You repubs are an odd bunch

the dems shouldn't throw stones in glass houses about the weird thing when you have these people on your side:

Tell us why you think they are weird. Please.
Trump's sordid history and present is well documented. Being honest about the new VP candidate is also warranted. If your standard is Trump, you've set a really low bar. Walz's policies and character are both flawed. Character flaws are different than Trump, but still flaws.

** Chase Oliver **
Teacher, football coach, 24 years national guard. I'll take his 'character flaws' over alot of politicians.
Teacher, football coach, 24 years national guard. I'll take his 'character flaws' over alot of politicians.
I’ve heard he’s kept an undersized walleye for eating and once cheated at the V.F.W. Local 151 meat raffle to get some prime rib.

He’s a real piece of shit compared to the rapist convicted criminal that tries to overthrow the government.
I’ve heard he’s kept an undersized walleye for eating and once cheated at the V.F.W. Local 151 meat raffle to get some prime rib.

He’s a real piece of shit compared to the rapist convicted criminal that tries to overthrow the government.
His own people would chew him up and spit him out of he did something as heinous as kept an undersized walleye!
It's kind of like I have never needed a ribbed condom or cologne or breath mints from the men's room in a truck stop bathroom. So I ignore the machine and take care of business. Really nothing to get worked up over. I would say, if they are going to stock hygiene products, I hope they carry pads with wings. Everything seems better with wings.
Well if this is to help females that might have an emergency and need to use the boys room. Why are we just adding tampons. Why aren’t we adding boy and girl underwear and pants in case they weren’t quick enough to get to the restroom. Why not have some snacks in there as well. They might get light headed and need something to eat. Especially a diabetic person, they might need some sugar.
Why are we just adding tampons for emergencies if it’s not solely to cater to an agenda.
Well if this is to help females that might have an emergency and need to use the boys room. Why are we just adding tampons. Why aren’t we adding boy and girl underwear and pants in case they weren’t quick enough to get to the restroom. Why not have some snacks in there as well. They might get light headed and need something to eat. Especially a diabetic person, they might need some sugar.
Why are we just adding tampons for emergencies if it’s not solely to cater to an agenda.
Again, where is this an issue?

Why won't you, or the other posters of similar ilk, answer this simple question. I'm stumped.
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Again, where is this an issue?

Why won't you, or the other posters of similar ilk, answer this simple question. I'm stumped.
Again why aren’t we putting other items in the bathroom as well. Why are we only thinking about girls having their period. Might need a toothbrush and toothpaste as well. Someone might get sick and throw up and need to brush afterward. Why put someone through the horror of having puked and not being able to clean their mouth after.
Why won’t they fight for more items in the bathroom that aren’t needed.
Again why aren’t we putting other items in the bathroom as well. Why are we only thinking about girls having their period. Might need a toothbrush and toothpaste as well. Someone might get sick and throw up and need to brush afterward. Why put someone through the horror of having puked and not being able to clean their mouth after.
Why won’t they fight for more items in the bathroom that aren’t needed.
Besides the fact that kids testified they wanted the tampons specifically?

Also worth pointing out MN is far from the only state doing this, several Republican states doing this as well.
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Again why aren’t we putting other items in the bathroom as well. Why are we only thinking about girls having their period. Might need a toothbrush and toothpaste as well. Someone might get sick and throw up and need to brush afterward. Why put someone through the horror of having puked and not being able to clean their mouth after.
Why won’t they fight for more items in the bathroom that aren’t needed.
That's a good idea.

Again, where is this an issue?
I would like to thank Donald Trump, or as he's likely known in MAGAland; either King Orange or His Orangeness, for at least one helpful service he's provided the US during his time in politics .....

We now all know - with very little doubt - in the general public, celebrity/big biz names and in politics, who the morally corrupt gullible idiot sheeple are.

Thanks Don, but

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Read my posts in this thread - I’ve only talked about this specifically.

How is this a major stretch? You seriously never had an emergency and couldn’t get to the correct bathroom in time? For girls, I’m a guy so I don’t pretend to be an expert there, but if nothing else what if the closest girls bathroom is closed or full?

My k-8 building was almost 100 years old when I went there - bathrooms were on alternating floors…sometimes you didn’t have time to head up or down to the correct floor.

How so? Again, I’m not getting into trans-issues here, but it doesn’t seem unreasonable to say that in specific circumstances one might have to use a bathroom usually meant for the other gender.
Well , back in “my day” boys didn’t have tampons in bathrooms, particularly 4th grade boy’s both rooms, and I don’t recall girls bleeding out in the hallways. Heck, I don’t even know that most/many 4th grade boys know what a tampon is? How do the other 49 states that don’t have tampons in boy’s bathrooms survive?
Well , back in “my day” boys didn’t have tampons in bathrooms, particularly 4th grade boy’s both rooms, and I don’t recall girls bleeding out in the hallways. Heck, I don’t even know that most/many 4th grade boys know what a tampon is? How do the other 49 states that don’t have tampons in boy’s bathrooms survive?
So, what you're saying is that you've always been oblivious. Makes sense.
Well , back in “my day” boys didn’t have tampons in bathrooms, particularly 4th grade boy’s both rooms, and I don’t recall girls bleeding out in the hallways. Heck, I don’t even know that most/many 4th grade boys know what a tampon is? How do the other 49 states that don’t have tampons in boy’s bathrooms survive?
Quite a few other states - including ones run by republicans have done similar things. There’s actual studies that explain why. You’d be surprised to know it actually has nothing to do with trans issues.
Trying so hard, digging so deep to muckrake Walz while trotting out trump and Vance is beyond comical. Dig deep enough enough, you'll find something on any human. A dw from the 90s and question military valor from someone who actually served in the military is the best you can find so far. Weak sauce, my friends.
It only took a fake email scandal last time.