
That's a ridiculous comment. And not true. Game is plenty physical. Making it safer is smarter as well.
Wearing tacky gloves makes it safer? Do tell. They should just use velcro gloves and jerseys so if the ball just touches them it sticks.
Rouse is probably like most Iowa fans...waiting for a new Iowa OLine coach that doesn't appear to be happening.

Why the foot dragging by KF? Fans obviously don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but one new player isn't fixing the current mess on the line.
trying to stay even remotely positive right now. Iowa should have a new OL, WR, and OC in right now. NIL money should be flying in given the loss of Proctor. Both the comments from Barta's dumbass about swarm, and the "great" press generated on twitter by the guy that runs swarm. Things are not looking rosy.
I’m not giving to the NIL because KF hasn’t made the necessary changes at OC and Oline coach. And that’s probably why others aren’t donating and recruits aren’t going to commit to Iowa until Iowa commits to making the changes that must be made at these two coaching positions.

Don’t give me this bs of we need to see what Brian can do when he has the guys he needs to run the offense. He has had six years already. Move on, it’s not working and hasn’t. As a matter of fact, it’s costing Iowa recruits and their own players leaving because the offense is a cluster$&@#!! Only at Iowa can this stuff happen. No accountability in the football program unless you are a player that doesn’t conform to their program rules.
This is pathetic. It’s what we get for keeping status quo after last year. I’m usually optimistic but I will finally say this season might be the downfall of KF… Nebby and Wisconsin have hope… we have little (Cade and Erik All can’t do everything) it all started last year. Dang I’m prolly just impulsive talking but I am not excited about this. Hope they do something to improve
I’m not giving to the NIL because KF hasn’t made the necessary changes at OC and Oline coach. And that’s probably why others aren’t donating and recruits aren’t going to commit to Iowa until Iowa commits to making the changes that must be made at these two coaching positions.

Don’t give me this bs of we need to see what Brian can do when he has the guys he needs to run the offense. He has had six years already. Move on, it’s not working and hasn’t. As a matter of fact, it’s costing Iowa recruits and their own players leaving because the offense is a cluster$&@#!! Only at Iowa can this stuff happen. No accountability in the football program unless you are a player that doesn’t conform to their program rules.
I am not asking for advertising swarm. It's your money or anyone else's money. I think that both the AD and the guy that runs the swarm made us looking like a ****ing circus. They both need to STFU and go away.

Furthermore, I never once said anything about Brian staying around, I'm tired of it, and I fully agree that he, Barnett, and Copeland should find new jobs.
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This is pathetic. It’s what we get for keeping status quo after last year. I’m usually optimistic but I will finally say this season might be the downfall of KF… Nebby and Wisconsin have hope… we have little (Cade and Erik All can’t do everything) it all started last year. Dang I’m prolly just impulsive talking but I am not excited about this. Hope they do something to improve
Parker is the beginning of a good looking move. At this point, I don't care how much he costs or how much of a cancer he is, bring is Kiyaunta Goodwin from Kentucky as a replacement for Proctor.
Parker is the beginning of a good looking move. At this point, I don't care how much he costs or how much of a cancer he is, bring is Kiyaunta Goodwin from Kentucky as a replacement for Proctor.
Heard he blew up to over 400lbs. Hard to have that weight move around well. So Idk if he’s the answer. Wish rouse was…
I’m not giving to the NIL because KF hasn’t made the necessary changes at OC and Oline coach. And that’s probably why others aren’t donating and recruits aren’t going to commit to Iowa until Iowa commits to making the changes that must be made at these two coaching positions.

Don’t give me this bs of we need to see what Brian can do when he has the guys he needs to run the offense. He has had six years already. Move on, it’s not working and hasn’t. As a matter of fact, it’s costing Iowa recruits and their own players leaving because the offense is a cluster$&@#!! Only at Iowa can this stuff happen. No accountability in the football program unless you are a player that doesn’t conform to their program rules.
Given our track record of OL in the NFL, I'm shocked HS kids and transfers aren't beating down the door of the Iowa Football complex, regardless of who the coaches are (smh).
So you're right about our track record of o linemen in the pros. On the other hand you have to understand what the last 2 years of offensive futility have done as well. You can't go anywhere on social media and find anything good about the Iowa offense. It's a running joke. If a kid isn't an Iowan or grew up an Iowa fan would you want to come play for the worst Power 5 offense in college football? It's time for the excuses to end on the offensive side of the ball. They just need to get better however that needs to be.
I'm starting to really believe that KF reached out to try and find an upgrade in asst coaches and was turned down

Going to a school with an aging HC who is likely retiring soon doesn't seem like a stable situation to join

It happened at the end of Fry's regime and I see it happening now.
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I'm not sure how you can argue that unless you're making the argument that he had no hand in the abysmal performance and development of the oline over the past 2 years. I think the entire staff bears responsibility for being an unattractive location for transfers.
pretty easily. Linderbaum went in the 1st round last year. That alone is a selling point, whether that had anything to do with George I don't really care. You know the one thing you cannot sell, the offense as a whole.
With it now becoming obvious there are and were no coaching changes in the works…I do have to ponder why Cade and Erick choose the Hawks….glad they did, but can’t say logically it makes sense
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With it now becoming obvious there are and were no coaching changes in the works…I do have to ponder why Cade and Erick choose the Hawks….glad they did, but can’t say logically it makes sense
For Cade, it was money. That agreement was made well in advance. For All, it makes sense to go back to a QB that you have experience with and Iowa's history of placing TEs in the league.
With it now becoming obvious there are and were no coaching changes in the works…I do have to ponder why Cade and Erick choose the Hawks….glad they did, but can’t say logically it makes sense
From what I can gather on the interwebz, twitter and podcasts, Brian will NOT be the OC next year and may not even be at Iowa. I won't name all the sources as they compete with this site however he's been almost spot on with portal transfers and other items and is well connected into the program. My hunch is that Brian goes back to the NFL, we will know at some point this month as NFL teams shuffle and playoff teams, etc are eliminated.
It's been one of the worst olines in college the last two years. Maybe recruits are taking notice.
Yep, even all the positive press of Wirfs, Lindy, Hock and Kittle can't fully overcome the product on the offensive side of ball last few years. That said, we WILL be better, but how much better?
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From what I can gather on the interwebz, twitter and podcasts, Brian will NOT be the OC next year and may not even be at Iowa. I won't name all the sources as they compete with this site however he's been almost spot on with portal transfers and other items and is well connected into the program. My hunch is that Brian goes back to the NFL, we will know at some point this month as NFL teams shuffle and playoff teams, etc are eliminated.
It simply makes zero sense, from Iowa's POV, to not announce any changes IMMEDIATELY after the bowl game.

What's the logic if changes are being made?

I must be missing something. It's not like we were waiting for the CFP game to be over. Does KF have a daughter getting married and KF is waiting for his new SIL?

Iowa football is becoming disjointed.
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From what I can gather on the interwebz, twitter and podcasts, Brian will NOT be the OC next year and may not even be at Iowa. I won't name all the sources as they compete with this site however he's been almost spot on with portal transfers and other items and is well connected into the program. My hunch is that Brian goes back to the NFL, we will know at some point this month as NFL teams shuffle and playoff teams, etc are eliminated.
Putting a few pieces together and connecting some dots, I've come to believe the same.

That said, I wonder if the uncertainty about what the coaching staff will look like has impacted our portal recruiting. Not so much that any recruit does or does not want to play for Coach X; just that recruits might have a hunch changes are coming, and want to know for certain who their OC or position coach will be.

I can tell you that I wouldn't take a new job if I didn't know for certain who my manager was going to be. (Especially if I suspected a change would be changing soon.)
And coming off of another losing record, five in a row now. Embarrassing.
I think there's always optimism in a coaching change and Nebraska has gone thru a LOT OF coaching changes in the last 15 years. Remarkable how unstable that program has become. The excitement with the Ruhle hiring is EXACTLY like it was when Frost was hired.

We know how that turned out.