No - I'm specifically referring to the Clinton Foundation which has been exposed as a front. Note how donations plummeted after she lost the election. Why did the donations stop? I am also referring to someone like Biden and Pelosi who have accumulated generational wealth. Biden has had no other job other than as a public servant and did not come from wealth - yet look at him? Pelosi - insider trading makes it pretty hard to lose on a hunch. Biden has been found to have around 20 shell companies - for what? His "famiy" has been tied to approximatley 200 suspicious banking activities. Wonder if you have ever heard the fire the Ukrainian prosecutor speech - "well son of a bitch." The definition of quid pro quo. 10% to the Big Guy - hmmm?Are you talking about the Trump Foundation and Trump University which both found guilty of fraud? If not what foundations have been convicted of fraud?
Don't assume the lack of convictions had or has anything to do with a lack of guilt. That seems to be a correlation that is assumed with Trump , but not the before mentioned. Maybe take a look at who held the positions of authority to act on these actions.