'If republicans had even an ounce of dignity, the should be embarrassed as hell. But they don't.'
You must not have lived through Afghanistan and that Biden debate performance. Link to your disgust then please.
This is my position----> We should never have been involved in this from the beginning. I am not willing to spend American money and lives for Ukraine. The Democrats used to be the ones against getting tangled up in wars to stop opponents distant aggression. Did we not learn anything from Vietnam? Why wasn't Ukraine part of Nato? Real question. Think about that. Why doesnt Europe fix this themselves? Why do Americans always have to pay to 'save' Europe when Europe sure as hell can defend itself if they are interested in stopping Russia?
If Russia attacks a NATO member or something in our hemisphere, fine. They go after Greenland, I am there with you. I just don't get all the Ukraine love. I really don't.