goes hand-in-hand, so why disparage the NLWC. You have something good going with the fundraising. No need to look beyond your house.
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Take care of your own house and nothing else matters. Worrying about the NLWC and how Cael is getting athletes is a loser mentality. When you guys were fundraising earlier this summer, many of us on the outside wished you well, and did so sincerely. It is important for as many clubs as possible to receive large amounts of money to endow wrestling at the next level. When wrestling clubs receive large donations, universities take notice and want to foster growth at the collegiate level. It all goes hand-in-hand, so why disparage the NLWC. You have something good going with the fundraising. No need to look beyond your house.

Fund your program the correct way and no one will look in your house. Or I guess are you saying paying college athletes out of the NWLC is by the books?
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Only took 5 million bucks to overtake Iowa and Okie St... I'll bet those trophies are already rusting.

Wonder when all that loot will put a post grad on a World team?

Penn State had already won three championships before that 5 million donation. Another fun fact, Iowa has finished behind multiple teams with lower revenue then them for the past 7 years.
Has Gwiz officially moved to NLWC?

as a main sponsor, no. He rolls out TM and WP as his main sponsors. but we help out in a smaller way Im told due to contractual obligations. Meaning he who signs first vs last. Casey has been in his corner multiple times at tourneys in the last 6-12 months.

TM sponsors DT too. I expect they'll sponsor other PSU guys in the future too.

Spreading the love ($) around among the clubs RTCs looks to be a good thing on many fronts.

Im also thinking with all the cadet/juniors and others having success our FS ranks need this love in the coming years if we are going to embrace all the kids training.
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Fund your program the correct way and no one will look in your house. Or I guess are you saying paying college athletes out of the NWLC is by the books?
Penis envy at its finest. This thread should be an embarrassment to the Iowa faithful.
Look at what's paid o
First, hats off to Pyles at FLO for a well written and FACT supported article. I however didn't read it as a lot of you have done here on this forum. The knee jerk reaction is to say well if PSU has this kind of support they must be using it as a tool to cheat which ultimately has led to the recent run of success for PSU. While ultimately that may be the case there is not any evidence to support the claims and until that day comes...STOP!

The part I'm curious to is how a non-profit can claim to have $613k in expenses described as "skilled wrestling instructions provided at the camps, clinics, and tournaments conducted by the club", but show zero revenue in the 990 from the same events?

As for the $5.7M investment, hats off to Cael and staff as the name of the game is having a standing endowment fund to create longevity and guaranteed revenue. The real question now is Cael and staff really that much better than everyone else in the country or have they overtaken the sport by buying it? Buying it in the term of out resourcing the rest of the country and bringing the sport to a level of available revenue it hasn't seen before not in the term of insinuating misuse of funds to NCAA athletes.

Time will tell because at some point another program or multiple programs catch up in funding and it becomes a even playing field. The question to all Hawkeye fans now is " are you willing to do your part"?

This is what I think... they get a wrestler to take less of a scholarship let's say a .5 vs a 1.0 and then they pay the wrestler very well during the summer, which is why they spent $600K on summer camp instruction.... that's a lot of money for skilled summer camp instructors... it wouldn't take much to tip the scale... spending the equivalent to 12 scholarships vs 9.9 would easily tip the scales... especially when you have a great in-state database and $ can be stretched further. It's smart and a real resource advantage.
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took you guys awhile to get here, dumbass move starting this thread
First, hats off to Pyles at FLO for a well written and FACT supported article. I however didn't read it as a lot of you have done here on this forum. The knee jerk reaction is to say well if PSU has this kind of support they must be using it as a tool to cheat which ultimately has led to the recent run of success for PSU. While ultimately that may be the case there is not any evidence to support the claims and until that day comes...STOP!

The part I'm curious to is how a non-profit can claim to have $613k in expenses described as "skilled wrestling instructions provided at the camps, clinics, and tournaments conducted by the club", but show zero revenue in the 990 from the same events?

As for the $5.7M investment, hats off to Cael and staff as the name of the game is having a standing endowment fund to create longevity and guaranteed revenue. The real question now is Cael and staff really that much better than everyone else in the country or have they overtaken the sport by buying it? Buying it in the term of out resourcing the rest of the country and bringing the sport to a level of available revenue it hasn't seen before not in the term of insinuating misuse of funds to NCAA athletes.

Time will tell because at some point another program or multiple programs catch up in funding and it becomes a even playing field. The question to all Hawkeye fans now is " are you willing to do your part"?
Now it's crystal clear to Hawk fans why we've been busting our butts to rev up the HWC fundraising machine. Like it or not, it's a new landscape, and we can fight or get left in the dust. Like it or not, finances are now a huge part of any program's success.

There are many reasons to join the Hawkeye 5000, and they will be better articulated to everyone in the near future, but this is the main one: We need all hands on deck to put the Hawks back on top where they belong. We don't want to bother folks with constant reminders of the need for financial support, but at the same time, we have to keep pushing. Many of you have already jumped on board. What we need to do now is expand the reach of our message to every Iowa wrestling fan out there -- and we all know there are a whole lot of them. So aside from pitching in, ourselves, each of us needs to talk to friends and family who follow the Hawks but may not be aware of this new effort underway and point them to along with a message about how the need for financial support is greater than ever before.

We'll get it done -- it's just a matter of time -- but we need all hands on deck. There's no time like the present to make that call, send that email, make that text, etc. -- heck, even just copy and paste this post if you want -- and start bringing more Hawk fans into the fold.

There's great strength in numbers, and many hands make light work. If each of us pitches in just a little each month -- basically the equivalent of a few Starbucks coffees -- we can get some serious financial momentum going, like a constant tidal wave of funding. This will lead to more studs in the HWC, better training partners for the current Hawks, more success for our international guys, stronger recruiting, and more individual and team championships for Iowa. Combine that will the top wrestling training facility in the nation and possibly the world, and you've got a recipe for a return to the top of the sport for a good, long time. Who's in?

And as for bigger donors, we do have some, and we've already seen what they've done. We have a couple of fans who've already pitched in $1 million for the new facility. If they see more results, I'd guess they'll be inclined to pitch in more. And I suspect we have others with similar financial resources who may be jumping on board if they become convinced that we're headed in the right direction. That said, we still need that constant stream of automatic monthly donations to keep the ship afloat on a daily basis and enable the HWC to reach new heights. The Hawkeye 5000 initiative is just one piece of the puzzle, but it's a crucial one. Great opportunity to literally and quite tangibly make a significant difference in putting the Hawks back on top! Who wouldn't want to be part of the effort that helps Iowa wrestling get back to winning team and individual championships on a regular basis and helps the HWC get back to winning World and Olympic medals consistently? Sounds like a lot of f*** to me.
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Look at what's paid o

This is what I think... they get a wrestler to take less of a scholarship let's say a .5 vs a 1.0 and then they pay the wrestler very well during the summer, which is why they spent $600K on summer camp instruction.... that's a lot of money for skilled summer camp instructors... it wouldn't take much to tip the scale... spending the equivalent to 12 scholarships vs 9.9 would easily tip the scales... especially when you have a great in-state database and $ can be stretched further. It's smart and a real resource advantage.
Yea cause I imagine the NCAA isn't looking into that.If it was that easy believe me lowa would be doing it to.So once Iowa raises 5 million everyone can assume they cheat also
Lots of speculation being thrown around. Perhaps some information can help.
Can college wrestlers be paid for coaching at a camp? If so how is that pay established and monitored? Are their public records of that pay?
Is there a public way of determining what post grad wrestlers get paid?
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College kids do get paid for being camp clinicians and get paid extremely well based on the athlete's success. I was shocked to hear how much some wrestlers are making in a summer of camps. As far as I know, there isn't really any monitors to look at this and no public records.
Lots of speculation being thrown around. Perhaps some information can help.
Can college wrestlers be paid for coaching at a camp? If so how is that pay established and monitored? Are their public records of that pay?
Is there a public way of determining what post grad wrestlers get paid?

An athlete can be employed by his or university, another school, or a private organization to work in a camp or clinic as a counselor.

The issue is I don't think it is possible to accurately monitor it. Like FD HWC pointed out, the NLWC had $600k in expenses with zero income. It appears as if the NLWC is footing the bill for camps and likely providing a base income for the instructors while allowing them to keep the profits from the camp as well.

I don't know that this is against any rules though.