Cael is 5 steps ahead, keep chasing the clues Hawks. In the meantime, a decade of dominance has robbed your fan base of banners and titles leaving many of you guys to just b*tch and moan.
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Lots of speculation being thrown around. Perhaps some information can help.
Can college wrestlers be paid for coaching at a camp? If so how is that pay established and monitored? Are their public records of that pay?
Is there a public way of determining what post grad wrestlers get paid?
Yes, they can, but it has to be a market rate. Who sets the market rate for summer camp pay? Has it ever been defined? I don't think so, and yes, to the former post, if other programs had the money and if this is an NCAA loophole, they would jump through it as well. $600K for summer camp instruction--are you kidding me, that is a lot of money to pay for "elite summer camp instruction." They may not be the best coaches, but they might be the smartest:) I would love to see who is paid under elite summer camp instruction. That list might be very revealing.... Maybe there is a way to get great wrestlers to take less of the 9.9, if I'm a parent and a coach told me, I'll make good on it this summer but this will help us win national titles--I'm all in. And if this is an NCAA loophole, I hope they either close it, define it or we all have to jump through the same loophole and that takes $$$$$ just like Novak and WWDMHawkeye have been saying. AT least now we know what the delta is that we have to work for to level the paying field.
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Cael is 5 steps ahead, keep chasing the clues Hawks. In the meantime, a decade of dominance has robbed your fan base of banners and titles leaving many of you guys to just b*tch and moan.

As the Beatles say "Money Can't Buy Me Love."
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1. Unless I missed something, Gwiz is with the Wolfpack, not NLWC.
2. Return on investment shows OSU with huge gains... while our club is not spending wisely (apparently). NLWC might seem to be all rainbows and unicorns... but eventually, the big money donors will want international results.
3. This does not include money some of these guys are receiving from TMWC... I see a number of the NLWC are members of both.

Gwiz has split his time between NLWC and NC State. I've been told he's making 6 figures for working out half time at NLWC.
If Iowa got $5 Million tomorrow, I wouldn't be complaining at all. In fact, that's the goal. It is clear that PSU are the Yankees of wrestling and having this kind of money is a hell of selling point. PSU fans are standing on third thinking they hit a triple. Even your secondary club is top ten in
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First, hats off to Pyles at FLO for a well written and FACT supported article. I however didn't read it as a lot of you have done here on this forum. The knee jerk reaction is to say well if PSU has this kind of support they must be using it as a tool to cheat which ultimately has led to the recent run of success for PSU. While ultimately that may be the case there is not any evidence to support the claims and until that day comes...STOP!

Fund your program the correct way and no one will look in your house. Or I guess are you saying paying college athletes out of the NWLC is by the books?

I have a question because I really don't know and maybe this has been discussed already.

How much do you guys think that Penn State wrestling clubs made from camps, clinics, and tournaments in the off season? If they made $0 revenue but spent $615,000 to run these events, does that mean they actually spent 700k, 800k, 900k? I know they have expenses like food and t-shirts, but that is a lot of money going somewhere.
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If Iowa got $5 Million tomorrow, I wouldn't be complaining at all. In fact, that's the goal. It is clear that PSU are the Yankees of wrestling and having this kind of money is a hell of selling point. PSU fans are standing on third thinking they hit a triple. Even your secondary club is top ten in

We're standing on third base because Cael Sanderson hit a triple. I think most of us understand that.
No surprise this comment comes from a PSU fan.o_O
The true Hawkeye fans on this forum (not you of course) should be embarrassed by this thread. If the shoe were on the other foot, I sure would be. This thread makes the fanbase look like followers, and you guys as a whole are better than that.
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The true Hawkeye fans on this forum (not you of course) should be embarrassed by this thread. If the shoe were on the other foot, I sure would be. This thread makes the fanbase look like followers, and you guys as a whole are better than that.

I'm a "true" Hawkeye fan (whatever that means) and for the most part you are pretty respectful. However, it's bad form to come over here and tell us what we should and should not talk about and how we should and should not behave.

Flo wrote the story, not Iowa fans and it's a topic worth discussing. No one is going to agree with every opinion written here so spare us the lecture.
I'm a "true" Hawkeye fan (whatever that means) and for the most part you are pretty respectful. However, it's bad form to come over here and tell us what we should and should not talk about and how we should and should not behave.

Flo wrote the story, not Iowa fans and it's a topic worth discussing. No one is going to agree with every opinion written here so spare us the lecture.

It's so weird to me that PSU fans feel the need to come to the Iowa board and defend their team/coach. If the discussion was reversed and this was happening on the PSU board, I would never go over there to defend Iowa. The thought wouldn't even cross my mind to do that.
All we can do is try to catch up. It's an arms race and we're getting our asses kicked right now. Insinuating there's something untoward happening right now relies on a lot of supposition and little evidence. If something comes out later, that's when we can pounce on that. For now, all we know is that they have a lot of money, and we neeed to start raising our game, too.

ETA: And I mean we need to start finding big donors. Mr. Nicholls was a great start, and the grass roots campaign that happened here was also great. But the coaches need to find, and land, whales. I still owe $100, and that's coming, but donations at our level only go so far.
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It's so weird to me that PSU fans feel the need to come to the Iowa board and defend their team/coach. If the discussion was reversed and this was happening on the PSU board, I would never go over there to defend Iowa. The thought wouldn't even cross my mind to do that.
Same here.

Generally speaking, when one feels insecure about one's position on an issue, one tends to go to great lengths in an effort to justify one's position to those who have a differing perspective.
It's so weird to me that PSU fans feel the need to come to the Iowa board and defend their team/coach. If the discussion was reversed and this was happening on the PSU board, I would never go over there to defend Iowa. The thought wouldn't even cross my mind to do that.

They're sore winners. Always angry that we're not sufficiently groveling at their awesomeness
Hey potential recruit, come to PSU for a small scholarship and we will make it up to you plus some when you are a member of the Club... o_O

If. IF you become a member of the club. But semantics, and unfortunately, its working.
First, hats off to Pyles at FLO for a well written and FACT supported article. I however didn't read it as a lot of you have done here on this forum. The knee jerk reaction is to say well if PSU has this kind of support they must be using it as a tool to cheat which ultimately has led to the recent run of success for PSU. While ultimately that may be the case there is not any evidence to support the claims and until that day comes...STOP!

The part I'm curious to is how a non-profit can claim to have $613k in expenses described as "skilled wrestling instructions provided at the camps, clinics, and tournaments conducted by the club", but show zero revenue in the 990 from the same events?

As for the $5.7M investment, hats off to Cael and staff as the name of the game is having a standing endowment fund to create longevity and guaranteed revenue. The real question now is Cael and staff really that much better than everyone else in the country or have they overtaken the sport by buying it? Buying it in the term of out resourcing the rest of the country and bringing the sport to a level of available revenue it hasn't seen before not in the term of insinuating misuse of funds to NCAA athletes.

Time will tell because at some point another program or multiple programs catch up in funding and it becomes a even playing field. The question to all Hawkeye fans now is " are you willing to do your part"?

........"As for the $5.7M investment, hats off to Cael and staff as the name of the game is having a standing endowment fund to create longevity and guaranteed revenue. The real question now is Cael and staff really that much better than everyone else in the country or have they overtaken the sport by buying it? Buying it in the term of out resourcing the rest of the country and bringing the sport to a level of available revenue it hasn't seen before not in the term of insinuating misuse of funds to NCAA athletes"

This and many other similar questions have been put out here on many many threads. Usually leading to some good discussions and many that were not so good.

This however, is the first time that I can recall that there was evidence of the actual "money" that was helping PSU get an edge. An edge of course that was always given to the "coaching" skills etc of the PSU staff
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Take care of your own house and nothing else matters. Worrying about the NLWC and how Cael is getting athletes is a loser mentality. When you guys were fundraising earlier this summer, many of us on the outside wished you well, and did so sincerely. It is important for as many clubs as possible to receive large amounts of money to endow wrestling at the next level. When wrestling clubs receive large donations, universities take notice and want to foster growth at the collegiate level. It all goes hand-in-hand, so why disparage the NLWC. You have something good going with the fundraising. No need to look beyond your house.

I am not sure anyone was disparaging the NLWC, at all. There have long been questions about how(and maybe jealously so) Cael and staff have been able to recruit not only the best recruits in the country, but also the large number of them. We now have one possible answer. Is there anything wrong with it? Hell no. Is it an advantage that no one else in the country has(8x the HWC money)... Hell yeah it is.

Is this kind of funding something that all clubs should aspire to? Absolutely, that and more. If other clubs can achieve that kind of funding, will it help their college level recruiting? Only time will tell, but I think any intelligent wrestling fan would say yes to that question.
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The true Hawkeye fans on this forum (not you of course) should be embarrassed by this thread. If the shoe were on the other foot, I sure would be. This thread makes the fanbase look like followers, and you guys as a whole are better than that.

Gee, you have presented a 'loser mentality' to Iowa fans, telling Iowa fans they should be embarrassed and presented an analogy that no PSU fan should ever present. Couple that with your constant deflections about the crimes that occurred at PSU and you have quickly gone from someone who presented solid wrestling insights and even though you supported a different team than I do I was alright with that. Now you may be the first person to go on my ignore list. Not a good path to be on.
As was stated early this tax statement had been seen and acknowledged by HR a few months back. Flo was late on break/creating a narrative.

I don't understand all the butt hurt on both side. PSU has pushed the nonwrestling items to the forefront. Other teams are stepping up finally and will make progress
Gee, you have presented a 'loser mentality' to Iowa fans, telling Iowa fans they should be embarrassed and presented an analogy that no PSU fan should ever present. Couple that with your constant deflections about the crimes that occurred at PSU and you have quickly gone from someone who presented solid wrestling insights and even though you supported a different team than I do I was alright with that. Now you may be the first person to go on my ignore list. Not a good path to be on.
LOL like I care about your opinion. I've seen your posts. You may not like my contrarian views on this subject, but this thread is making Iowa fans look like weak sauce. That isn't trolling, but the advice of a PSU fan who respects your fanbase enough to criticize when warranted. If that deserves an ignore, so be it.
I don't understand all the butt hurt on both side. PSU has pushed the nonwrestling items to the forefront. Other teams are stepping up finally and will make progress
From a neutral observer....

Both fan bases have a few titty babies hanging around the fringe, who can't wait for an opportunity to slam the other. Then cry foul when they get slammed back. Then serious people make serious points, but are drowned out from the noise.

Is this news? Not really, been discussed before, and the info is readily available. Neither sides accusations are new. So why rehash?

If we (Iowa) and other schools want to remain competitive then I say let's continue to up our game ... And we are ... with heightened awareness of the HWC ... the hiring of Mark Perry ... talk of a potential new wrestling facility ... grassroots efforts by fans to raise money for HWC ... Iowa wrestling fans are as passionate as they come when it comes to the sport of wrestling ... and you can't replicate that passion (even Mark Perry said after all his travels, Iowa is still where it's at when it comes to fan support) ... Iowa wrestling will always be Iowa wrestling ... We now have a few more kids playing in the sandbox ... We're still Iowa ... and we'll continue to make adjustments to get back to where we (coaches, wrestlers, fans) want to be ... and that's on top ... Recruits, coaches, fans, facilities ... we're in great shape ... we have the foundation ... now we just keep building on it ... I'm excited about the future of Iowa wrestling ...
Cael is 5 steps ahead, keep chasing the clues Hawks. In the meantime, a decade of dominance has robbed your fan base of banners and titles leaving many of you guys to just b*tch and moan.
Helps to be 5 steps ahead when you are 5 million ahead
Yeah, but Cael had already won four championship in a row BEFORE the donation. You have the chicken and eggs backward.
Well however you want to word it. 5 million ahead of all the other clubs keeps you ahead. I would like to see a breakdown of where that 5 million is exactly going. Would be an interesting read.
If we (Iowa) and other schools want to remain competitive then I say let's continue to up our game ... And we are ... with heightened awareness of the HWC ... the hiring of Mark Perry ... talk of a potential new wrestling facility ... grassroots efforts by fans to raise money for HWC ... Iowa wrestling fans are as passionate as they come when it comes to the sport of wrestling ... and you can't replicate that passion (even Mark Perry said after all his travels, Iowa is still where it's at when it comes to fan support) ... Iowa wrestling will always be Iowa wrestling ... We now have a few more kids playing in the sandbox ... We're still Iowa ... and we'll continue to make adjustments to get back to where we (coaches, wrestlers, fans) want to be ... and that's on top ... Recruits, coaches, fans, facilities ... we're in great shape ... we have the foundation ... now we just keep building on it ... I'm excited about the future of Iowa wrestling ...
Very nice summary of where we stand. Just a matter of time.
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It's so weird to me that PSU fans feel the need to come to the Iowa board and defend their team/coach. If the discussion was reversed and this was happening on the PSU board, I would never go over there to defend Iowa. The thought wouldn't even cross my mind to do that.

No doubt you've heard of "Stockholm syndrome". I believe the medical term for this particular behavior is "Paterno syndrome". :eek:;)
From a neutral observer....

Is this news? Not really, been discussed before, and the info is readily available. Neither sides accusations are new. So why rehash?

This topic has been discussed before, but the Flo story includes details not previously discussed. The top 20 list really puts things in perspective, especially since our Lion friends are both #1 and #6...with #6 being a party fund.
An athlete can be employed by his or university, another school, or a private organization to work in a camp or clinic as a counselor.

The issue is I don't think it is possible to accurately monitor it. Like FD HWC pointed out, the NLWC had $600k in expenses with zero income. It appears as if the NLWC is footing the bill for camps and likely providing a base income for the instructors while allowing them to keep the profits from the camp as well.

I don't know that this is against any rules though.

Can we get Bob Lee to do an outside the lines story on this one?!
Can we get Bob Lee to do an outside the lines story on this one?!

No need for Bob Lee unless you can't read. 990 forms are open for the public to view. If you look at the NLWC 2015 990 you will see total expenses of 630,283 and of that 313,512 was paid out as compensation to disqualified persons(lookup the meaning if you want). Total revenue for year 2015 was 372,072. 372,072 is not zero
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