I actually agree with you good sir, truly, but as a side note, as a 53-year-old man that is pretty pretty middle of the road.
I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment, but I’ll also point out to me and I think to people 200 years ago thuggery still had a meaning outside of a black connotation.
I think there are way too many people in this society that immediately read a “extra” negative into everything. I wholeheartedly understand where you’re coming from And I actually strongly support your opinion, but there is some truth to the other side of the fact that man alive. We are way too sensitive now…. just my six cents, if you will.😊
On a very quick aside that I’ve fought for a couple minutes about before I went ahead and added it… It may sound racial, but I’m a very linear, logical, spiritual, kind of thinker, and right is right and wrong is wrong and I am fairly black-and-white, but with an extreme consideration of human nature And sin and our likelihood to fail .
It isn’t a worse crime to hate Black people than it is to hate everyone. I really don’t understand where we’ve gotten to in society, and that does not mean I don’t believe that black folks or Native Americans didn’t get a shorter end of the straw, I really truly actually believe that and it’s a very complex situation, but hate is hate fellas And murder is murder 🤷♂️
Sorry, got a little off the deep in there, I guess that was more like $.17😛