What world have you been living in? Opposing fan bases have been doing this to Iowa for 30 years. Gilman runs into an opposing teams huddle for a handshake and we have PSU fans crucifying him, calling for the University of Iowa and the Big Ten to take action against this classless act. If an Iowa guy even sneezes the wrong way, we have PSU fans ripping on him and Iowa. Could you even imagine the reaction from PSU fans if Brands threw a brick, towel, and a chair? Or if Gilman got beat, and he started pointing at the ref and people in the crowd while kicking the challenge brick across the mat. The Internet would probably blow up. We'd have people calling for Brands to be fired, USA wrestling to suspend Gilman, and for the University to decry these classless acts.
The reality is this. If it was another set of coaches and a different wrestler, the majority of people wouldn't even care. Heat of the moment, part of the battle. Most wrestling fans understand this. They might not agree with what they did, but in the end it's no big deal. Since this was Cael and Taylor though, I must admit it makes me and others smile. All we have heard from PSU fans for the past few years is how much of class act Cael and Taylor are, how much fun they have, how great it is to be in and around that atmosphere, how they always win and lose with grace and honor, while simultaneously bashing every single act an Iowa guy or coach does.
I agree wholeheartedly with most of this. I do want to respond with a couple of thoughts . . .
I'm not interested in arguing about the degree of its merit, but the Iowa program takes more heat because there is a real perception that "antics" occur there with more regularity than at most other programs. Not sure that the amount of scrutiny correlates appropriately with the degree of difference, but the perception of a difference exists.
Iowa isn't on an island, though. Look at all the heat PD3 takes (begs for?). All the heat that Mr. Martin brought upon his otherwise quiet and respectful son (from what I can tell). All the bashing of Coach Smith making his guys cut too much weight, and the team employing an overly defensive style of wrestling. Delgado hated for ankle-diving. Nebby moving up the ranks of criticized teams because of the more-mouth-than-accomplishment of guys like Berger and Montoya (not to mention the common tantrums of Manning). Gophers taking pills.
Sure, some of those programs/individuals may not take as much heat as Iowa, but they are not nearly as high-profile as Iowa Hawkeye Wrestling, either. And just wait until the Cyclones become relevant again -- you guys will really be under the microscope then.
I get that it sucks for rival fan bases that PSU is the current collegiate wrestling darling, but at least the attention Iowa gets means that it is still relevant. And I totally get why some enjoy seeing golden boys get knocked back down to earth with the mere mortals. It's human nature.
The media generally sucks and will only get worse as sensationalism pays. PSU antics should receive just as much (if not more) attention as everyone else's though. Guess they don't want to tick off the fanbase of the top team. Not sure why that matters, though -- it's not like the Iowa fanbase has suddenly shrunk the past 5 years.