‘Very, very troubling’: Judges, lawyers flummoxed by Judge Cannon

Judge Cannon is not worthy of the bench. Take politics out of it. She has not been doing her job.
And when the fbi altered evidence was that doing their job? Wouldn't manipulation of evidence and the prosecution deliberately hiding the manipulation enough for a judge to hit pause? Wouldn't most judges faced with this simply dismiss wirh prejudice?
The FBI isn’t going to raid a former POTUS on a whim. Notice nobody after the court filings has attacked the substance of the raid or the reason. They pick apart some things for optics, but not why it happened.
Except they did now didn't they? There is that small problem

Tell me though was it on a whim that they printed cover pages with classified markings to clip to the front of documents prior to taking and then leaking photos of the alleged crime scene? That sounds like someone thought it through a bit
And when the fbi altered evidence was that doing their job? Wouldn't manipulation of evidence and the prosecution deliberately hiding the manipulation enough for a judge to hit pause? Wouldn't most judges faced with this simply dismiss wirh prejudice?

Except they did now didn't they? There is that small problem

Tell me though was it on a whim that they printed cover pages with classified markings to clip to the front of documents prior to taking and then leaking photos of the alleged crime scene? That sounds like someone thought it through a bit

Listen shit head. You have no proof of what you are accusing. However, the FBI either f'd up or Trump continued in his lazy lawless days when his attorneys magically found more secret documents in his nightstand months after the search warrant was executed.

Trump defenders are way worse than OJ defenders. The evidence is there. It is not hard to see. You don't see Dem's defending Senator Menendez. That is the difference between knowing right or wrong. Poor Donnny, he had bad parents.....he didn't learn that rule.
And when the fbi altered evidence was that doing their job? Wouldn't manipulation of evidence and the prosecution deliberately hiding the manipulation enough for a judge to hit pause? Wouldn't most judges faced with this simply dismiss wirh prejudice?

Except they did now didn't they? There is that small problem

Tell me though was it on a whim that they printed cover pages with classified markings to clip to the front of documents prior to taking and then leaking photos of the alleged crime scene? That sounds like someone thought it through a bit
Thanks. Can you guess the odds of that happening?

Extremely rare. Calling out Judges can be a career killer if lost for attorneys. Not that it is wrong to request it. But if you lose, you know/think that it is going to be an uphill battle on any case in the future in front of that court. Smith doesn't need to worry about that. He is established.

Judges are like all of us. They have good days/ bad days, egos, etc.

I'm still standing by my comment that she is not doing her job.
Extremely rare. Calling out Judges can be a career killer if lost for attorneys. Not that it is wrong to request it. But if you lose, you know/think that it is going to be an uphill battle on any case in the future in front of that court. Smith doesn't need to worry about that. He is established.

Judges are like all of us. They have good days/ bad days, egos, etc.

I'm still standing by my comment that she is not doing her job.
If nothing else, she seems to be quite clearly dragging this case out as long as possible.
Which is not her job. Court system needs to get cases through quickly as possible.

she keeps saying there are too many unsolved issues standing in the way. she is the one who is creating them and then not resolving them so it’s crazy.

every time she opens her mouth it reminds me of this clip
Hot Dog Man GIF
she keeps saying there are too many unsolved issues standing in the way. she is the one who is creating them and then not resolving them so it’s crazy.

every time she opens her mouth it reminds me of this clip
Hot Dog Man GIF

LOL. She really knows that she is in over her head. Heck, most people in life have been in that position at one time. Nothing wrong with that per se, but she should recuse herself. There are ways to do that without waiving the white flag.
OK, post a link proving that a president is able to take any and all records at the end of his term, because what I've read from the PRA states the opposite.
Why would I post a link? I gave you three statutes to look at but you can't seem to read them? How about we start here and see if you can bring it together somehow (I doubt it).

From the FPA:

"Amounts provided for “Allowances and Office Staff for Former Presidents” may be used to pay fees of an independent contractor who is not a member of the staff of the office of a former President for the review of Presidential records of a former President in connection with the transfer of such records to the National Archives and Records Administration or a Presidential Library without regard to the limitation on staff compensation set forth herein."

You want to explain to me how exactly the FPOTUS or his staff can review these records if they don't have possession of them? Let's see if you can figure out how this connects to the PRA and PTA as well.
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You would think the Orange Criminal would want to hurry this along so he can clear his good name before the election instead of delaying it and leaving it in a shadow of doubt…🤔
Why would he? His poll numbers go up every time libtard lawfare rears its ugly head. You've single handedly made him a martyr. Nice job.
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Why would I post a link? I gave you three statutes to look at but you can't seem to read them? How about we start here and see if you can bring it together somehow (I doubt it).

From the FPA:

"Amounts provided for “Allowances and Office Staff for Former Presidents” may be used to pay fees of an independent contractor who is not a member of the staff of the office of a former President for the review of Presidential records of a former President in connection with the transfer of such records to the National Archives and Records Administration or a Presidential Library without regard to the limitation on staff compensation set forth herein."

You want to explain to me how exactly the FPOTUS or his staff can review these records if they don't have possession of them? Let's see if you can figure out how this connects to the PRA and PTA as well.
Are you missing the part where it talks about transferring to the NAR?

You are wrong, and it looks like exceeding dumb here.
Are you missing the part where it talks about transferring to the NAR?

You are wrong, and it looks like exceeding dumb here.
JFC are you this stupid? The question was whether Trump was allowed to take them. The answer is right in your damn face in the law. I never claimed they were Trump's f*cking documents. He's charged for willful retention. You can't have willful retention if you had a statutory purpose to have them (i.e. review).

Clearly, you're the dumb one here.
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Oh, an attorney for more than 55 January 6 defendants thinks it’s a good ruling? Shocked I tell you.

But classy use of libtards.
Oh, and the people you idiots quoted are somehow better? More libtard logic. The guy made a point there hasn't been any case law surrounding this issue and somehow it's beyond your jaded minds that arguments from both sides could be presented and heard? That's just so terrible isn't it. You people are ridiculous.
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JFC are you this stupid? The question was whether Trump was allowed to take them. The answer is right in your damn face in the law. I never claimed they were Trump's f*cking documents. He's charged for willful retention. You can't have willful retention if you had a statutory purpose to have them (i.e. review).

Clearly, you're the dumb one here.
YEAH!!! JUst beCause you liBTard former judges and atTorneys thiNk youR sooo smaRT dosnt mKe it trUE!!!!!
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JFC are you this stupid? The question was whether Trump was allowed to take them. The answer is right in your damn face in the law. I never claimed they were Trump's f*cking documents. He's charged for willful retention. You can't have willful retention if you had a statutory purpose to have them (i.e. review).

Clearly, you're the dumb one here.
Let me get down to your level of intelligence: he may temporarily have them in his possession, but he can't keep (take) them. Which is what many people have been arguing against you about here.

I know you won't admit to being wrong, as in other arguments we have had, so I'll let you go on being the idiot but on ignore now.

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