Now that someone has brought up ‘good fans’, I’ll throw this out there…The group that continuously spin every piece of wrestling news out there into a hit job on our coaches and athletes paint the program in a far worse light then a clearly over the top cartoon persona. IMO.
Make America ‘toopid again?
Hey I-Bird, where do you get the energy to keep doing this? I get worn out just skimming your posts. 😅
I try and stay in good condition!
TGH (Troll Growth Hormone)
Kinda funny+1 for you!
For those of you that have seen the American Pie series Ironbird reminds me so much of Stiffler it’s crazy. He’s cocky, arrogant and actually pretty funny but when the shit goes bad he will be there to support the Hawks and back us fans to the end. So yea he’s kinda different at times or maybe a dick but he is our crazy fan and I am behind him 100% because I know he would do the same for me.
I like this, well except the "dick" part of course!!!
More like Blutarsky from Animal House, except for the fact Blutarsky is likeable.
Very much like him only HIGHLY intelligent and liked about the same. Remember, the lily liver yellow bellied wussies did not like Blutasky either!!!
Perhaps a statue of Ironbird next to Gable's? Maybe with a couple !!'s carved on it that look like TWOO when Hawk fans walk by but double birds when PSU fans walk by?? Also have the statue standing in a cesspool instead of a wishing well. Tom missed a real oportunity here, along with the windows.
^^^^^^ THIS^^^^^^^ may be the single GREATEST idea in this boards history!!!! I would like an electrified fence around it TWOOOOOOO
Wait, have you heard something?
YES, I heard something!!!
I certainly don’t see cocky or arrogant. And the funny parts are always unintentional. He is fully detached from reality, and the kind of fan who doesn’t just pull for the Hawks, he has to demonize all opponents and make absurd excuses when we lose. Worse, he makes Iowa look bad when interacting with others.

This is not what I consider to be a good fan.
WRONG and please take down you UGLY mugshot!!!
I try and stay in good condition!

Kinda funny+1 for you!


I like this, well except the "dick" part of course!!!

Very much like him only HIGHLY intelligent and liked about the same. Remember, the lily liver yellow bellied wussies did not like Blutasky either!!!

^^^^^^ THIS^^^^^^^ may be the single GREATEST idea in this boards history!!!! I would like an electrified fence around it TWOOOOOOO

YES, I heard something!!!

WRONG and please take down you UGLY mugshot!!!
Speaking of mugshots…. Lol
Old IRON BIRD may not be your cup of tea but he is in fact very PRO HAWKEYE based and that's fine. I would rather listen to his comments..(.crazy as the uncle that lives in a room above my grandmother's front porch) than read all of the constant PSU trolls in here. I understand some of you want to talk wrestling and some are very smart about it....but the majority are sadly just trolls who come here to antagonize the Hawk fans or spew some of their stupidity and see who jumps in to argue with them. There are a couple PS guys that just wanna come here and blow the almighty Cael's victory horn... or whatever they call it... but in all sincerity... just stop and troll elsewhere...If Iowa really isn't the threat to PState then why even bother here ?? go on to the OSU or perhaps the Michigan board...i am sure they are interested in how you know Cael's frozen food delivery guy and that makes you a world class expert on all wrestling...go forth elsewhere and spread the Moran word...sort of like a mission...ask Cael he can guide you.
PSU fan and don't post much. You guys rock!!! So diverse opinions, it's a great read. I for one want Iowa, tOSU, OSU, to kill it. Makes our wrestling better!!
Now that someone has brought up ‘good fans’, I’ll throw this out there…The group that continuously spin every piece of wrestling news out there into a hit job on our coaches and athletes paint the program in a far worse light then a clearly over the top cartoon persona. IMO.
Thanks O&G. That behavior is constant and it almost always smells like PSU. Not all of them, but the worst ones for sure.
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Have new super fiber optic something or other to my ol Mac. What this means is I can lite this shEEEt up with now faster blazing speed apparently???

You ALL are welcome, and NO extra charge!!!
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You have been banned for the following reason: Accuses PSU wrestlers of PED's but refuses to back accusations up with facts or a bet.. Your ban will be lifted on Jun 30, 2024 at 12:00 AM.

^^^^^^ This is the actual message from the POS F*** st board!!!!! Please remember it is MY thread, and MY opinion!

PLEASE NOTE: "refuses to back it up with facts(we will get to that) OR A BET" !!!!!!! YES I am serious!!!!! Plus I did offer their wannabe bandwagon fans SEVERAL BETS!!!!

FACTS, they have moved up more then a handful of wrestlers and they are now saying StarFish will go to 197!?!??!? CassarSalad put on 40+ pounds according to HIM!!!!! He now fights at 205 or something!?!?!?!? HMMMMMMMM

Please see a photo of BabblinBrooks from only a few years back!!!!

A bunch of thin skin, soft, yellow bellied COWARDS is what THEY ARE!!!
You are mostly liked over there, Bird. Thats probably why you got off light.
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I for one am shocked that Ironbird is not well versed in the classics of American literature and cinema.
Classic for who? I will take ANIMAL HOUSE, RAMBO, TERMINATOR, JAWS etc.... any day of the week!!!
I will always go to bat for Boo Radley, one of the greatest characters ever written!

Still an ugly dude!
You are mostly liked over there, Bird. Thats probably why you got off light.
Will I be REINSTATED now on the POS F*** st board!?!??!?!

OH, you did not hear??????? BABBLIN FAILED a drug test!!!



Now get ready for the dumbass trolls SPIN!!!!
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Will I be REINSTATED now on the POS F*** st board!?!??!?!

OH, you did not hear??????? BABBLIN FAILED a drug test!!!



Now get ready for the dumbass trolls SPIN!!!!
I've been fighting for your cause over there.
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Will I be REINSTATED now on the POS F*** st board!?!??!?!

OH, you did not hear??????? BABBLIN FAILED a drug test!!!



Now get ready for the dumbass trolls SPIN!!!!
Wow, off the looney scale.
Wow, off the looney scale.
apocalypse now kurtz GIF
I've been fighting for your cause over there.
TY you are a GREAT AMERICA!!!
Wow, off the looney scale.
^^^ I will translate what this COCKroach said. " damn you were right again and I have no answers!!!"

Yep proven CORRECT AGAIN, just like I was about things(to just keep it recent) like SUPERMAN LEE who PINNED GullibleMan!!! How about DT!!! The bandwagon wannabees said he would never leave!??!?!?! SIR IRON CORRECT AGAIN!!!!

Hmmmm, maybe SIR IRON knows more then he tells!??!?!?!?

Anyway the POS F*** st fans have ALREADY turned on DT!!!! It is unreal what some have posted!!! Image one of YOUR ALL-TIME GREATS moving on to take over a HISTORICAL program, and instead of being like " GOOD LUCK will be rooting for you accept when you wrestle against us!" They go after him!!!

NO different then the shEEEt show we ALL witnessed at F*** st with the Qualifier! I will go on record and say they should NEVER be allowed to host another! They have shown NO CLASS and I for one believe there is much more to it!!!

As I CLEARLY said with Babblin, he is taking shEEEt and what he was now caught with, I believe, IN MY OPINION, that is not ALL and he is NOT the only one!!! BUT it goes deeper as they somehow had a "delay" in his suspension which UNLIKE OLIVER, allowed him to still wrestle!?!?!?

The PED he was caught with can also help to explain the "MAGICAL" elevation at NCAAs that the F*** st GARBAGE like to talk about. Using "stuff" like this in BIG events can help significantly!!! I have said, using my TRAINED eye, that many things do NOT add up over at HAPPY KITTY LAND!!!

I have to wonder now about Mesaschmit???? Not knowing the score in the FINALS of NCAAs was ODD to me?!?!?! How he looked, acted, and wrestled against JB makes me WONDER a lot more!!! Something was/is off. Some have compared him to DeSanto? We know DeSanto had a battle to fight before stepping on the mat!

I am not sure about Messy and if he does have an issue, that would explain it and I would NEVER say another word about it! If not though, MAYBE, he was on something? (Here I will add that I am NOT saying he was, I am giving examples and wondering WHY something happened?)

They are now having LAWYERS fighting this out???? They are going to claim ALL sorts of BS. The BOTTOM LINE is, he should NOT be our rep at the O and if somehow the great Krailure does manage to pay someone off. Babblin will get killed at the O or get caught again!

I am not sure if I have to "PROVE this or make a bet????"
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For those of you that have seen the American Pie series Ironbird reminds me so much of Stiffler it’s crazy. He’s cocky, arrogant and actually pretty funny but when the shit goes bad he will be there to support the Hawks and back us fans to the end. So yea he’s kinda different at times or maybe a dick but he is our crazy fan and I am behind him 100% because I know he would do the same for me.
I take him as more of a Gary Busey character.
That's almost funny enough to make me spit out my diluted Gatorade Zero I drink to stay adequately hydrated. I'm sixty and hydration is next to Godliness or something like that.
Get rid of the Gatorade crap.
You'd be better off with water and Redmond Re-Lyte Hydrations Support Caps.
If purchasing water, I'd go with Mountain Valley Spring Water.
WOW the F*** st bandwagon wannabees are really just pathetic TRASH!!! Went after JB, now going after DT!!!!

It is unreal and once again I will tell you IT WILL HAVE an effect. My guess is MORE DE-commits coming!!!
He likes buttered sausage????
You are a buttered sausages in the great krailures arse!!!

F*** st going up in smoke and I am LMAO

How do I CONTACT the horses A moderator on the 2nd string board? You MIGHT think I would be fully reinstated with a written letter of apology!!!!
There is a very large thread on the PSU board with 99% of the posts wishing DT well and recognizing that this move is great for college wrestling. Yes, winning by 100 points is fun in some ways as a fan, but, it is TERRIBLE for college wrestling.
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There is a very large thread on the PSU board with 99% of the posts wishing Cael well and recognizing that this move is great for college wrestling. Yes, winning by 100 points is fun in some ways as a fan, but, it is TERRIBLE for college wrestling.

Why are they wishing Cael well?

The face and voice of PSU wrestling.
Why are they wishing Cael well?

The face and voice of PSU wrestling.

Carter Starocci does not speak for the entire PSU fanbase, nor the entire group of PSU wrestlers. In fact, I consider him an extreme outlier to how most PSU wrestlers handle themselves. In other words, I wish he would keep his Twitter fingers quiet, and quit creating drama. Let me just say that while I appreciate what he is able to do on the mat, he is not among my PSU favorites for his behavior off the mat. (Mostly his twitter comments, but, there are other things too)

Oh, and I meant DT, not Cael. Freudian slip perhaps.
There is a very large thread on the PSU board with 99% of the posts wishing DT well and recognizing that this move is great for college wrestling. Yes, winning by 100 points is fun in some ways as a fan, but, it is TERRIBLE for college wrestling.

They are killing DT all over some POS F*** st page on FB. Your fan base TRUE colors have come out now in TWOOO separate "events" where it should have been ALL about RESPECT!!!! Instead EVERYONE see what I already know!

AND I am NOT saying ALL F*** st fans, but I AM saying there are WAY TWOOOOO many!!!!
Why are they wishing Cael well?

The face and voice of PSU wrestling.
Carter Starocci does not speak for the entire PSU fanbase, nor the entire group of PSU wrestlers. In fact, I consider him an extreme outlier to how most PSU wrestlers handle themselves. In other words, I wish he would keep his Twitter fingers quiet, and quit creating drama. Let me just say that while I appreciate what he is able to do on the mat, he is not among my PSU favorites for his behavior off the mat. (Mostly his twitter comments, but, there are other things too)

Oh, and I meant DT, not Cael. Freudian slip perhaps.
Not sure how close to the psu program you are, but do you think the rest of the team feels similar to Star but don't publicly say anything?
From my observation it just seems like there isn't a lot of connection between the present psu wrestlers and DT. I could be wrong, but it doesn't appear to me they are real tight with him.
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Not sure how close to the psu program you are, but do you think the rest of the team feels similar to Star but don't publicly say anything?
From my observation it just seems like there isn't a lot of connection between the present psu wrestlers and DT. I could be wrong, but it doesn't appear to me they are real tight with him.
didn't like half of the psu wrestlers come up though m2?
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Did you see them use? Test them? Sell the the gear directly? Then wtf do you think was going to happen?

These guys are often cutting weight to unnaturally low levels and you think if they had free reign to eat clean and add weight they couldn’t put on 20 - 40 lbs depending on starting weight?

I was 5’7, 18 years of age and would cut from 142 to 132. I easily moved to 150 plus once I decided to move up. With a training table I could’ve easily been a very lean 165 in a year. Since I had to pay my own food bills I was 155 and would strip off 6.25 lbs rather easily.

And I didn’t have a nutrition coach laying out the diet plan for me.

Try not acting insane and you’ll be pretty safe over there.


They are killing DT all over some POS F*** st page on FB. Your fan base TRUE colors have come out now in TWOOO separate "events" where it should have been ALL about RESPECT!!!! Instead EVERYONE see what I already know!

AND I am NOT saying ALL F*** st fans, but I AM saying there are WAY TWOOOOO many!!!!

Which page is this?

if it is the Scramble, they are a bunch of shit talkers, you should join, you would fit right in.
Which page is this?

if it is the Scramble, they are a bunch of shit talkers, you should join, you would fit right in.
Hey MatBurns on your face, you can TRY to pretend whatever you wish!?!?! It is ALL over the place. StarFish has posted crap, as well as others.

What I have NOT seen is ANYTHING from you great leader the Krailure!?!?!? Has he made a statement or is he butt hurt TWOOOO????

It is CLEARLY a trend with the wannabee fans of F*** st.
Have seen the BS crap all TWOOOO much now.
From coming over here to the IOWA GREAT BOARD and just being total horses ass!!!
To talking crap on various pages.
to your Wrestlers taking shEEEEt,
to the fiasco at the trails,
to attacking an ALL-TIME LEGEND in JB,
to now TURNING on maybe the best over all wrestler F*** st has ever produced!

It is NOT one thing!!! It is a very clear look the program has, and it WILL be the down fall, and it is coming FAST and FURIOUS!

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