100% On Topic and Civil Thread on AJ Ferrari's Wrestling Future

EQ is emotional intelligence. The funny thing to me is that the vast majority of people that shout about EQ live on the coasts were people are known to be cold, unwelcoming and generally pissed off. They say that the people in the Midwest lack EQ and IQ and we just don't get it. Then these same people visit the midwest and they just cannot believe how nice and generally happy everyone is!
People who live on the coastline have been looking down their nose at those of us in fly over country forever. I guess living in a large crime ridden city by the ocean makes you a superior being. It’s also where you will find the most psychologically screwed up people, the most drug addicted people, the most homeless, and the most crime.
People who live on the coastline have been looking down their nose at those of us in fly over country forever. I guess living in a large crime ridden city by the ocean makes you a superior being. It’s also where you will find the most psychologically screwed up people, the most drug addicted people, the most homeless, and the most crime.
Careful, you may be starting from your own prejudices. I grew up on the fringe of Cedar Rapids (We had area 4H), but I've lived in Greater Boston for many years, so I have some idea of the differences. Generally speaking, people are people everywhere you go. But you may be working from some sketchy premises:
• There are some rural areas (West Virginia, Indiana) with very high opiate addiction. Times have changed.
• Homeless are everywhere now, but Iowa might have fewer than most. People don't survive on the streets when it gets below zero or over 100°, hence California. Iowa gets four real seasons to keep out the weak. ;)
• Crime per capita is different from overall crime, and there are some rural areas in the South that have lots of crime per capita, like Mississippi.
Obviously however, more people in a smaller area creates more opportunities for crime, so cities like Saint Louis and KC have lots more crime. FWIW, my current neighborhood is tons safer than the one that I grew up in CR.
• As for psychologically screwed up, no one should take mental health for granted these days after the pandemic. Rural states also have to keep close attention to kid's mental health, just like everywhere else. Social media drives us nuts, and yet it's a habit that we can't seem to quit.

And as far as looking down their nose, it's not so much that as a preoccupation with themselves. Good thing that we don't do that here in the Cesspool. ;)
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So what's the deal? Since in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty, if they dropped the case, then Ferrari is not guilty. Yes?
And if so, will he wrestle in college again, and where?
Sorry to twist this thread back to wrestling. . . .
Dake always felt beatable, he just wasn't. That is why PSU fans got picked on so bad for still saying DT was better when he kept losing to him. If you compared their matches against other kids, you'd think DT would destroy him, but, that isn't how it works.

I have so much respect for Dake. I got to talk to him at the NWCA all-star match the year it was at George Mason (the year after he beat DT). I asked him if he would have went up if David wasn't up there, and he said he probably wouldn't have. He said he called DT on the phone and told him he was coming up, to which Taylor replied "Let's do it"

Just to have the guts to take on the challenge and give the fans something to remember is so admirable. I'm sure accomplishing something that no one else has was a factor too. I also remember the electricity in that building before that match. Then Dake's music was "All I Do Is Win" and that blew my mind! Great memories!

One thing that some people forget is that if Quentin Wright doesn't pull what some saw as an upset over Kilgore, the team championship would have come down to DT having to beat Dake for PSU to win.
Good stuff, I personally did not think Wright over Kilgore was an upset. Wright was an awesome wrestler to watch.
So what's the deal? Since in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty, if they dropped the case, then Ferrari is not guilty. Yes?
And if so, will he wrestle in college again, and where?
Sorry to twist this thread back to wrestling. . . .
I watched the younger Ferrari give an interview the day before Angelo announced he was going to iowa

Kid came across as quite articulate, kind of shocked me to be honest but I won’t go there .

Three things I still remember

1.he wants a match against chittum
2. Loves iowa because at iowa they have your back no matter what
3. He doesn’t plan on redshirting , his coaches aren’t planning on him redshirting . Course this was two weeks before he Franek acquisition.

I think he goes 149 though if it’s at all possible … guessing is fun …

Anyway I see no way AJ doesn’t end up at Iowa. Probably read more into that “having your back statement” than was there but to me he’s was refencing his older brother . Again guessing is fun .
Reading this thread be like……..

I watched the younger Ferrari give an interview the day before Angelo announced he was going to iowa

Kid came across as quite articulate, kind of shocked me to be honest but I won’t go there .

Three things I still remember

1.he wants a match against chittum
2. Loves iowa because at iowa they have your back no matter what
3. He doesn’t plan on redshirting , his coaches aren’t planning on him redshirting . Course this was two weeks before he Franek acquisition.

I think he goes 149 though if it’s at all possible … guessing is fun …

Anyway I see no way AJ doesn’t end up at Iowa. Probably read more into that “having your back statement” than was there but to me he’s was refencing his older brother . Again guessing is fun .
On his instagram yesterday someone said they can’t wait to see him as mma light heavyweight. He responded that was his plan, after he finishes his ncaa wrestling career.
Well fair warning I'm going to continue to call out overt hypocrisy.
Please do it in a different venue, where it’s relevant to all and is a topic of discussion.
My intent is not to silence or shame you. It’s not just you, it’s everyone carrying on about religion and politics. It’s so bad the trolls aren’t even playing.
On his instagram yesterday someone said they can’t wait to see him as mma light heavyweight. He responded that was his plan, after he finishes his ncaa wrestling career.
Makes sense, now get him and Gable and it is ON like Donkey Kong!!!
Please do it in a different venue, where it’s relevant to all and is a topic of discussion.
My intent is not to silence or shame you. It’s not just you, it’s everyone carrying on about religion and politics. It’s so bad the trolls aren’t even playing.

This is a thread about Ferrari's sexual assault case being dismissed and a Hawkeye fan stating adamantly that they won't support Ferrari due to his sexual assault allegations, yet that individual wholeheartedly supports Trump who was found liable of sexual assault.

I'm sorry, if you take issue with that level of extreme hypocrisy being called out, then the problem is with you. That shouldn't derail any thread and is a relevant counterpoint to @MAGAman's criticism of Ferrari.

The topic of the thread is a sexual assault case and people throughout the thread are stating their thoughts on the case and sexual assault allegations generally.

It's astounding how many of you take issue with me pointing out the extreme hypocrisy and moral inconsistency, but don't take issue with the individual who holds the hypocritical position.

I'm going to continue to call out hypocrisy. If you ever find my statements hypocritical, please feel free to do the same.
Sorry, but dropping the case does not mean he is not guilty. It just means that he was not found guilty in court.
Very true - exactly the same as being found "guilty" by a biased jury/judge with an agenda. Not seeing that could possibly be the case is also being a hypocrite. It's just being on the other side of an opinion.
Sorry, but dropping the case does not mean he is not guilty. It just means that he was not found guilty in court.
And how do you prove that guilt when the court can't? I'm not saying this kid is a choirboy, but we have a legal system for a reason. Without an admittance of guilt or a confession, we are in murky territory. Was there any out-of-court settlement? That could be strong another indicator of guilt.

Like many others, I would be very dubious about recruiting this guy given his terrible reputation and my respect for his former coach (John Smith) who dumped him, but the court of public opinion is notoriously fickle, and sometimes mistaken. Trial by web board is a poor substitute for real justice.
This is a thread about Ferrari's sexual assault case being dismissed and a Hawkeye fan stating adamantly that they won't support Ferrari due to his sexual assault allegations, yet that individual wholeheartedly supports Trump who was found liable of sexual assault.

I'm sorry, if you take issue with that level of extreme hypocrisy being called out, then the problem is with you. That shouldn't derail any thread and is a relevant counterpoint to @MAGAman's criticism of Ferrari.

The topic of the thread is a sexual assault case and people throughout the thread are stating their thoughts on the case and sexual assault allegations generally.

It's astounding how many of you take issue with me pointing out the extreme hypocrisy and moral inconsistency, but don't take issue with the individual who holds the hypocritical position.

I'm going to continue to call out hypocrisy. If you ever find my statements hypocritical, please feel free to do the same.
Who cares who he supports and doesn't support! He doesn't like AJ and likes Trump. Does it change a damn thing? AJ wasn't found guilty by a Jury of his peers. Trump was elected president and is now running again for President. Why do you have to interject with your crap. Just leave the person alone. so what if he's a hypocrite. I don't agree with him, but you have in the past jumped on stuff when it really didn't need to be said. It doesn't make you look smart or intelligent, it makes you look like an ass.

How about asking him why he thinks AJ doesn't deserve support? Or why Trump needs support? Then take his point of view as his opinion. You'll never change people or their view on things, being the way you are and just attacking.

If you want to spout some crap about me, then you can suck a fart out of an elephant's ass. You've been wrong about me many times. So just stop right there. I don't think or act the way you perceive me as being. I'm just sick of you attacking everyone and then putting them in some class of people like they were a leper.
Very true - exactly the same as being found "guilty" by a biased jury/judge with an agenda. Not seeing that could possibly be the case is also being a hypocrite. It's just being on the other side of an opinion.
"Found guilty by a judge / jury with an agenda". Gosh, who might you be making really weak, third grade excuses for their being accused, charged, found guilty/liable, and fined for sexual abuse? As our legal system is charged to do. But I guess if you don't like the verdict, just make something up that the jury was biased. 😂 It's the only excuse and defense for the indefensible and guilty.
"Found guilty by a judge / jury with an agenda". Gosh, who might you be making really weak, third grade excuses for their being accused, charged, found guilty/liable, and fined for sexual abuse? As our legal system is charged to do. But I guess if you don't like the verdict, just make something up that they were biased. 😂 It's the only excuse and defense for the indefensible and guilty.
Sadly, it is often the only argument for the wrongly convicted as well. Now, Trump may very well not fit into that category, but there absolutely are plenty of wrongly convicted for whom that argument applies…
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"Found guilty by a judge / jury with an agenda". Gosh, who might you be making really weak, third grade excuses for their being accused, charged, found guilty/liable, and fined for sexual abuse? As our legal system is charged to do. But I guess if you don't like the verdict, just make something up that they were biased. 😂 It's the only excuse and defense for the indefensible and guilty.
You do understand I was making a comparison, don't you? Since I was not in the courtroom and neither were you. And if you don't think our legal system can get it wrong once in a while or maybe can even be just a bit corrupt sometimes, then good for you.
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You do understand I was making a comparison, don't you? Since I was not in the courtroom and neither were you. And if you don't think our legal system can get it wrong once in a while or maybe can even be just a bit corrupt sometimes, then good for you.
All we can do is let the legal system take its course. In this case, a jury of peers said liable for sexual abuse. I tend to believe them, as they were in the courtroom, like you said you and I were not, for every minute of every speck of testimony and defense.
And how do you prove that guilt when the court can't? I'm not saying this kid is a choirboy, but we have a legal system for a reason. Without an admittance of guilt or a confession, we are in murky territory. Was there any out-of-court settlement? That could be strong another indicator of guilt.

Like many others, I would be very dubious about recruiting this guy given his terrible reputation and my respect for his former coach (John Smith) who dumped him, but the court of public opinion is notoriously fickle, and sometimes mistaken. Trial by web board is a poor substitute for real justice.
There is a big difference between being found "not guilty" in court and not being tried.

I am sure most of us are "guilty" of something we haven't been convicted of. Hopefully, not sexual assault, but something in our past.

I like AJ-I have had conversations with him for years as he was growing up, coming to OK kids tournaments for competition. Very well spoken, polite. The best thing for him, to shut down all the talk, would have for him to have been found "not guilty" in court. That didn't happen, so...
All we can do is let the legal system take its course. In this case, a jury of peers said liable for sexual abuse. I tend to believe them, as they were in the courtroom, like you said you and I were not, for every minute of every speck of testimony and defense.
My point really was that there will be a group that automatically will think a person is guilty, regardless of the facts. Just because of who that person is. They will dig in and not even listen to the possibility that the other side is not being 100% truthful. Ot that ulterior motives are at play. Why, because that would mean all of their original rantings/stances would be invalidiated. You see that every day with our MSM.
Who cares who he supports and doesn't support! He doesn't like AJ and likes Trump. Does it change a damn thing? AJ wasn't found guilty by a Jury of his peers. Trump was elected president and is now running again for President. Why do you have to interject with your crap. Just leave the person alone. so what if he's a hypocrite. I don't agree with him, but you have in the past jumped on stuff when it really didn't need to be said. It doesn't make you look smart or intelligent, it makes you look like an ass.

How about asking him why he thinks AJ doesn't deserve support? Or why Trump needs support? Then take his point of view as his opinion. You'll never change people or their view on things, being the way you are and just attacking.

If you want to spout some crap about me, then you can suck a fart out of an elephant's ass. You've been wrong about me many times. So just stop right there. I don't think or act the way you perceive me as being. I'm just sick of you attacking everyone and then putting them in some class of people like they were a leper.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. Bet it felt good to get that off your chest. I have no idea who you are btw. Guessing you're the guy who cried about the forum being overrun with politics while you yourself haven't posted a single thing regarding wrestling to this forum.

It's amazing how many of you come out of the woodwork to complain about a hypocritical statement being picked apart. If my posting triggers you, block me.
My point really was that there will be a group that automatically will think a person is guilty, regardless of the facts. Just because of who that person is. They will dig in and not even listen to the possibility that the other side is not being 100% truthful. Ot that ulterior motives are at play. Why, because that would mean all of their original rantings/stances would be invalidiated. You see that every day with our MSM.

How about this:

"My point really was that there will be a group that automatically will think a person is not guilty, regardless of the facts. Just because of who that person is. They will dig in and not even listen to the possibility that the other side is not being 100% truthful. Ot that ulterior motives are at play. Why, because that would mean all of their original rantings/stances would be invalidiated. You see that every day with our MSM."
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There is a big difference between being found "not guilty" in court and not being tried.

I am sure most of us are "guilty" of something we haven't been convicted of. Hopefully, not sexual assault, but something in our past.

I like AJ-I have had conversations with him for years as he was growing up, coming to OK kids tournaments for competition. Very well spoken, polite. The best thing for him, to shut down all the talk, would have for him to have been found "not guilty" in court. That didn't happen, so...
Curious as to what degree alcohol plays a part in his "actions" and if that has been addressed? There are plenty of rational people out there who become raging douchebags when they drink.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. Bet it felt good to get that off your chest. I have no idea who you are btw. Guessing you're the guy who cried about the forum being overrun with politics while you yourself haven't posted a single thing regarding wrestling to this forum.

It's amazing how many of you come out of the woodwork to complain about a hypocritical statement being picked apart. If my posting triggers you, block me.
Nope it didn't. I never had it on my chest. But thanks for stating it.

You are right. I haven't posted anything about wrestling. I've read it for years as a no subscriber, It's the off season and not much happening and no topics I have an opinion on either. Once the season starts maybe I'll jump in. And yes, I came out of the woodwork because I'm so damn sick of people pushing their damn agenda off on everyone in a damn wrestling, football, basketball, etc. forum. You're one of the worst at it. You have been for years. You're not interested in one damn thing but to spout your views onto everyone and blast them with crap if they don't see things your way.

I won't block you, that'd way too easy of an out for you. Nope, I'm staying right here and going to post every time you shoot your mouth off with garbage. You're an internet bully and in real life couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag.

BTY, I didn't cry, I jumped on and told you to take it somewhere else.
Nope it didn't. I never had it on my chest. But thanks for stating it.

You are right. I haven't posted anything about wrestling. I've read it for years as a no subscriber, It's the off season and not much happening and no topics I have an opinion on either. Once the season starts maybe I'll jump in. And yes, I came out of the woodwork because I'm so damn sick of people pushing their damn agenda off on everyone in a damn wrestling, football, basketball, etc. forum. You're one of the worst at it. You have been for years. You're not interested in one damn thing but to spout your views onto everyone and blast them with crap if they don't see things your way.

I won't block you, that'd way too easy of an out for you. Nope, I'm staying right here and going to post every time you shoot your mouth off with garbage. You're an internet bully and in real life couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag.

BTY, I didn't cry, I jumped on and told you to take it somewhere else.

I wasn't pushing an agenda. I was calling out blatant hypocrisy and I'll continue to do so despite your petulant raging.
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Curious as to what degree alcohol plays a part in his "actions" and if that has been addressed? There are plenty of rational people out there who become raging douchebags when they drink.
know a few of those. The wreck, none. The girls, probably more than a little, but no personal knowledge. From what I have seen, there hasn't been a change. Hopefully, for his sake, it has been, is being, or will be.
I wasn't pushing an agenda. I was calling out blatant hypocrisy and I'll continue to do so despite your petulant raging.
It's only hypocrital to you, and some others, because you refuse to accept the fact that part of your equation may not be all that you believe it is. Maybe others don't see it that way? It's not being hypocrital because you may have a different opinion about an issue or an outcome. But it was decided in a court of law - blah, blah, blah. OJ was also found not guilty in a court of law.
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I just went to a wedding where the groom was from California and he moved to Iowa, loves it, and married a girl from Iowa. His friends who came to the wedding were blown away that people actually waved to each other. They thought it was all just made up in the movies. They were stunned at how friendly everyone was. Is that low or high EQ from the Iowans? :)
I have been to 37 states, and Iowans are some of the friendliest people in the country. Waving all over the place, would give you the shirt of their back. I have lots of stories about this. How do we reconcile that with the cesspool?
I wasn't pushing an agenda. I was calling out blatant hypocrisy and I'll continue to do so despite your petulant raging.
Call it whatever you want, but you've been pushing your agenda for a while. You only react to other people's post and question they're point of view, while never putting anything out about your own. Only what other people say. That's called being a keyboard warrior.
It's only hypocrital to you, and some others, because you refuse to accept the fact that part of your equation may not be all that you believe it is. Maybe others don't see it that way? It's not being hypocrital because you may have a different opinion about an issue or an outcome. But it was decided in a court of law - blah, blah, blah. OJ was also found not guilty in a court of law.

Absolute nonsense.
Call it whatever you want, but you've been pushing your agenda for a while. You only react to other people's post and question they're point of view, while never putting anything out about your own. Only what other people say. That's called being a keyboard warrior.

Ok, cool.