Some are valid points, but I will say this, every President spends more than the last because prices keep going up. Inflation is because since (well longer than I can remember), we have been printing more money than we are taking in. The Feds. keep interest rates low (while I don't agree with it) was to keep people spending and borrowing money. During Trumps time, I didn't agree with him pressuring the Feds to do it. It was the wrong thing to do. He did mail out checks, maybe to buy votes (I don't know) and I agree and said it at the time, we shouldn't have been doing it. The loans for business', well we kind of had to or far too many businesses would've closed. I feel the lockdown went on way to long and was done for political gain only.
Last inflation has been a problem around the world for far too many years. Often because countries try and move to socialism and that's for sure way to inflate. You can't print money faster than it comes in. In order to run any socialist type of Government, you need to feed the beast with money. Capitalist type of Governments is a bit better but must be regulated in order not to overtake the system. I feel here in America, both are fighting over each other, and not for the betterment of its citizens. The are just sharing the wealth and using the 2-party system to benefit themselves. This shows up both in the far right and far left. They have both become like one.
My problem with Biden is this. We don't know who really running the show. We elect officials to hold them accountable. We don't elect the people behind the scenes, yes, the appoint these people, but in his case, I don't believe he even did it. I think they just appointed each other. Frankly it scares me. The Press Secretary hardly ever answers any questions and if she does it with a bumper sticker slogan. We have no idea what is happening with hardly anything, because no one person is calling the shots, and no one ever has an answer. It's just point to MAGA, and it's their fault. I say fix the broken and stop blaming someone else. And yes, the GOP has their fair share of the finger pointing too. Right now, everyone is pointing at the GOP for not being able to elect a speaker. In my opinion this is good, instead of lock step with party, some are saying no, my voters what this and I'm not selling out. AOC, Bernie and others have run on a certain platform then get there and vote lockstep with the Blue. They sold out. Plain and simple. I may not agree with everything they ran on, but selling out is just plain wrong. I'm a person who believes actions are far stronger than work. I can give Trump credit for that, he said he would do a bunch of stuff, and he did or tried to do most of his promises. Some of it I didn't agree with, but he said he would, and he did. Clinton was the last President that was halfway honest.
Just my take.