“Very Fine People” Lie/Hoax Perpetrated by Democrats & MSM

Not keeping up I see. I forgive you.

The Cult has deemed Joe to continue to be the nominee. It is decided.

You truly are one dumb mofo hahahahahaha holy shit.

Anyways, have a good rest of your day outing all these dirty cult members on here. Can't wait for your next woke mind virus thread, they're always big hits!
The Cult has deemed Joe to continue to be the nominee. It is decided.

Make It So Star Trek GIF
What he said was not what the media reported. They lied.

"And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay?"
They were marching with neo-Nazis and white nationalists...and they knew it. If you're "in that group" knowingly, you are not remotely "fine people". What about that is so hard for you to understand?
There are moments when that comment would be appropriate,.. A good example might be when two local groups meet to support or protest the removal of a statue that had become a local landmark,.. Which is what happened,.. Zero Nazis involved.
  • The permit was obtained by a Nazi.
  • The organizers were Nazis.
  • The KKK, Daily Stormer, Nationalist Front, Identity Europa, etc. all promoted the event
  • Invited guests denounced the Jews, Muslims, and praised Dylan Roof.
  • A crowd chanted antisemitic messages.
  • A white supremacist tried to murder a bunch of people.
  • Nazis flags abounded.
The event was called the Unite the Right.
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You truly are one dumb mofo hahahahahaha holy shit.

Anyways, have a good rest of your day outing all these dirty cult members on here. Can't wait for your next woke mind virus thread, they're always big hits!

I don't think he's simply "dumb". My guess is a combination of different things that makes him especially vulnerable to go "all in" on certain things. Whether that thing is Elon, Tesla, "woke mind virus" or whatever flavor of the month/quarter/year. There could be something clinically diagnosable, but I'd also just guess that typical combo of socially awkward, friendless, involuntary celibate, whose main connections and foundation are rooted online. The type that are simultaneously vulnerable and made victims by everybody, yet find strength and community in who they blame/hate.

Pretty typical alt-right profile and ripe for radicalization.

That said, maybe he's a completely normal guy, two kids, wife and rich as the rest of us and this is all just an elaborate troll job to see how convincing of a personality he can play?
I don't think he's simply "dumb". My guess is a combination of different things that makes him especially vulnerable to go "all in" on certain things. Whether that thing is Elon, Tesla, "woke mind virus" or whatever flavor of the month/quarter/year. There could be something clinically diagnosable, but I'd also just guess that typical combo of socially awkward, friendless, involuntary celibate, whose main connections and foundation are rooted online. The type that are simultaneously vulnerable and made victims by everybody, yet find strength and community in who they blame/hate.

Pretty typical alt-right profile and ripe for radicalization.

That said, maybe he's a completely normal guy, two kids, wife and rich as the rest of us and this is all just an elaborate troll job to see how convincing of a personality he can play?

I was the guy accurately stating Biden is not mentally fit to be POTUS and a chorus of Leftist cultists denied it and ridiculed me.

Get a new shtick after you get a clue.
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I was the guy accurately stating Biden is not mentally fit to be POTUS and a chorus of Leftist cultists denied it and ridiculed me.

Get a new shtick after you get a clue.

You and millions of others. That of course has nothing to do with your flavor-of-the-period obsessions that you share on here, nor does it have anything to do with your other manic posting. You come off as a freak on here, and I think it's more complicated than you simply being dumb.
They were marching with neo-Nazis and white nationalists...and they knew it. If you're "in that group" knowingly, you are not remotely "fine people". What about that is so hard for you to understand?

Let’s see if you can do it:

Do you agree that Trump actually condemned Nazis and white nationalists, and that Trump did not call Nazis “fine people”?
It was an event planned by a prominent a white nationalist. The night before there was a rally with torches where the crowd chanted, “The Jews will not replace us.” Guys showed up with Nazi flags and the protestors voluntarily marched with them.


Anyone there was a piece of shit. They knew what the rally had become.
So, every college student protesting is a piece of shit because people in the same protest harassed Jews or had a Hamas flag. Anyone there at any of those protests was a piece of shit. Let that be the standard then.

Here’s the thing. People from Virginia and even from the north who are huge civil war fans admire Robert E Lee and his place in our country’s history. They’re not bad people because of it. Let’s also not forget Biden loved and admires a KKK grand wizard for most of his time in the senate. Piece of shit. Right?
They were marching with neo-Nazis and white nationalists...and they knew it. If you're "in that group" knowingly, you are not remotely "fine people". What about that is so hard for you to understand?
Suddenly the left has never heard of “bad actors” or “agitators” who co-opt a movement or protest and make turn it into something else. Holy shit they’ve invented that language and excuse.

See: every BLM riot. Apparently all of those protesters are pieces of shit because they were arm in arm with arsonists and Antifa shit bags.

This is why protesting is stupid to begin with.
Let’s see if you can do it:

Do you agree that Trump actually condemned Nazis and white nationalists, and that Trump did not call Nazis “fine people”?
Sure. Do you agree that every single scumbag at that rally considers themselves one of Trump's "very fine people"?

Let's see if you can do it.
So, every college student protesting is a piece of shit because people in the same protest harassed Jews or had a Hamas flag. Anyone there at any of those protests was a piece of shit. Let that be the standard then.

Here’s the thing. People from Virginia and even from the north who are huge civil war fans admire Robert E Lee and his place in our country’s history. They’re not bad people because of it. Let’s also not forget Biden loved and admires a KKK grand wizard for most of his time in the senate. Piece of shit. Right?
To he fair, byrd was "only" an exalted cyclops in the kkk. The fact checkers use that distinction to try and claim the entire story is false (bc ofc they did, propagandists and all that). Biden was close buddies with an exalted cyclops klansman and was also endorsed by the most prominent white nationalist in the US in 2020. Dems being dems.
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So the press and Biden saying that Trump called
Nazis ‘fine people’ was disinformation, wasn’t it?

Do you agree that every single scumbag at that rally considers themselves one of Trump's "very fine people"?

Let's see if you can do it.

Since Trump specifically denounced Nazis and White Nationalists, I’d bet at least one of them heard that, even as the press and Biden lied to them about what he said. So no, I doubt ‘every single scumbag at that rally’ thought Trump was referencing them when he said he wasn’t.
Up until a month ago I thought Trump said white nationalists were ‘very fine people’, because that is how it was reported - and I though he was despicable. Then I learned what he really said. How can we trust media that manipulates our perception like this?

And now that I've learned what he really said all the other things he said, that I heard with my own ears, has been reconciled. I was just about to vote for Joe Biden, but this changes everything!

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Up until a month ago I thought Trump said white nationalists were ‘very fine people’, because that is how it was reported - and I though he was despicable. Then I learned what he really said. How can we trust media that manipulates our perception like this?

And now that I've learned what he really said all the other things he said, that I heard with my own ears, has been reconciled. I was just about to vote for Joe Biden, but this changes everything!

Can you address her question?

“How can we trust media that manipulates our perception like this?”

If we posted a poll on here do you think 100% will agree that Trump condemned the Nazis at Charlottesville and didn’t call them fine people?

Or do you expect some still believe the hoax?
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So the press and Biden saying that Trump called
Nazis ‘fine people’ was disinformation, wasn’t it?

Since Trump specifically denounced Nazis and White Nationalists, I’d bet at least one of them heard that, even as the press and Biden lied to them about what he said. So no, I doubt ‘every single scumbag at that rally’ thought Trump was referencing them when he said he wasn’t.
Can't hear dog whistles, can you? Defend this...

Chris Wallace: "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down..."

Trump: "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left."

This should be good.
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Can't hear dog whistles, can you? Defend this...

Chris Wallace: "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down..."

Trump: "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left."

This should be good.
Someone really does need to do something about the violent left. Antifa is a cancer and Joe didn't denounce them at all and lied saying their not a group lol you're flailing. You left out the part where he immediately said "sure" btw. Typical.
Can you address her question?

We 100% can't trust the media. Remember the "Trump made fun of a disabled person" discussion argument? Well, I died on that hill defending the fact Trump actually didn't do that (specifically), back then that was his chosen means to insult someone, Ted Cruz, Christie, etc. You can imagine how that went over.

Take away the disabled, suckers and losers and nazi comment and we're still left with a narcissistic liar.
So the press and Biden saying that Trump called
Nazis ‘fine people’ was disinformation, wasn’t it?

Since Trump specifically denounced Nazis and White Nationalists, I’d bet at least one of them heard that, even as the press and Biden lied to them about what he said. So no, I doubt ‘every single scumbag at that rally’ thought Trump was referencing them when he said he wasn’t.

He backtracked on what he said before - it was merely an effort to get the heat off. He has not consistently and clearly continued to denounce white nationalists.

You're a rube.
Can you address her question?

“How can we trust media that manipulates our perception like this?”

If we posted a poll on here do you think 100% will agree that Trump condemned the Nazis at Charlottesville and didn’t call them fine people?

Or do you expect some still believe the hoax?
He praised the people who were marching in support of the white nationalists in Charlottesville. There are no fine people marching in support of white nationalists.
Lol no he didn't. Snopes says you're lying.
He did. He said there are fine people on both sides. That means he thinks there are fine white nationalists as that was one of the sides. It's deplorable and should be condemned by everyone who does not support white nationalism. Fact is, you and others on here, do support white nationalism which is why you're defending Trump.
Can't hear dog whistles, can you? Defend this...

Chris Wallace: "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down..."

Trump: "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left."

This should be good.

(and man, the difference 4 year made for Joe)
Suddenly the left has never heard of “bad actors” or “agitators” who co-opt a movement or protest and make turn it into something else. Holy shit they’ve invented that language and excuse.

See: every BLM riot. Apparently all of those protesters are pieces of shit because they were arm in arm with arsonists and Antifa shit bags.

This is why protesting is stupid to begin with.
It was literally organized by Nazis. The bad actors were in charge. You guys are hopeless.
I was the guy accurately stating Biden is not mentally fit to be POTUS and a chorus of Leftist cultists denied it and ridiculed me.

Get a new shtick after you get a clue.
Talk about someone needing a clue.

Most dems will agree that Biden's not as sharp as he should be for the office of president. I hate that (at this moment), we don't have a better choice in the party.

But we're not voting for a single person. We're voting for a set of ideals. We're voting for progressive policies and the fundamentals of democracy. Not just one person.

Maga is about white, christian nationalism. Nothing else. It's trump over party. trump over country.

That's what makes the maga party a cult.

I hope I don't have to vote for Joe Biden. But I will vote for whomever is running against trump.
So, every college student protesting is a piece of shit because people in the same protest harassed Jews or had a Hamas flag. Anyone there at any of those protests was a piece of shit. Let that be the standard then.

Here’s the thing. People from Virginia and even from the north who are huge civil war fans admire Robert E Lee and his place in our country’s history. They’re not bad people because of it. Let’s also not forget Biden loved and admires a KKK grand wizard for most of his time in the senate. Piece of shit. Right?
A former KKK member. Robert Byrd disavowed the Klan.

Robert E. Lee’s place in this country’s history was as a decent colonel. His place in Confederate history is one of exalted status in large part because of the revisionism of the lost cause movement.
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Antisemites. Just like the college protests. Cool.

Do you really think these things that you're both sidesing are equal? Like so similar in comparability that you believe you're making a reasonable point?

Or are you just doing it for the love of the game?

Cool with me either way, I'm just curious and thought you might be willing to share.
Antisemites. Just like the college protests. Cool.
Anti-Zionism is a political position. Anti-semitism makes one a piece of shit. If kids are hanging around at a rally where organizers are anti-Semitic, they’ve made their choice.