“Very Fine People” Lie/Hoax Perpetrated by Democrats & MSM

He did. He said there are fine people on both sides. That means he thinks there are fine white nationalists as that was one of the sides. It's deplorable and should be condemned by everyone who does not support white nationalism. Fact is, you and others on here, do support white nationalism which is why you're defending Trump.
You're beyond saving
Talk about someone needing a clue.

Most dems will agree that Biden's not as sharp as he should be for the office of president. I hate that (at this moment), we don't have a better choice in the party.

But we're not voting for a single person. We're voting for a set of ideals. We're voting for progressive policies and the fundamentals of democracy. Not just one person.

Maga is about white, christian nationalism. Nothing else. It's trump over party. trump over country.

That's what makes the maga party a cult.

I hope I don't have to vote for Joe Biden. But I will vote for whomever is running against trump.
This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet
Fact: Donald trump has disavowed white supremacy more than any other living politican.

It's never enough for the hivemind bc they have to have their boogeyman. Absolute mental midgets.
Holy shit... you still aren't answering my question???

So the press and Biden saying that Trump called Nazis ‘fine people’ was disinformation, wasn’t it?
There were no fine people in a march organized by Nazis and white supemecists chanting antisemitic tropes. None. Would you have marched with them? Would you have marched with people waving Confederate and Nazi flags? Trump was throwing them a bone. Did he tell those same people to stand back and stand by?
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It was an event planned by a prominent a white nationalist. The night before there was a rally with torches where the crowd chanted, “The Jews will not replace us.” Guys showed up with Nazi flags and the protestors voluntarily marched with them.


Anyone there was a piece of shit. They knew what the rally had become.
Help me keep up, NAZI flags bad, but pro Hamas flags good?
There were no fine people in a march organized by Nazis and white supemecists chanting antisemitic tropes. None.
I didn’t ask you that, you weasel.

I asked you this:

So the press and Biden saying that Trump called Nazis ‘fine people’ was disinformation, wasn’t it?

Don’t be afraid.
Answer the question I asked (not another you make up for yourself instead), and I’ll respond to all of yours.
I didn’t ask you that, you weasel.

I asked you this:

So the press and Biden saying that Trump called Nazis ‘fine people’ was disinformation, wasn’t it?

Don’t be afraid.
Answer the question I asked (not another you make up for yourself instead), and I’ll respond to all of yours.
Again, no. He back pedaled his orignal statement and then claimed that there are "good people" on the white supremacist side. That's bullshit and deplorable. But here you are trying to defend it.
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The funny idea is that it would matter either way to any of his supporters or his detractors. It'd just be one of hundreds of other deplorable comments that Trump has made. The idea that there is some sort of red line that actually matters to his followers is hilarious. I suspect there are some self-aware followers like Northern - perhaps Rifler - who aren't pretending that it would matter to them if Trump did out right call the Nazis fine people, rather for them this is just about their victim complex and how the media is out to get them.
Meanwhile…the average citizen cares about rising gas & grocery prices, high crime rates, and uncontrolled illegal immigration vs what someone may (or may not have) said 5 years ago. 🤔
Where did I say Hamas flags are good? Anyone who flies a Hamas flag or hangs with them is making a choice.
And they are pieces of shit if they’re at the same protest where someone cheers Hamas or antagonizes a Jew. Right?

The reality of these issues lies in nuance. Very often people with good intentions share the same side of a single issue with pieces of shit and for different reasons.

It’s very reasonable to see that there are those who love history and hate the tearing down of statue movements in this country who would have been upset about removing the Robert E Lee statue. And that also piece of shit Nazis hate it coming down for completely different reasons.
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Elon cultist can't comprehend written English, sad.

Saying Trump lies is a comical understatement, and yes it's bad.

And no, I didn't say that misrepresenting and twisting what Trump said is perfectly okay. It's probably closer to standard politics for the last 50+ years, but it's not good. What Trump said was already bad, there was no need to misrepresent what he said to make it that much worse, it gives you victims that much more ammo for your victim complex. It's bad.

My point was simply that the idea that if Trump had said the Nazis were very fine people, it'd make no difference to his followers.

So no, you don't got it.
Fact checkers also caught Biden in approximately 10 lies during last night’s debate.
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LOL at the self prescribed eloonatic. You are not only a lying fascist, you are a stupid lying fascist. Of course, that goes with being a maga scumbag.
The upcoming November presidential election results are likely going to make you even more testy. 😉
Where did I say Hamas flags are good? Anyone who flies a Hamas flag or hangs with them is making a choice.
Anyone who marches in a pride parade with naked men flopping their dick and balls in front of children are also making a choice. Right? How far are we taking guilt by association? Where’s the line?
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Talk about someone needing a clue.

Most dems will agree that Biden's not as sharp as he should be for the office of president. I hate that (at this moment), we don't have a better choice in the party.

But we're not voting for a single person. We're voting for a set of ideals. We're voting for progressive policies and the fundamentals of democracy. Not just one person.

Maga is about white, christian nationalism. Nothing else. It's trump over party. trump over country.

That's what makes the maga party a cult.

I hope I don't have to vote for Joe Biden. But I will vote for whomever is running against trump.
You’ve got TDS.
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The upcoming November presidential election results are likely going to make you even more testy. 😉
If a convicted felon does not get elected, I will be happy. If that convicted felon goes to prison, it will be a great day for America. And fascists like you, who have less morals than an alley cat, will probably continue to spread lies and disinformation. Because, that's what fascists do.
Anyone who marches in a pride parade with naked men flopping their dick and balls in front of children are also making a choice. Right? How far are we taking guilt by association? Where’s the line?
There's a difference between an individual doing something inappropriate among people demonstrating for a cause and groups of people demonstrating for a reprehensible cause.

There are no good people supporting white supremacists.
There's a difference between an individual doing something inappropriate among people demonstrating for a cause and groups of people demonstrating for a reprehensible cause.

There are no good people supporting white supremacists.
Makes me wonder where are these parades are that he takes his children.
There's a difference between an individual doing something inappropriate among people demonstrating for a cause and groups of people demonstrating for a reprehensible cause.

There are no good people supporting white supremacists.
You're so dense
I'm no Trump fan, but that seems pretty clear cut to me. It was pretty obvious the press really wanted to force a sound bite. Trump clearly denounced the white nationalists and was focused on the peaceful protesters (from his view) that were there at the same time as the piece of shit Nazi's. He tried and tried to explain himself, but the foaming at the mouth press kept cutting him off.

Trump typically digs his own damn grave, but there are certainly times when journalists make a fvcking moutain out of a mole hill. This is clearly one of them and if people can't see that, well they're dumb as shit.
Yep, right at the 1:30 mark he makes clear he’s condemning the Nazis and White Nationalists.

Do you agree that the press and Biden campaign spread disinformation about this?
No, I do not agree. He said if about Charlottesville:
They are not very fine people.

Again, no living politician has denounced white supremacists more than this man.

Reminder, Joe biden never denounced the endorsement of Richard Spencer himself. His campaign made a general passing comment but biden never said a word. Imagine the leftist outrage if Trump behaved that way. Hypocrites.
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Yep, right at the 1:30 mark he makes clear he’s condemning the Nazis and White Nationalists.

Do you agree that the press and Biden campaign spread disinformation about this?
No he doesn't - that's a throw away comment. He clearly thinks there are "good people" among the white nationalists. There are not.
I'm no Trump fan, but that seems pretty clear cut to me. It was pretty obvious the press really wanted to force a sound bite. Trump clearly denounced the white nationalists and was focused on the peaceful protesters (from his view) that were there at the same time as the piece of shit Nazi's. He tried and tried to explain himself, but the foaming at the mouth press kept cutting him off.

Trump typically digs his own damn grave, but there are certainly times when journalists make a fvcking moutain out of a mole hill. This is clearly one of them and if people can't see that, well they're dumb as shit.
No. Peaceful white nationalists and nazis are not good people.
I'm no Trump fan, but that seems pretty clear cut to me. It was pretty obvious the press really wanted to force a sound bite. Trump clearly denounced the white nationalists and was focused on the peaceful protesters (from his view) that were there at the same time as the piece of shit Nazi's. He tried and tried to explain himself, but the foaming at the mouth press kept cutting him off.

Trump typically digs his own damn grave, but there are certainly times when journalists make a fvcking moutain out of a mole hill. This is clearly one of them and if people can't see that, well they're dumb as shit.
I'm sure I'll get blasted for this, but I've never really seen Trump as a racist. He's a narcist and he's very ignorant when it comes to foreign policy and other political matters and instead of trying to educate himself or surround himself with people who will actually guide him, he fires anyone who's not a yes man and then fills his knowledge gap with completely made-up crap or flat out lies.

When he was first elected, I sincerely just hoped he'd put together a competent staff and maybe it wouldn't be as bad as we all thought...then all he did was fire them. Constant turn-over doesn't bode well for business, so I'm not sure why he thought it would bode well for the executive branch.

Again, no living politician has denounced white supremacists more than this man.

Reminder, Joe biden never denounced the endorsement of Richard Spencer himself. His campaign made a general passing comment but biden never said a word. Imagine the leftist outrage if Trump behaved that way. Hypocrites.
Biden never catered to Richard Spencer or his followers. Trump absolutely does so with the white nationalists.
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No he doesn't - that's a throw away comment. He clearly thinks there are "good people" among the white nationalists. There are not.
So if me a white dude and not a racist or lord forbid a minority of any race shows up in protest of a statue being taken down at the same time asshole nazi's shows up, I nor the minorities I mentioned are no longer "good people"? That's some narrow-minded shit right there.
Biden never catered to Richard Spencer or his followers. Trump absolutely does so with the white nationalists.
Apparently he did bc Richard Spencer said biden wad a better pick for his values than Trump when he endorsed him. The fact that joe never personally denounced is telling. Especially given his friendship with kkk exalted cyclopses
So if me a white dude and not a racist or lord forbid a minority of any race shows up in protest of a statue being taken down at the same time asshole nazi's shows up, I nor the minorities I mentioned are no longer "good people"? That's some narrow-minded shit right there.
If you are protesting with white nationalists you are not a good person.
Apparently he did bc Richard Spencer said biden wad a better pick for his values than Trump when he endorsed him. The fact that joe never personally denounced is telling. Especially given his friendship with kkk exalted cyclopses
Wow are you stupid. Because Richard Spencer chooses to vote for Biden does not mean Biden is seeking his support. Trump, on the other hand, is absolutely seeking the vote of white nationalists.

You're a moron.
Wow are you stupid. Because Richard Spencer chooses to vote for Biden does not mean Biden is seeking his support. Trump, on the other hand, is absolutely seeking the vote of white nationalists.

You're a moron.
I just supplied 3 minutes of Trump saying he didn't want their votes or support. You dodged that kkk friendship again btw. Show me 2 minutes of biden saying he doesn't want white nationalist support outright or you're on the losing side here.
If you are protesting with white nationalists you are not a good person.
What if I'm there first? Seriously, me and my family are sitting in front of a statue peacefully protesting its removal and a few hours later a bunch of Nazi's show up, how am I now the asshole in the situation? Not everything is fvcking black and white (pun intended)
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