“People might call him an asshole, but he's my asshole.”


No, they don’t. Not even close.

I’m not going to waste time comparing apples and sauerkraut. Trump is in a league of his own.
I didn't say scope of each attribute. but they all apply to both guys. On a few of them, Trump is absolutely in a league of his own. That's why I assumed you were talking about him.
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I look at what’s happening worldwide with immigration, Islam, Africa. We need ton tighten our borders. Chaos is on the horizon, and I want to take care of America first.
The only tightening he can do is deport, deport. Until we overhaul the issue that brings folks here it’s a waste. Mexico will only hold them for so long. It’s a regional problem that has to be addressed on multiple fronts,
1. Hiring penalties for employers need to be stronger. EVerify only catches one out of 5 they scan.
2. Southern Border of Mexico is where the natural bottleneck is. If we can build a Panama Canal type project it should be done there.
3. Deport, deport and they just come back because the rewards far outweigh the benefits. Our border is too difficult thanks to geography and the amount of free trade with Mexico. Need to turn the Central America Countries more into another NAFTA type deal economically. So they have a reason to stay.
The only tightening he can do is deport, deport. Until we overhaul the issue that brings folks here it’s a waste. Mexico will only hold them for so long. It’s a regional problem that has to be addressed on multiple fronts,
1. Hiring penalties for employers need to be stronger. EVerify only catches one out of 5 they scan.
2. Southern Border of Mexico is where the natural bottleneck is. If we can build a Panama Canal type project it should be done there.
3. Deport, deport and they just come back because the rewards far outweigh the benefits. Our border is too difficult thanks to geography and the amount of free trade with Mexico. Need to turn the Central America Countries more into another NAFTA type deal economically. So they have a reason to stay.
Promising deportation, increasing surveillance, enacting remain in Mexico. Path easier for workers, harder for non Central Americans. Legalize some more drugs. Helping clamp down on the southern border in Mexico.
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Promising deportation, increasing surveillance, enacting remain in Mexico. Path easier for workers, harder for non Central Americans. Legalize some more drugs. Helping clamp down on the southern border in Mexico.
All of which requires cooperation from regional partners and long term planing. Non of which is n Donald’s wheelhouse. See China policy of going it alone with tariffs and attacking every ally . Then signing some meaningless treaties that didn’t change much of anything with them.
Stephan Miller is Trump’s point man on immigration. He wanted to drone bomb Northern Mexico. And single handily killed the deal Trump had with Nancy in 17/18. The dude is a zealot.
All of which requires cooperation from regional partners and long term planing. Non of which is n Donald’s wheelhouse. See China policy of going it alone with tariffs and attacking every ally . Then signing some meaningless treaties that didn’t change much of anything with them.
Stephan Miller is Trump’s point man on immigration. He wanted to drone bomb Northern Mexico. And single handily killed the deal Trump had with Nancy in 17/18. The dude is a zealot.
He is a zealot, hopefully we a bit softer than his approach. I’m a hardliner on foreign invasion from Islamic nations, China, or anyone linked with Cartels. Fvck em.
He is a zealot, hopefully we a bit softer than his approach. I’m a hardliner on foreign invasion from Islamic nations, China, or anyone linked with Cartels. Fvck em.
He shouldn’t be anywhere near power. The man has shown us who he is. And he’s smart enough to wait and then wield it. Trump isn’t smart enough to understand when he’s being used. Trump isn’t going to get the best and brightest from the conservative movement. He’ll get those who don’t belong there. Either due to lack of experience, talent, or personal agendas
He shouldn’t be anywhere near power. The man has shown us who he is. And he’s smart enough to wait and then wield it. Trump isn’t smart enough to understand when he’s being used. Trump isn’t going to get the best and brightest from the conservative movement. He’ll get those who don’t belong there. Either due to lack of experience, talent, or personal agendas
Were things that bad under him??
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Yep you are totally correct it's all those ****ing democrats that keep voting for him and keeping him relevant...oh wait errr

****ING DUMBASS! It's 2024 and we are STILL hearing "If the Dems would just shut up about him he'd go away" just completely ignoring the fact Republicans have had how many chances now to not vote for the orange shitbag? He is a proven sexual abuser proven fraudster... can't run a charity piece of shit and Rs STILL vote for him and have the audacity to still say that Dems are at fault for not shutting up about him. Un****ingbelievable is what that is.
Beautiful!!! I can sense the anger from your response. I absolutely love the seething anger, the fits of vitriol that his name simply brings up. I can imagine your beet red face with veins popping out as you slobber all over the keyboard. Thank you for that image, it absolutely made my day. Thank you…
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Beautiful!!! I can sense the anger from your response. I absolutely love the seething anger, the fits of vitriol that his name simply brings up. I can imagine your beet red face with veins popping out as you slobber all over the keyboard. Thank you for that image, it absolutely made my day. Thank you…
Talk about missing an opportunity to post the perfect gif.

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Beautiful!!! I can sense the anger from your response. I absolutely love the seething anger, the fits of vitriol that his name simply brings up. I can imagine your beet red face with veins popping out as you slobber all over the keyboard. Thank you for that image, it absolutely made my day. Thank you…
Lol I am and was as calm as can be. Just trying to knock some sense into you fools. I gotta know do you even think before you type? I just don't understand how you idiots can have such moronic takes over and over

Now when I check out the (mini?)series he's narrating on History Channel - about Holy Relics - starting Monday, I'm gonna see him with a big MAGA tattooed on his forehead in my mind's eye.
Lol I am and was as calm as can be. Just trying to knock some sense into you fools. I gotta know do you even think before you type? I just don't understand how you idiots can have such moronic takes over and over
Okay…now after you took your meds, smoked some weed, and had a therapy session, you can come back temporarily and “act” calm after your breakdown. But here’s the reality…after the haze wears off from your medications, you will realize that despite Trump everything that has been thrown at Trump, his popularity grows. The only way you can stop it is not allow Americans to vote and lock him up - just like (insert your favorite dictator) have done to their opponents.

Then, that rage will consume you again to scream and swear at the world.

Again, thank you for sharing and showcasing your pain and misery.
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Okay…now after you took your meds, smoked some weed, and had a therapy session, you can come back temporarily and “act” calm after your breakdown. But here’s the reality…after the haze wears off from your medications, you will realize that despite Trump everything that has been thrown at Trump, his popularity grows. The only way you can stop it is not allow Americans to vote and lock him up - just like (insert your favorite dictator) have done to their opponents.

Then, that rage will consume you again to scream and swear at the world.

Again, thank you for sharing and showcasing your pain and misery.
Bro are you in cookoo land as well? We have so many inhabitants in here. You realize it is the Republicans suppressing the vote right? You realize it's common knowledge the more people who vote the better it is for Dems? Please educate yourself and get back to me thanks.
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But here’s the reality…after the haze wears off from your medications, you will realize that despite Trump everything that has been thrown at Trump, his popularity grows. The only way you can stop it is not allow Americans to vote and lock him up - just like (insert your favorite dictator) have done to their opponents.
Where do you people come up with this stuff? Do you really think that this conviction brings any undecided voter to his side? I mean we've already determined that his dyed in the wool base will follow him into the depths of hell.

But serious question, who do you believe are all these people who are suddenly on his side now because of this conviction that weren't before? Be specific.

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