New I-Pass Transponder
Just got my new Illinois Tollway transponder in the mail. Instead of a plastic device, it is now a sticker with a barcode that is supposed to be stuck on the windshield. I typically use the tollways no more than 3-4 times a year and have no interest in putting the sticker on my windshield if I don't have to. Does anyone have first-hand experience with putting the piece of paper with the sticker on the dash near the windshield like I did with the plastic device? I'll hang up and listen.
(I understand that the sensors read my license plate and I can go online after-the-fact and pay, but prefer to pay in real time with the transponder if possible.)
(I understand that the sensors read my license plate and I can go online after-the-fact and pay, but prefer to pay in real time with the transponder if possible.)